The Applied Physics Division
- De Backer, H., P. Koepke, A. Bais, X. de Cabo,T. Frei, D. Gillotay, C. Haite, A. Heikkilα, A. Kazantzidis, T. Koskela, E. Kyrφ, B. Lapeta, J. Lorente, K. Masson, B. Mayer, H. Plets, A. Redondas, A. Renaud, G. Schauberger, A. Schmalwieser, H. Schwander and K. Vanicek, Comparison of measured and modelled UV indices for the assessment of health risks, Meteorological Applications, vol. 8, 267-277, 2001
- A. Kazantzidis, D. S. Balis, A. F. Bais, S. Kazadzis, E. Galani, E. Kosmidis and M. Blumthaler, Comparison of model calculations with spectral UV measurements during the SUSPEN campaign: the effect of aerosols, Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 1529-1539, 2001
- A.R.Webb, A.F.Bais, M.Blumthaler, G-P. Gobbi, A.Kylling, R.Schmitt, S.Thiel, F.Barnaba, T. Danielsen, W.Junkermann, A.Kazantzidis, P.Kelly, R.Kift, G.L.Liberti, M.Misslbeck, B.Schallhart, J.Schreder, and C.Topaloglou, Measuring Spectral Actinic Flux and Irradiance: Experimental Results from the Actinic Flux Determination from Measurements of Irradiance (ADMIRA) project, ournal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, vol. 19, 1049-1062, 2002
- A. Kylling, A. R. Webb, A. F. Bais, M. Blumthaler, R. Schmitt, S. Thiel, A. Kazantzidis, R. Kift, M. Misslbeck, B. Schallart, J. Shreder, C. Topaloglou, S. Kazadzis and J. Rimmer, Actinic flux determination from measurements of irradiance, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 108, No D16, 4506, 2003
- D.S. Balis, V. Amiridis, C. Zerefos, E. Gerasopoulos, M. Andreae,P. Zanis, A. Kazantzidis, S. Kazadzis and A. Papayannis, Raman lidar and sunphotometric measurements of aerosol optical properties over Thessaloniki, Greece during biomass burning episode, Atmospheric Enviroment, vol. 37, 4529-4538, 2003
- S. Kazadzis, C. Topaloglou, A.F. Bais, M. Blumthaler, D. Balis, A. Kazantzidis, B. Schallhart,, Actinic flux and O1 photolysis frequencies retrieved from spectral measurements of irradiance at Thessaloniki, Greece , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 4, 2215-2226, 2004
- D. S. Balis, V. Amiridis, C. Zerefos, A. Kazantzidis, S. Kazadzis, A. F. Bais, C. Meleti, A. Papayannis, V. Matthias, and H. Dier, Study of the effect of different type of aerosols on UV-B radiation from measurements during EARLINET, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics., 4, 1-15, 2004
- A.F. Bais, A. Kazantzidis, S. Kazadzis, D. Balis,C. S. Zerefos, C.Meleti, Deriving an effective aerosol single scattering albedo from spectral surface UV irradiance measurements, Atmospheric Environment, vol. 39, 1093-1102, 2005
- Α. Kazantzidis, A.F. Bais, D.S. Balis, E. Kosmidis and C.S. Zerefos, Sensitivity of solar UV radiation to ozone and temperature profiles at Thessaloniki (40.5 N, 23 E), Greece, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol. 67, 1321–1330, 2005
- Α. Kazantzidis, A. F. Bais, J. Grobner, J. R. Herman, S. Kazadzis,1N. Krotkov, E. Kyro, P. N. den Outer, K. Garane, P. Gorts, K. Lakkala, C. Meleti, H. Slaper, R. B. Tax, T. Turunen and C. S. Zerefos, Comparison of satellite-derived UV irradiances with ground-based measurements at four European stations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, D13207, 2006
- K. Garane, A. F. Bais, S. Kazadzis, A. Kazantzidis and C. Meleti, Monitoring of UV spectral irradiance at Thessaloniki (1990–2005): data re-evaluation and quality control, Annales Geophysicae, 24, 1-14, 2006
