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Τομέας Ηλεκτρονικής & Υπολογιστών |
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2ος όροφος Α΄ Κτίριο Φυσικής |
Διεύθυνση: |
Τηλέφωνο: |
+30 2610 996794 |
Email: |
fakis@upatras.gr |
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Τρίτη 13.00-14.00, Τετάρτη 11.00-13.00 |
Μαθήματα ΜΠΣ
Σύντομο Βιογραφικό
Name: Mihalis Fakis
Date of Birth: 22 January 1976
Place of Birth: Athens, Greece
Father of two children
Work Address: Department of Physics, University of Patras, 26504, Patras, Greece
Tel: 0030 2610996794, 2610997488
Fax: 0030 2610997470
Email: fakis@upatras.gr
• B.Sc. in Physics, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Patras, Greece (1997)
• M.Sc. in Physics with emphasis in Lasers, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Patras, Greece (1999)
• Ph.D. Department of Physics, Univ. of Patras, Greece (2004) Thesis Title: “Study of laser action and excited state dynamics of novel conjugated polymers” (Scholarship from the Hellenic Scholarships Foundation)
Foreign Languages
• English
• French
Employment (research and teaching posts)
• Professor in Department of Physics, University of Patras, Greece (since January 2025)
• Associate Professor in Department of Physics, University of Patras, Greece (since September 2020)
• Assistant Professor in Department of Physics, University of Patras, Greece (since December 2014)
• Lecturer in Department of Physics, University of Patras, Greece (January 2011 – December 2014)
• 2005-2010: Post-doc researcher, Laser Laboratory, Dept of Physics University of Patras, Greece
• 2006-2010: Teaching Staff, Technical Institute of Patras (courses: General Physics, Optical Physics)
• July 2006-September 2006: Member of Technical Staff, Raycap Company, Maroussi Greece • 2000-2004: PhD student
• 1997-1999: MSc student
Research Interests
• Ultrafast Lasers, Time Resolved Spectroscopy, Optical properties and ultrafast phenomena: (charge transfer dynamics, energy transfer dynamics, solvation dynamics , vibronic relaxation, rotations etc.)
• Multiphoton Absorption, Nonlinear Optics: (Two-photon excited fluorescence, Two-photon microfabrication and data storage, z-scan)
• Development of polymer and dye lasers based on optical pumping
• Optoelectronics (Fiber lasers , Fiber Bragg Gratings, Optical Fiber Sensors)
Teaching in the Dept. of Physics Undergraduate Program
- Thermodynamics – Waves – Optics, 2014-today, second semester
- Laboratory Physics II, 2011-2018, second semester
- Laboratory Physics III, 2012- today, third semester
- Principles of Lasers, 2012-2015, seventh semester
- Laboratory exercises in Lasers, 2012-today, seventh semester
- Applied Optics, 2016- today, seventh semester
- Applications of Lasers, 2013-today, eight semester
- Laboratory Physics for Biologists, 2012-2014, first semester
Post-graduate Program
- Characterization of materials, Laboratory, 2014-today, 1st or 3rd semester.
- Special Topics in Optics, 2017-today, 1st or 3rd semester.
Scientific visits
• June 2013 Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Geneva, Switzerland, Group of Eric Vauthey (One month work in ultrafast spectroscopy, Funding by the Swiss National Science Foundation)
• 10-12 September 2013 Picoquant Company, Berlin, Germany (training in Time Correlated Single Photon Counting Systems)
• June 2016 Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Geneva, Switzerland, Group of Eric Vauthey
• 24/11/2019-30/11/2019 Department of Physics, University of Konstanz, Germany, Group of Lucas Schmidt Mende (ultrafast spectroscopy in perovskites).
• June 2022 Department of Physics, Polytechnico di Milano, Italy, Group of Giulio Cerullo
• September 2023 Department of Physics, Polytechnico di Milano, Italy, Group of Giulio Cerullo
• September 2024 Department of Physics, Polytechnico di Milano, Italy, Group of Giulio Cerullo
Invited Talks
• Invited talk in the Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences, Foundation of Research & Technology, Hellas, July 2011 (Lecture title: “Spectroscopy and applications using femtosecond laser pulses”)
Reviewer in the following scientific journals: Synthetic Metals (1), Spectroscopy Letters (1), Dyes and Pigments (11), Journal of Physical Chemistry A, B, C (12), The open spectroscopy Journal (1), Journal of Luminescence (3), Materials Science and Engineering B (2), Thin Solid Films (1), Journal of Nanophotonics (1), Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A:Chemistry (3), Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy (1), Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (10), Inorganic Chemistry (1), Applied Physics B (1), Journal of Molecular Structure (1 ), Chemical Physics Letters (1), Journal of Spectroscopy (1), Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials (1), Langmuir (1), BioMed Research International (1), Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (3), Heliyon (2 ), RSC Advances (2), Molecules (2), Polymer (1), Chemistry Select (1), Optics Express (1), Applied Sciences (1), ACS Applied Energy Materials (1), Optics and Laser Technology (1 ), Sensors and Actuators A (1), The Chemical Record (1), J. Mater. Chem. A (1), Materials (2), Nanomaterials (1), J. Mater. Chem. C (1), ACS Omega (1).