- Zerefos C.S., V. T. Gerogiannis, D. Balis, S. C. Zerefos, and A. Kazantzidis, Atmospheric effects of volcanic eruptions as seen by famous artists and depicted in their paintings, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 7, 4027-4042, 2007
- A. Kazantzidis, A. F. Bais, C. Emde, S. Kazadzis, and C. S. Zerefos, Attenuation of global ultraviolet and visible irradiance over Greece during the total solar eclipse of 29 March 2006, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 7, 5959-5969, 2007
- Kazadzis S., A. Bais, M. Blumthaler, A. Webb, N. Kouremeti, R. Kift, B. Schallhart and A. Kazantzidis, Effects of total solar eclipse of 29 March 2006 on surface radiation, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 7, 5775-5783, 2007
- U. Feister, J. Junk, M. Woldt, A. Bais, A. Helbig, M. Janouch, W. Josefsson, A. Kazantzidis, A. Lindfors, P. N. den Outer, and H. Slaper, Long-term solar UV radiation reconstructed by ANN modelling with emphasis on spatial characteristics of input data, tmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8, 3107-3118, 2008
- S. Kazadzis, N. Kouremeti, A.F. Bais, A. Kazantzidis, Aerosol forcing efficiency in the UVA region from spectral solar irradiance measurements at an urban environment, Annales Geophysicae, 27, 2515-2522, 2009
- A. Kazantzidis, A. F. Bais, M.M. Zempila, S. Kazadzis, P.N. den Outer, T. Koskela and H. Slaper, Calculations of the human vitamin D exposure from UV spectral measurements at three European stations, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 8, 45-51, 2009
- K. Tourpali, A. F. Bais, A. Kazantzidis, C. S. Zerefos, H. Akiyoshi, J. Austin, C. Bruhl, N. Butchart, M. P. Chipperfield, M. Dameris, M. Deushi, V. Eyring, M. A. Giorgetta, D. E. Kinnison, E. Mancini, D. R. Marsh, T. Nagashima, G. Pitari, D. A. Plummer, E. Rozanov, K. Shibata, and W. Tian, Clear sky UV simulations in the 21st century based on ozone and temperature projections from Chemistry-Climate Models, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics., 9, 1165-1172, 2009
- A. Kazantzidis, A. F. Bais, M.M. Zempila, C. Meleti, K. Eleftheratos, C.S. Zerefos, Evaluation of ozone column measurements over Greece with NILU-UV multi-channel radiometers, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30, 4273-4281, 2009
- S. Kazadzis, A.F. Bais, D. Balis, N. Kouremeti, M.M. Zempila, A. Arola, E. Giannakaki, V. Amiridis, A. Kazantzidis, Spatial and temporal UV irradiance and aerosol variability within the area of an OMI satellite pixel, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9, 4593-4601, 2009
- den Outer, P. N., Slaper, H., Kaurola, J., Lindfors, A., Kazantzidis, A., Bais, A. F., Feister, U., Junk, J., Janouch, M., Josefsson, W., Reconstructing of erythemal radiation levels in Europe for the last 4 decades, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D10102, 2010
- A. Kazantzidis, K. Tourpali, A. F. Bais, Variability of cloud-free ultraviolet dose rates on global scale due to modeled scenarios of future ozone recovery, Photochemistry and Photobiology, 86(1), 117-122, 2010
- A. Kazantzidis, K. Eleftheratos, C.S. Zerefos, Effects of cirrus cloudiness on solar irradiance in four spectral bands, Atmospheric Research, 102, 452–459, 2011
- A. F. Bais, K. Tourpali, A. Kazantzidis, H. Akiyoshi, S. Bekki, P. Braesicke, M. P. Chipperfield, M. Dameris, V. Eyring, H. Garny, D. Iachetti, P. Jöckel, A. Kubin, U. Langematz, E. Mancini, M. Michou, O. Morgenstern, T. Nakamura, P. A. Newman, G. Pitari, D. A. Plummer, E. Rozanov, T. G. Shepherd, K. Shibata, W. Tian, and Y. Yamashita, Projections of UV radiation changes in the 21st century: impact of ozone recovery and cloud effects, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 7533–7545, 2011
- A. Kazantzidis, P. Tzoumanikas, A.F. Bais. S. Fotopoulos, G. Economou, Cloud detection and classification with the use of whole-sky ground-based images, Atmospheric Research, 113, 80-88, 2012
- E. Nikitidou and A. Kazantzidis, On the differences of ultraviolet and visible irradiance calculations in the Mediterranean basin due to model- and satellite-derived climatologies of aerosol optical properties, International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.3638, 2012
- A. Zagouras, A. Kazantzidis, E. Nikitidou, A.A. Argiriou, Determination of measuring sites of solar irradiance, based on cluster analysis of satellite-derived cloud estimations, Solar Energy, 97, 1-11, 2013
- A. van Dijk, H. Slaper. P.N. den Outer, O. Morgensten, P. Braesicke, J.A. Pyle, H. Garny, A. Stenke, M. Dameris, A. Kazantzidis, K. Tourpali, A.F. Bais, , Skin cancer risks avoided by the Montreal Protocol-worldwide modeling integrating coupled climate-chemistry models with a risk model for UV, Photochemistry and Photobiology, 89, 234-246, 2013
- E. Nikitidou, A. Kazantzidis, V. De Bock, H. De Backer, The aerosol forcing efficiency in the UV region and the estimation of single scattering albedo at a typical West European site, Atmospheric Environment, 69, 313-320, 2013
- L. Vuilleumier, M. Hauser, C. Félix, F. Vignola, P. Blanc, A. Kazantzidis, B. Calpini, Accuracy of ground surface broadband shortwave radiation monitoring, Journal of Geophysical Research, 10.1002/2014JD022335, 2014
- M.C. Kotti, A.A. Argiriou, A. Kazantzidis, Estimation of direct normal irradiance from measured global and corrected diffuse horizontal irradiance, Energy, 70, 382-392, 2014
- 30. Further evidence of important environmental information content in red-to-green ratios as depicted in paintings by great masters, Further evidence of important environmental information content in red-to-green ratios as depicted in paintings by great masters, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 2987-3-15, 2014
- E. Nikitidou, A. Kazantzidis, V. Salamalikis, The aerosol effect on direct normal irradiance in Europe under clear skies, Renewable Energy, 68, 475-484, 2014
- A. Kazantzidis, A. Smedley, R. Kift, J. Rimmer, J.L. Berry, L.E. Rhodes, A.R. Webb, A modelling approach to determine how much UV radiation is available across UK and Ireland for health risk and benefit studies, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 14, 1073-1081, 2015
- K. D. Cashman, A. Kazantzidis, A.R. Webb, and M. Kiely, An Integrated Predictive Model of Population Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D for Application in Strategy Development for Vitamin D Deficiency Prevention, The Journal of Nutrition, doi: 10.3945/jn.115.217968, 2015
- S. Wacker, J. Groebner, C. Zysset, L. Diener, P. Tzoumanikas, A. Kazantzidis, L. Vuilleumier, R. Stockli, S. Nyeki, N. Kampfe, Cloud observations in Switzerland using hemispherical sky cameras, Journal of Geophysical Research, 120(2), 695-707, 2015
- E. Nikitidou, A. Kazantzidis, P.Tzoumanikas, V. Salamalikis, A.F. Bais, Retrieval of surface solar irradiance, based on satellite-derived cloud information, in Greece, Energy, 90, 776-783, 2015
- E. Proestakis, S. Kazadzis, K. Lagouvardos, V. Kotroni, A. Kazantzidis, 40. Lightning activities and aerosols in the Mediterranean region, Atmospheric Research, 170, 66-75, 2016