External reviewer for the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) PTDC/QEQ-QFI/0799/2012 PTDC/QEQ-QFI/1542/2012
External reviewer for the Technical Institute of Athens Internal Research Funding Program 2015
Previous Collaborations :
- Department of Chemistry, University of Patras (J. Mikroyiannidis, Prof.)
- National Hellenic Research Foundation (G. Mousdis, Senior Researcher)
- Department of Chemistry, University of Patras (T. Christopoulos, Professor)
Current collaborations:
- Department of Physics, Polytechnico di Milano, Italy (G. Cerullo, Professor).
- Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Geneva, Switzerland (E. Vauthey, Professor).
- Institut für Chemie, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany / Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia (Dr. Peter Hrobarik)
- Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (Jiann T’suen Lin, Professor)
- Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic (Assoc. Prof. Filip Bures)
- Department of Physics, University of Konstanz, Germany (Lucas Schmidt Mende, Professor)
- University of Rennes, Institut des Sciences Chmiques de Renns, France (Sylvain Achelle, Assoc. Professor)
- Izmir Katip Celebi University, Department of Material Science and Engineering, Izmir, Turkey (Dr. S. Demic)
- Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Peloponnese (E. Stathatos, Professor)
- NCSR Demokritos, Athens Greece (Dr. G. Pistolis)
- NCSR Demokritos, Athens Greece (Dr. M. Vasilopoulou)
- Hellenic State Scholarships Foundation, IKY (1998-2002)
- PYTHAGORAS I (2005-2006)
- PEP WESTERN GREECE (2006-2008)
- Swiss National Science Foundation (June 2013)
- ARISTEIA II (2014-2015)
- KARATHEODORIS 2013 (2014-2017)
- IKYDA (2017-2019)
- LaserLab Europe
- Supervisor in 29 undergraduate theses.
- Supervisor in 12 M.Sc. theses.
- Supervisor in 2 Ph.D. theses.
Journals: 90
Chapters in Books: 2
International Conferences: 38
National Conferences: 20
Citations (excluding self citations): ~1850
h-index: 25 (without self citations, Scopus)
- M. Fakis, J. Polyzos, G. Tsigaridas, J. Parthenios, A. Fragos, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis and J. Mikroyannidis,, Novel class of pyrylium dyes with efficiency in lasing and two photon absorption fluorescence , Chemical Physics Letters, 323, 111-116 , 2000
- I Polyzos, G. Tsigaridas, M. Fakis, J. Parthenios, A. Fragos, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis and J. Mikroyannidis, Examination of spatial distribution of dyes and polymers in thin films through two photon microscopy , Chemical Monthly, 132, 169-175 , 2001
- M. Fakis, G. Tsigaridas, I. Polyzos, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, I. Spiliopoulos and J. Mikroyannidis, Intensity dependent nonlinear absorption of pyrylium chromophores , Chemical Physics Letters, 342, 155-161 , 2001
- M. Fakis, I. Polyzos, G. Tsigaridas, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, I. Spiliopoulos and J. Mikroyannidis, Laser action of two novel conjugated polymers in liquid and solid matrix. The effect of aggregates in the spontaneous and stimulated emission , Physical Review B, 65, 195-203 , 2002
- M. Fakis, G. Tsigaridas, I. Polyzos, V. Giannetas and P. Persephonis, Conjugated polymer in isolated and aggregated chain environments studied by amplified spontaneous emission , Physical Review B, 68, 035203 , 2003
- Ι. Polyzos, G. Tsigaridas, M. Fakis, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis and J. Mikroyannidis, Two-photon absorption properties of novel organic materials for three – dimensional optical memories, Chemical Physics Letters ,369, 264-268, 2003
- G. Tsigaridas, M. Fakis, I. Polyzos, P. Persephonis and V. Giannetas, Z-scan analysis for high-order nonlinearities through Gaussian decomposition, Optics Communications, 225, 253-268, 2003
- G.Tsigaridas, M. Fakis, Ι. Polyzos, P. Persephonis and V. Giannetas, Z-scan analysis for near-Gaussian beams through Hermite Gaussian decomposition, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 20, 670-676, 2003
- G. Tsigaridas, M. Fakis, I. Polyzos, P. Persephonis and V. Giannetas, Z-scan technique for elliptic Gaussian beams, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 77, 71-75, 2003