- P. Tzoumanikas, E. Nikitidou, A.F. Bais, A. Kazantzidis, 41. The effect of clouds on surface solar irradiance, based on data from an all-sky imaging system, Renewable Energy, 95, 314-322, 2016
- I. Kioutsioukis, A. de Meij, H. Jakobs, E. Katragkou, J.F. Vinuesa, A. Kazantzidis, High resolution WRF ensemble forecasting for irrigation: multi-variable evaluation, Atmospheric Research, 167, 156-174, 2016
- M.M. Zempila, T.M. Giannaros, A.F. Bais, D. Melas. A. Kazantzidis, Εvaluation of WRF shortwave radiation parameterizations in predicting Global Horizontal Irradiance in Greece, Renewable Energy, 86, 831-840, 2016
- Kollas N, Gewehr S, Kioutsioukis I, Empirical dynamic modelling and enhanced causal analysis of short-length Culex abundance timeseries with vector correlation metrics, Scientific Reports, 14, 3597,, 2024
- Siouti E, Skyllakou K, Kioutsioukis I, Patoulias D, Apostolopoulos ID, Fouskas G, Pandis SN. Prediction of the Concentration and Source Contributions of PM2.5 and Gas-Phase Pollutants in an Urban Area with the SmartAQ Forecasting System, Atmosphere, 15(1):8,, 2024
- Vasilakopoulou C, Matrali A, Skyllakou K, Georgopoulou M, Aktypis A, Florou K, Kaltsonoudis C, Siouti E, Kostenidou E, Blaziak A, Nenes A, Papagiannis S, Eleftheriadis K, Patoulias D, Kioutsioukis I, Pandis S, Rapid transformation of wildfire emissions to harmful background aerosol, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6, 218,, 2023
- Ferraccioli F, Riccetti N, Fasano A, Mourelatos S, Kioutsioukis I, Stilianakis N, Effects of climatic and environmental factors on mosquito population inferred from West Nile virus surveillance in Greece, Scientific Reports, 13, 18803,, 2023
- Pappa A, Siouti S, Pandis SN, Kioutsioukis I, High-resolution WRF forecasts in the SmartAQ system: Evaluation of the meteorological forcing used for PMCAMx predictions in an urban area, Atmospheric Research, 296, 107041,, 2023
- Siouti E, Kilafis K, Kioutsioukis I, Pandis SN, Simulation of the influence of residential biomass burning on air quality in an urban area, Atmospheric Environment, 309, 119897,, 2023
- Pappa A, Theodoropoulos I, Galmarini S, Kioutsioukis I, Analog versus multi-model ensemble forecasting: A comparison for renewable energy resources, Renewable Energy, 205, 563-573,, 2023
- Dinkelacker BT, Garcia Rivera P, Kioutsioukis I, Adams PJ, Pandis SN, Evaluation of high-resolution predictions of fine particulate matter and its composition in an urban area using PMCAMx-v2.0, Geoscientific Model Development, 15, 8899–8912,, 2022
- Fasano A, Riccetti N, Angelou A, Gomez‐Ramirez J, Ferraccioli F, Kioutsioukis I, Stilianakis NI, An epidemiological model for mosquito host selection and temperature-dependent transmission of West Nile virus, Scientific Reports, 12, 19946, 2022
- Markantonis I, Vlachogiannis D, Sfetsos A, Kioutsioukis I, Investigation of the extreme wet–cold compound events changes between 2025–2049 and 1980–2004 using regional simulations in Greece, Earth System Dynamics, 13, 1491–1504, 2022
- Siouti E, Skyllakou K, Kioutsioukis I, Patoulias D, Fouskas G, Pandis SN, Development and Application of the SmartAQ High-Resolution Air Quality and Source Apportionment Forecasting System for European Urban Areas, Atmosphere, 13, 1693, 2022
- Rivera PG, Dinkelacker B, Kioutsioukis I, Adams PJ, Pandis SN, Source-Resolved Variability of Fine Particulate Matter and Human Exposure in an Urban Area, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22, 2011-2027, 2022
- Skyllakou K, Rivera PG, Dinkelacker B, Karnezi E, Kioutsioukis I, Hernandez C, Adams PJ, Pandis SN, Changes in PM2.5 concentrations and their sources in the US from 1990 to 2010, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 17115–17132, 2021
- Galmarini S, Makar P, Clifton OE, Hogrefe C, Bash JO, Bellasio R, Bianconi R, Bieser J, Butler T, Ducker J, Flemming J, Hodzic A, Holmes CD, Kioutsioukis I, Kranenburg R, Lupascu A, Perez-Camanyo JL, Pleim J, Ryu Y-H, San Jose R, Schwede D, Silva S, Wolke R, Technical note: AQMEII4 Activity 1: Evaluation of wet and dry deposition schemes as an integral part of regional-scale air quality models, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 15663-15697, 2021
- Angelou A, Kioutsioukis I, Stilianakis N, A climate-dependent spatial epidemiological model for the transmission risk of West Nile virus at local scale, One Health, 13: 100330, 2021
- Siouti E, Skyllakou K, Kioutsioukis I, Ciarelli G, Pandis S, Simulation of the cooking organic aerosol concentration variability in an urban area, Atmospheric Environment, 265: 118710, 2021
- Pappa A, Kioutsioukis I, Forecasting Particulate Pollution in an Urban Area: From Copernicus to Sub-Km Scale, Atmosphere, 12: 881, 2021
- Roukounakis N, Katsanos D, Briole P, Elias P, Kioutsioukis I, Argiriou A, Retalis A, Use of GNSS Tropospheric Delay Measurements for the Parameterization and Validation of WRF High-Resolution Re-Analysis over the Western Gulf of Corinth, Greece: The PaTrop Experiment, Remote Sensing, 13: 1898, 2021
- Roukounakis N, Elias P, Briole P, Katsanos D, Kioutsioukis I, Argiriou A, Retalis A, Tropospheric correction of Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar interferograms using a high-resolution weather model validated by GNSS measurements, Remote Sensing, 13: 2258, 2021
- Solomou ES, Pappa A, Kioutsioukis I, Poupkou A, Liora N, Kontos S, Giannaros C, Melas D, Analog Ensemble technique to post-process WRF-CAMx ozone and particulate matter forecasts, Atmospheric Environment, 256: 118439, 2021
- Kioutsioukis I, Stilianakis N, On the Transmission Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in a Temperate Climate, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18: 1660, 2021
- Kioutsioukis I, Stilianakis N, Assessment of West Nile virus transmission risk from a weather-dependent epidemiological model and a global sensitivity analysis framework, Acta Tropica, 193: 129-141, 2019
- Parselia E, Kontoes C, Tsouni A, Hadjichristodoulou C, Kioutsioukis I, Magiorkinis G, Stilianakis N, Satellite Earth Observation data in epidemiological modeling of malaria, dengue and West Nile Virus: A scoping review, Remote Sensing, 11, 1862, 2019
- Im U, Brandt J, Geels C, Hansen KM, Christensen JH, Andersen MS, Solazzo E, Kioutsioukis I, Alyuz U, Balzarini A, Baro R, Bellasio R, Bianconi R, Bieser J, Colette A, Curci G, Farrow A, Flemming J, Fraser A, Jimenez-Guerrero P, Kitwiroon N, Liang CK, Nopmongcol U, Pirovano G, Pozzoli L, Prank M, Rose R, Sokhi R, Tuccella P, Unal A, Vivanco MG, West J, Yarwood G, Hogrefe C, Galmarini S, Assessment and economic valuation of air pollution impacts on human health over Europe and the United States as calculated by a multi-model ensemble in the framework of AQMEII3, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18: 5967-5989, 2018
- Astitha M, Kioutsioukis I, Fisseha GA, Bianconi R, Bieser J, Christensen JH, Cooper OR, Galmarini S, Hogrefe C, Im U, Johnson B, Liu P, Nopmongcol U, Petropavlovskikh I, Solazzo E, Tarasick DW, and Yarwood G, Seasonal ozone vertical profiles over North America using the AQMEII3 group of air quality models: model inter-comparison and stratospheric intrusions, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18: 13925-13945, 2018