- G. Tsigaridas, M. Fakis, Ι. Polyzos, V. Giannetas and P. Persephonis, Z-scan technique through beam radius measurements, Applied Physics B: Laser and Optics, 76 , 83-86, 2003
- M. Fakis, I. Polyzos, G. Tsigaridas, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, I. Spiliopoulos and J. Mikroyannidis, Dual Amplified Spontaneous Emission and laser action from a model oligo(phenylene vinylene). Comparison with the corresponding polymer, Optical Materials, 27, 503-507, 2004
- M. Fakis, I. Polyzos, G. Tsigaridas, V. Giannetas and P. Persephonis, Excited State dynamics of a partially conjugated polymer studied by femtosecond time resolved upconversion spectroscopy, Chemical Physics Letters 394, 372-376, 2004
- P. Karastatiris, J. Microyannidis, I. Spiliopoulos, M. Fakis and P. Persephonis, Luminescent poly(phenylene vinylene) derivatives with m-terphenyl or 2,6-diphenylpyridine kinked segments along the main chain: Synthesis, characterization and stimulated emission, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 42, 2214-2224, 2004
- G. Tsigaridas, A. Fragos, I. Polyzos, M. Fakis, A. Ioannou, V. Giannetas, and P. Persephonis, Evolution of near-soliton initial profiles in nonlinear wave equations through their Backlund transforms, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 23, 1841-1854, 2005
- D. Anestopulos, M. Fakis, G. Tsigaridas, I. Polyzos, P. Persephonis and V. Giannetas, Study of the isotropic and anisotropic fluorescence of two oligothiophenes by femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 109, 9476-9481, 2005
- I. Polyzos, G. Tsigaridas, M. Fakis, V. Giannetas and P. Persephonis, Three Photon Induced Photobleaching in a 3-D Memory Material, Optics Letters 30, 2654-2656, 2005
- D. Anestopoulos, M. Fakis, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis and J. Mikroyannidis, Excitation Energy transfer in a water-soluble conjugated co-polymer studied through time resolved anisotropy and fluorescence dynamics, Chemical Physics Letters 421, 205–209, 2006
- M. Fakis, D. Anestopoulos, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis and J. Mikroyannidis, Femtosecond time resolved fluorescence dynamics of a cationic water-soluble poly(fluorenevinylene-co-phenylenevinylene), Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, 12926-12931, 2006
- M. Fakis, D. Anestopoulos, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, Influence of aggregates and solvent aromaticity on the emission of conjugated polymers, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, 24897-24902, 2006
- I. Polyzos, G. Tsigaridas, M. Fakis, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis and J. Mikroyannidis, Substituent effect on the Photobleaching of Pyrylium salts under ultra-short pulsed illumination, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, 2593-2597, 2006
- I. Fitilis, M. Fakis, I. Polyzos, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, P. Vellis and J. Mikroyannidis, A two-photon absorption study of fluorene and carbazole derivatives. The role of the central core and the solvent polarity, Chemical Physics Letters 447, 300-304, 2007
- D. Anestopoulos, M. Fakis, G. Mousdis, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, Fluorescence and anisotropy dynamics of a –CHO substituted terhiophene, Synthetic Metals 157, 30–34, 2007
- I. Fitilis, M. Fakis, I. Polyzos, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, J. Mikroyannidis, Strong two-photon absorption and photophysical properties of symmetrical chromophores with electron accepting edge substituents, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112, 4742-4748, 2008
- D. Tasis, M. Fakis, J. Mikroyannidis, K. Papagelis, Carbon Nanotube-Fluorenevinylene Hybrids: Synthesis and Photophysical Properties, Chemical Physics Letters 483, 241 , 2009
- M. Fakis, V. Gianneta, P. Persephonis, V. Giannetas, A.G. Nassiopoulou, Photoluminescence in the blue spectral region from fluorene molecules embedded in porous anodic alumina thin films on silicon, Optical Materials 31, 1184-1188, 2009