- Galmarini S, Kioutsioukis I, Solazzo E, Alyuz U, Balzarini A, Bellasio R, Benedictow AMK, Bianconi R, Bieser J, Brandt J, Christensen JH, Colette A, Curci G, Davila Y, Dong X, Flemming J, Francis X, Fraser A, Fu J, Henze DK, Hogrefe C, Im U, Garcia Vivanco M, Jiménez-Guerrero P, Jonson JE, Kitwiroon N, Manders A, Mathur R, Palacios-Peña L, Pirovano G, Pozzoli L, Prank M, Schultz M, Sokhi RS, Sudo K, Tuccella P, Takemura T, Sekiya T and Unal A, Two-scale multi-model ensemble: is a hybrid ensemble of opportunity telling us more?, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18: 8727-8744, 2018
- Kioutsioukis Ι, de Meij Α, Jakobs Η, Katragkou Ε, Vinuesa J-F, Kazantzidis A, High resolution WRF ensemble forecasting for irrigation: Multi-variable evaluation, Atmospheric Research, 167: 156-174, 2016
- Kioutsioukis I, Im U, Solazzo E, Bianconi R, Badia A, Balzarini A, Baró R, Bellasio R, Brunner D, Chemel C, Curci G, Van Der Gon HD, Flemming J, Forkel R, Giordano L, Jiménez-Guerrero P, Hirtl M, Jorba O, Manders-Groot A, Neal L, Pérez JL, Pirovano G, San Jose R, Savage N, Schroder W, Sokhi RS, Syrakov D, Tuccella P, Werhahn J, Wolke R, Hogrefe C, Galmarini S, Insights into the deterministic skill of air quality ensembles from the analysis of AQMEII data, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16: 15629-15652, 2016
- Im U, Bianconi R, Solazzo E, Kioutsioukis I, Badia A, Balzarini A, Baro R, Bellasio R, Brunner D, Chemel C, Curci G, Flemming J, Forkel R, Giordano L, Jimenez-Guerrero P, Hirtl M, Hodzic A, Honzak L, Jorba O, Knote C, Kuenen J, Makar P, Manders-Groot A, Neal L, Perez J, Pirovano G, Pouliot G, San Jose R, Savage N, Schroder W, Sokhi R, Syrakov D, Torian A, Tuccella P, Werhahn J, Wolke R, Yahya K, Zabkar R, Zhang Y, Zhang J, Hogrefe C, Galmarini S, Evaluation of operational on-line-coupled regional air quality models over Europe and North America in the context of AQMEII phase 2. Part I: Ozone, Atmospheric Environment, 115: 404-420, 2015
- Im U, Bianconi R, Solazzo E, Kioutsioukis I, Badia A, Balzarini A, Baro R, Bellasio R, Brunner D, Chemel C, Curci G, van der Gon H, Flemming J, Forkel R, Giordano L, Jimenez-Guerrero P, Hirtl M, Hodzic A, Honzak L, Jorba O, Knote C, Makar P, Manders-Groot A, Neal L, Perez J, Pirovano G, Pouliot G, San Jose R, Savage N, Schroder W, Sokhi R, Syrakov D, Torian A, Tuccella P, Wang K, Werhahn J, Wolke R, Zabkar R, Zhang Y, Zhang J, Hogrefe C, Galmarini S, Evaluation of operational online-coupled regional air quality models over Europe and North America in the context of AQMEII phase 2. Part II: Particulate matter, Atmospheric Environment , 115: 421-441, 2015
- Zyrichidou I, Koukouli ME, Balis D, Markakis K, Poupkou A, Katragkou E, Kioutsioukis I, Melas D, Boersma KF, van Roozendael M, Identification of surface NOx emission sources on a regional scale using OMI NO2, Atmospheric Environment, 101: 82-93, 2015
- Kioutsioukis I and Galmarini S, De praeceptis ferentis: good practice in multi-model ensembles, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14: 11791–11815, 2014
- Galmarini S, Kioutsioukis I, Solazzo E, E pluribus unum: ensemble air quality predictions, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13: 7153-7182, 2013
- Zyrichidou I, Koukouli ME, Balis DS, Kioutsioukis I, Poupkou A, Katragkou E, Melas D, Boersma KF, van Roozendael M, Evaluation of high resolution simulated and OMI retrieved tropospheric NO2 column densities over South-Eastern Europe, Atmospheric Research, 122: 55-66, 2013