- M. Fakis, P. Persephonis, V. Giannetas F. Zacharatos, V. Gianneta and A. G. Nassiopoulou, Photoluminescence properties of fluorenes-porous silicon composites, Materials Science and Engineering B, 252, 2009
- J. Mikroyannidis, M. Fakis, I. Spiliopoulos, Photophysical and electrochemical characterization of new poly-arylenevinylene co-polymers containing quinoline or bis-quinoline segments, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 47, 3370-3379, 2009
- M. Fakis, I. Fitilis, S. Stefanatos, P. Vellis, J. Mikroyannidis, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, Photophysics and two-photon absorption of a series of quadrupolar and tribranched molecules. The role of the edge substituent, Dyes and Pigments 81, 63-68, 2009
- V. Hrobáriková, P. Hrobárik, P. Gajdoš, I. Fitilis, M. Fakis, P. Persephonis and P. Zahradník, Benzothiazole-Based Fluorophores of Donor-pi-Acceptor-pi-Donor Type Displaying High Two-Photon Absorption, Journal of Organic Chemistry 75, 3053, 2010
- I. Fitilis, M. Fakis, J. Polyzos, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, Two-photon polymerization of a diacrylate using fluorene photoinitiators-sensitizers, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem. 215, 25–30, 2010
- . A. Trantakis, M. Fakis, S. S. Tragoulias, T. K. Christopoulos, P. Persephonis, V. Giannetas, P. Ioannou, Ultrafast fluorescence dynamics of Sybr Green I/DNA complexes, Chemical Physics Letters, 485, 187-190, 2010
- M. Fakis, V. Giannetas, and J. Mikroyannidis, Ultrafast solvation and anisotropy dynamics in a new tribranched molecule based on triphenylamine core, Dyes and Pigments 87, 44, 2010
- P. Hrobarik, V. Hrobarikova, I. Sigmundova, P. Zahradnik, M. Fakis, I. Polyzos, P. Persephonis, Benzothiazoles with Tunable Electron-Withdrawing Strength and Reverse Polarity:A Route to Triphenylamine-Based Chromophores with Enhanced Two-Photon Absorption, Journal of Organic Chemistry 76 , 8726–8736, 2011
- M. Fakis, E. Stathatos, G. Tsigaridas, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, Femtosecond Decay and Electron Transfer Dynamics of the Organic Sensitizer D149 and Photovoltaic Performance in Quasi-Solid State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115, 13429-13437 , 2011
- M. Giannouli, M. Fakis, Interfacial electron transfer dynamics and photovoltaic performance of TiO2 and ZnO solar cells sensitized with Coumarin 343 , Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 226 , 42-50, 2011
- M. Fakis, P. Hrobárik, E. Stathatos, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, A time resolved fluorescence and quantum chemical study of the solar cell sensitizer , Dyes and Pigments 96, 304-312, 2013
- M. Fakis, M. Dori, E. Stathatos, Hsien-Hsin Chou, Yung-Sheng Yen, Jiann T’suen Lin, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, Electron injection in TiO2 films and quasi-solid state solar cells sensitized with a dipolar fluorene organic dye , Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 251 , 18–24, 2013
- M. Dori, K. Seintis, E. Stathatos, G. Tsigaridas, T.-Y. Lin, J. T. Lin, M. Fakis, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis , Electron injection studies on TiO2 nanocrystalline films sensitized with fluorene dyes and photovoltaic characterization. The effect of co-adsorption of a bile acid derivative. , Chemical Physics Letters 563, 63–69, 2013
- M. Vasilopoulou, D. G. Georgiadou, A. Soultati, N. Boukos, S. Gardelis, L. C. Palilis, M. Fakis, G. Skoulatakis, S. Kennou, M. Botzakaki, S. Georga, C. A. Krontiras, F. Auras, D. Fattakhova-Rohlfing, T. Bein, T. A. Papadopoulos, D. Davazoglou, P. Argitis , Atomic Layer Deposited Aluminum and Zirconium Oxides for Surface Passivation of TiO2 in High-Efficiency Organic Photovoltaics, Advanced Energy Materials, 1400214, 2014
- Peter Hrobárik, Veronika Hrobáriková, Vladislav Semak, Peter Kasák, Erik Rakovský, Ioannis Polyzos, Mihalis Fakis, Peter Persephonis, Benzobisthiazoles as Building Blocks for Quadrupolar Fluorophores with Large Two-Photon Absorption Cross-Sections, Organic Letters, 16, 6358–6361, 2014
- M. Fakis, P. Hrobárik, O. Yushchenko, I. Sigmundová, M. Koch, A. Rosspeintner, E. Stathatos, E. Vauthey, Excited State and Injection Dynamics of Triphenylamine Sensitizers Containing Benzothiazole Electron-Accepting Group on TiO2 and Al2O3 Thin Films, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118, 28509–28519, 2014
- N. Karakostas, I. M. Mavridis, K. Seintis, M. Fakis, E. N. Koini, I. D. Petsalakis and G. Pistolis, Highly efficient and unidirectional energy transfer within a tightly self-assembled host–guest multichromophoric array, Chemical Communications 50, 1362-1365, 2014
- M. Vasilopoulou, D. G. Georgiadou, A. M. Douvas, A. Soultati, V. Constantoudis, D. Davazoglou, S. Gardelis, L. C. Palilis, M. Fakis, S. Kennou, T. Lazarides, A. G. Coutsolelos and P. Argitis, Porphyrin oriented self-assembled nanostructures for efficient exciton dissociation in highly performing organic photovoltaics, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2, 182, 2014
- A. Soultati, A. M. Douvas, D. G. Georgiadou, L. C. Palilis, J. M. Feckl, S. Gardelis, M. Fakis, S. Kennou, P. Falaras, T. Stergiopoulos, N. A. Stathopoulos, D. Davazoglou, P. Argitis and M. Vasilopoulou, Solution processed hydrogen molybdenum bronzes as highly conductive anode interlayers in efficient organic photovoltaics, Advanced Energy Materials 4, 1300896, 2014
- M. Can, Z. Yigit, D. Karageorgopoulos, K. Seintis, V. Giannetas, S. Demic, M. Fakis and E. Stathatos , Synthesis, electron injection studies and photovoltaic characterization of two triphenylamine based organic sensitizers, Synthetic Metals 188, 77– 85, 2014
- G. Tsigaridas, D. Polyzos, A. Ioannou, M. Fakis and P. Persephonis, Theoretical and experimental study of refractive index sensors based on etched fiber Bragg gratings , Sensors and Actuators A. Physical 209, 9-15, 2014
- N. Karakostas, E. Martinou, A. Kaloudi Chantzea, K. Seintis, H. Oberacher, F. Pitterl, M. Fakis, J. K. Kallitsis and G. Pistolis, Energy Transfer within Self-Assembled Cyclic Multichromophoric Arrays Based on Orthogonally Arranged Donor – Acceptor Building Blocks, Faraday Discussions 185, 433-454, 2015
- D. Cvejn, E. Michail, I. Polyzos, N. Almonasy, O. Pytela, M. Klikar, T. Mikysek, V. Giannetas, M. Fakis and F. Bureš, Modulation of (non)linear optical properties in tripodal molecules by variation of the peripheral cyano acceptor moieties and the π-spacer, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 3 , 7345-7355, 2015
- N. Droseros, K. Seintis, M. Fakis, S. Gardelis and A. Nassiopoulou, Steady state and time resolved photoluminescence properties of CuInS2/ZnS quantum dots in solutions and in solid films, Journal of Luminescence, 167, 333-338, 2015
- An. Margalias, K. Seintis, M.Z. Yigit, M. Can, D. Sygkridou, V. Giannetas, M. Fakis, E. Stathatos, The effect of additional electron donating group on the photophysics and photovoltaic performance of two new metal free D–A sensitizers, Dyes and Pigments, 121, 316-327, 2015
- A. Kaloudi-Chantzea, E. Martinou, K. Seintis, N. Karakostas, P. Giastas, F. Pitterl, H. Oberacher, M. Fakis and G. Pistolis, Formation of a A Highly–Ordered Rigid Multichromophoric 3D Supramolecular Network by Combining Ionic and Coordination – Driven Self – Assembly, Chemical Communications 52, 3388-3391, 2016
- D. Cvejn, E. Michail, K. Seintis, M. Klikar, O. Pytela, T. Mikysek, N. Almonasy, M. Ludwig, V. Giannetas, M. Fakis and F. Bureš, Solvent and branching effect on the two-photon absorption properties of push-pull triphenylamine derivatives, RSC Advances, 6, 12819-12828, 2016
- V. Papamakarios, E. Polydorou, A. Soultati, N. Droseros, D. Tsikritzis, A. Douvas, L. Palilis, M. Fakis, S. Kennou, P. Argitis and M. Vasilopoulou, Surface Modification of ZnO Layers via Hydrogen Plasma Treatment for Efficient Inverted Polymer Solar Cells, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 8, 1194–1205, 2016
- M. Tountas, Y. Topal, M. Kus, M. Ersöz, M. Fakis, M. Vasilopoulou, Water-Soluble Lacunary Polyoxometalates with Excellent Electron Mobilities and Hole Blocking Capabilities for High Efficiency Fluorescence and Phosphorescent Organic Light Emitting Diodes, Advanced Functional Materials, 26, 2655–2665 , 2016
- E. Polydoroua, I. Sakellis, A. Soultati, A. Kaltzoglou, T. A. Papadopoulos, J. Briscoe, D. Tsikritzis, M. Fakis, L. C. Palilis, S. Kennou, P. Argitis, P. Falaras, D. Davazoglou and M. Vasilopoulou, Avoiding ambient air and light induced degradation in high-efficiency polymer solar cells by the use of hydrogen-doped zinc oxide as electron extraction material, Nano Energy 34, 500–514, 2017
- S. Gardelis, M. Fakis, N. Droseros, D. Georgiadou, A. Travlos and A. Nassiopoulou, Energy transfer in aggregated CuInS2/ZnS core-shell quantum dots deposited as solid films, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50, 035107, 2017
- K. Seintis, D. Agathangelou, D. Cvejn, N. Almonasy, F. Bureš, V. Giannetas, M. Fakis, Femtosecond to nanosecond studies of octupolar molecules and their quadrupolar and dipolar analogues, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19, 6485-16497, 2017
- E. Martinou, K. Seintis, N. Karakostas, A. Bletsou, N. Thomaidis, M. Fakis and G. Pistolis, he Dynamics of Intramolecular Energy Hopping in Multi-Bodipy Self – Assembled Metallocyclic Species: A Tool For Probing Subtle Structural Distortions in Solution, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121, 5341–5355, 2017
- E. Polydorou, M. A. Botzakaki, I. Sakellis, A. Soultati, A. Kaltzoglou, T. A. Papadopoulos, J. Briscoe, C. Drivas, K. Seintis, M. Fakis, L. C. Palilis, S. N. Georga, C. A. Krontiras, S. Kennou, P. Falaras, N. Boukos, D. Davazoglou, P. Argitis and M. Vasilopoulou , Improved Stability of Polymer Solar Cells in Ambient Air via Atomic Layer Deposition of Ultrathin Dielectric Layers, Advanced Materials Interfaces 4, 1700231 (1-12), 2017
- M. Tountas, Y. Topal, E. Polydorou, A. Soultati, A. Verykios, A. Kaltzoglou, T. A. Papadopoulos, F. Auras, K. Seintis, M. Fakis, L. C. Palilis, D. Tsikritzis, S. Kennou, M. Koutsoureli, G. Papaioannou, M. Ersöz, M. Kus, P. Falaras, D. Davazoglou, P. Argitis and M. Vasilopoulou, Low Work Function Lacunary Polyoxometalate Electron Transport Interlayers for inverted Polymer Solar Cells of Improved Efficiency and Stability, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 9, 22773–22787, 2017
- M. Tountas, Y. Topal, A. Verykios, A. Soultati, A. Kaltzoglou, T. A. Papadopoulos, F. Auras, K. Seintis, M. Fakis, L. C. Palilis, D. Tsikritzis, S. Kennou, A. Fakharuddin, L. Schmidt-Mende, S. Gardelis, M. Kus, P. Falaras, D. Davazoglou, P. Argitis, M. Vasilopoulou, A silanol-functionalized polyoxometalate with excellent electron transfer mediating behavior to ZnO and TiO2 cathode interlayers for highly efficient and extremely stable polymer solar cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6, 1459-1469, 2018
- M. Fakis, J. S. Beckwith, K. Seintis, E. Martinou, C. Nançoz, N. Karakostas, I. Petsalakis, G. Pistolis, E. Vauthey, Energy Transfer and Charge Separation Dynamics in Photoexcited Pyrene-Bodipy Molecular Dyads, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20, 837-849 , 2018
- A. Verykios, M. Papadakis, A. Soultati, M.-C. Skoulikidou, G. Papaioannou, S. Gardelis, I. D. Petsalakis, G. Theodorakopoulos, V. Petropoulos, L. C. Palilis, M. Fakis, N. A. Vainos, D. Alexandropoulos, D. Davazoglou, G. Pistolis, P. Argitis, A. G. Coutsolelos, M. Vasilopoulou, Functionalized Zinc Porphyrins with Various Peripheral Groups for Interfacial Electron Injection Barrier Control in Organic Light Emitting Diodes, ACS Omega, 3, 10008–10018, 2018
- A. Koutsoubelitis, K. Seintis, D. Tsikritzis, J. Oriou, C. Brochon, E. Cloutet, G. Hadziioannou, M. Vasilopoulou, S. Kennou, M. Fakis, L. C. Palilis, Photophysics, Electronic Structure and Solar Cell Performance of a Donor-Acceptor Poly(N-dodecyl-2,7-carbazole-alt-benzothiadiazole), Organic Electronics 59, 202-212, 2018
- M. Tountas, D. G. Georgiadou, A. Zeniou, K. Seintis, A. Soultati,E. Polydorou, S. Gardelis, A. M. Douvas, T. Speliotis, D. Tsikritzis, S. Kennou, M. Fakis, E. Gogolides, D. Tsoukalas, P. Argitis, M. Vasilopoulou , Plasma induced degradation and surface electronic structure modification of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) films, Polymer Degradation and Stability Polymer Degradation and Stability 149, 162-172, 2018
- K. Seintis, Ç. Şahin, I. Sigmundová, E. Stathatos, P. Hrobárik, M. Fakis, Solvent-Acidity-Driven Change in Photophysics and Significant Efficiency Improvement in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells of a Benzothiazole-Derived Organic Sensitizer, J. Physical Chemistry C 122, 20122−20134, 2018
- M Klikar, K. Seintis, I. Polyzos, O. Pytela, T. Mikysek, N. Almonasy, M. Fakis, F. Bures, Star‐shaped push‐pull molecules with varied number of peripheral acceptors: An insight into their optoelectronic features, ChemPhotoChem, 2, 465-474, 2018
- N. Balis, A. Verykios, A. Soultati, V. Constantoudis, M. Papadakis, F. Kournoutas, C. Drivas,M. C. Skoulikidou, Spyros Gardelis, M. Fakis, S. Kennou, A. G. Kontos, A. G. Coutsolelos, P. Falaras, M. Vasilopoulou, Triazine-Substituted Zinc Porphyrin as an Electron Transport Interfacial Material for Efficiency Enhancement and Degradation Retardation in Planar Perovskite Solar Cells, ACS Applied Energy Materials 1, 3216–3229, 2018
- N. Karakostas, V. S. Petrakis, F. Kournoutas, I. M. Mavridis, E. Martinou, E. Efthimiadou, M. Fakis, G. Pistolis, Cooperative Self-Assembly Enables Two-Dimensional H-type Aggregation of a Sterically Crowded Perylene-Bisimide Dimer, Cryst. Growth Des. 19, 4252-4263, 2019
- A. Soultati, A Fakharuddin, E. Polydorou, C. Drivas, A. Kaltzoglou, M. Irfan Haider, F. Kournoutas, M. Fakis, L. C. Palilis, S. Kennou, D. Davazoglou, P. Falaras, P. Argitis, S. Gardelis, A. Kordatos, A. Chroneos, L. Schmidt-Mende, M. Vasilopoulou, Lithium Doping of ZnO for High Efficiency and Stability Fullerene and Non-fullerene Organic Solar Cells, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2019, 231663-1675, 2019
- A. Soultati, A. Verykios, T. Speliotis, M. Fakis, I. Sakellis, H. Jaouani, D. Davazoglou, P. Argitis, M. Vasilopoulou, Organic solar cells of enhanced efficiency and stability using zinc oxide:zinc tungstate nanocomposite as electron extraction layer, Organic Electronics 71 , 227–237, 2019
- F. Kournoutas, K. Seintis, N. Karakostas, J. Tydlitát, S. Achelle, G. Pistolis, F. Bureš, M. Fakis, Photophysical and Protonation Time Resolved Studies of DonorAcceptor Branched Systems With Pyridine Acceptors, J. Physical Chemistry A 123, 417-428, 2019
- F. Kournoutas, A. Fihey, J.-P. Malval, A. Spangenberg, M. Fecková, P. le Poul, C. Katan, F. Robin-le Guen, F. Bureš, S. Achelle, M. Fakis, Branching effect on the linear and nonlinear optical properties of styrylpyrimidines, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22, 4165-4176, 2020
- K. Seintis, I. Kalis, M. Klikar, F. Bures, M. Fakis, Excitation/detection energy controlled anisotropy dynamics in asymmetrically cyano substituted tri-podal molecule, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22, 16681-16690, 2020
- F. Kournoutas, I. K. Kalis, M. Fecková, S. Achelle, M. Fakis, The effect of protonation on the excited state dynamics of pyrimidine chromophores, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry 391 , 112398, 2020
- K. Tsevas, J. A. Smith, V. Kumar, C. Rodenburg, M. Fakis, A. Rashid bin Mohd Yusoff, M. Vasilopoulou, D. G. Lidzey, M. K. Nazeeruddin, and A. D. F. Dunbar, Controlling PbI2 Stoichiometry during Synthesis to Improve the Performance of Perovskite Photovoltaics, Chemistry of Materials 33, 554–566, 2021
- R. Plaza-Pedroche, D. Georgiou, M. Fakis, A. Fihey, C. Katan, F. Robin-le Guen, S. Achelle, and J. Rodríguez-López, Effect of protonation on the photophysical properties of 4-substituted and 4,7-disubstituted quinazoline push-pull chromophores, Dyes and Pigments 185 , 108948, 2021
- M. Fecková, I. K. Kalis, T. Roisnel, P. le Poul, O. Pytela, M. Klikar, F. Robin-le Guen, F. Bureš, M. Fakis, and S Achelle, Photophysics of 9,9-dimethylacridan substituted phenylstyrylpyrimidines exhibiting long lived intramolecular charge transfer fluorescence and aggregation induced emission characteristics, Chemistry A European Journal 27, 1145-1159, 2021
- J. Nociarova, P. Osusky, E. Rakovsky, D. Georgiou, I. Polyzos, M. Fakis and P. Hrobarik Direct Iodination of Electron-Deficient Benzothiazoles: Rapid Access to Two-Photon Absorbing Fluorophores with Quadrupolar (D–A–D) Architecture and Tunable Heteroaromatic Core, Organic Letters 23, 3460–3465, 2021.
- P. Osusky, J. Nociarova, M. Smolicek, R. Gyepes, D. Georgiou, I. Polyzos, M. Fakis and P. Hrobarik, Oxidative C-H Homocoupling of Push-Pull Benzothiazoles: An Atom-Economical Route To Highly Emissive Quadrupolar Arylamine-Functionalized 2,2′-Bibenzothiazoles with Enhanced Two-Photon Absorption, Organic Letters 23, 5512–5517, 2021.
- A. Verykios, A. Soultati, K. Tourlouki, C. Katsogridakis, C. Chochos, D. Alexandropoulos, V. Vidali, P. Stylianos, K. Yanakopoulou, D. Dimotikali, M. Fakis, L. C. Palilis, N. Stathopoulos, G. Pistolis, P. Skandamis, P. Argitis and M. Vasilopoulou Commercially available chromophores as low-cost efficient electron injection layers for organic light emitting diodes, J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 55, 215106, 2022.
- M. Klikar, D. Georgiou, I. Polyzos, M. Fakis, Z. Růžičková, O. Pytela and F. Bureš, Triphenylamine-based fluorophores bearing peripheral diazine regioisomers. Synthesis, characterization, photophysics and two-photon absorption, Dyes and Pigments 201, 110230, 2022.
- M. Fakis, V. Petropoulos, P. Hrobárik, J. Nociarová, P. Osuský, M. Maiuri and G. Cerullo, Exploring Solvent and Substituent Effects on the Excited State Dynamics and Symmetry Breaking of Quadrupolar Triarylamine End-Capped Benzothiazole Chromophores by Femtosecond Spectroscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 126, 8532–8543, 2022.
- S. Katsiaounis, N. Chourdakis, E. Michail, M. Fakis, I. Polyzos, J. Parthenios and K. Papagelis, Graphene nano-sieves by femtosecond laser irradiation, Nanotechnology 34, 105302, 2023.
- V. Petropoulos, I. Georgoulis, C. Vourdaki, P. Hrobárik, I. Sigmundová, J. Nociarová, M. Maiuri, G. Cerullo and M. Fakis,Ultrafast Photophysics of Regioisomeric Triphenylamine Dyes having Dipolar D-π-A-A and Octupolar D-(π-A-A)3 Character with a Benzothiazole Unit in Matched or Mismatched Orientation ChemPhysChem 24, e202300127, 2023.
- P. Šimon, M. Klikar, Z. Burešová, C. Vourdaki, A. Katsidas, J. Tydlitát, J. Kulhánek, J. Zelenka, M. Fakis, and F. BurešCentripetal triazine chromophores: Towards efficient two-photon absorbers and highly emissive polyimide films Journal of Materials Chemistry C 11, 7252-7261, 2023.
- J. Massue, L. Diarra, I. Georgoulis, A. Fihey, F. Robin-le Guen, G. Ulrich, M. Fakis and S. Achelle Aggregation-Induced Enhanced Emission of a Dimethylacridan Substituted Pyrimidine Derivative ChemPhotoChem 7, e202300085, 2023.
- A. Shahu, V. Petropoulos, E. Saridakis, V. S. Petrakis, N. Ioannidis, G. Mitrikas, A. Schiza, C. L. Chochos, E.-M. Kasimati, A. Soultati, M. Ch. Nika, N. S. Thomaidis, M. Fakis, M. Maiuri, G. Cerullo, G. Pistolis Aggregation-Driven Photoinduced α‑C(sp3)−H Bond Hydroxylation/C(sp3)−C(sp3) Coupling of Boron Dipyrromethene Dye in Water Reported by Near-Infrared Emission Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (2024) 15659
- Jiří Kulhánek, Zuzana Burešová, Milan Klikar, Lampros Sdralias, Alexandros Katsidas, Oldřich Pytela, Patrik Pařík, Aleš Růžička, Mihalis Fakis and Filip Bureš “Synthesis, photophysics and two-photon absorption of imidazole-centred tripodal chromophores” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 26 (2024) 20908-20918
- L. Sdralias, A. Katsidas, I. Polyzos, T. Bonnaud, G. Noirbent, S. Achelle, M. “Two-photon absorption switches based on protonation of pyrimidine derivatives” accepted for publication in ChemPhotoChem.