- Solazzo E, Riccio A, Kioutsioukis I, Galmarini S, Pauci ex tanto numero: reducing redundancy in multi-model ensembles, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13: 8315-8333, 2013
- Zyryanov D, Foret G, Eremenko M, Beekmann M, Cammas JP, D’Isidoro M, Elbern H, Flemming J, Friese E, Kioutsioukis I, Maurizi A, Melas D, Meleux F, Menut L, Moinat P, Peuch V-H, Poupkou A, Razinger M, Schultz M, Stein O, Suttie AM, Valdebenito A, Zerefos C, Dufour G, Bergametti G, Flaud J-M, 3-D evaluation of tropospheric ozone simulations by an ensemble of regional Chemistry Transport Model, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12: 3219-3240, 2012
- Kukkonen J, Olsson T, Schultz DM, Baklanov A, Klein T, Miranda AI, Monteiro A, Hirtl M, Tarvainen V, Boy M, Peuch V-H, Poupkou A, Kioutsioukis I, Finardi S, Sofiev M, Sokhi R, Lehtinen K, Karatzas K, San José R, Astitha M, Kallos G, Schaap M, Reimer E, Jakobs H, Eben K, A review of operational, regional-scale, chemical weather forecasting models in Europe, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12: 1-87, 2012
- Ebel A, Melas D, Ganev K, Banja M, Sandu I, Friese E, Giannaros T, Jakobs H, Kioutsioukis I, Markakis K, Memmesheimer M, Miloshev N, Pescaru V, Poupkou A, Assessment of Impacts and Risks of Air Pollution Applying Two Strategies of Numerical Chemistry Transport Modelling, Journal of Environmental Protection, 3: 26-40, 2012z
- Katragkou E, Zanis P, Kioutsioukis I, Tegoulias I, Melas D, Krüger BC, Coppola E, Future climate change impacts on summer surface ozone from regional climate-air quality simulations over Europe, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, D22307, doi:10.1029/2011JD015899, 2011
- Poupkou A, Giannaros T, Markakis K, Kioutsioukis I, Curci G, Melas D, Zerefos C, A model for European Biogenic Volative Organic Compounds Emissions: Software Development and First Validation, Environmental Modelling & Software, 25: 1845-1856, 2010
- Huijnen V, Eskes H, Poupkou A, Elbern H, Boersma K, Foret G, Sofiev M, Valdebenito A, Flemming J, Stein O, Gross A, Robertson L, , D’Isidoro M, Kioutsioukis I, Friese E, Amstrup B, Bergstrom R, Strunk A, Zyryanov D, Maurizi A, Melas D, Peuch V-H, Zerefos C, Comparison of OMI NO2 tropospheric columns with an ensemble of global and European regional air quality models, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10: 3273-3296, 2010
- Katragkou E, Zanis P, Tegoulias I, Melas D, Kioutsioukis I, Krüger BC, Huszar P, Halenka T, Rauscher S, Decadal regional air quality simulations over Europe in present climate: Near surface ozone sensitivity to external meteorological forcing, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10: 11805-11821, 2010
- Kioutsioukis I, Melas D, Zerefos C, Statistical Assessment of changes in Climate Extremes over Greece (1955-2002), International Journal of Climatology, 30: 1723-1737, 2010
- Zanis P, Douvis C, Kapsomenakis I, Kioutsioukis I, Melas D, Pal J, A sensitivity study of the Regional Climate Model RegCM3 to the convective scheme with emphasis in CE and SE Europe, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 97:327-337, 2009
- Zyrichidou I, Koukouli ME, Balis DS, Katragkou E, Melas D, Poupkou A, Kioutsioukis I, van der A R, Boersma FK, van Roozendael M, Richter A, Satellite NO2 observations and model simulations of tropospheric columns over South-eastern Europe, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9: 6119-6134, 2009
- Georgoulias AK, Kioutsioukis I, Symeonidis P, Kourtidis K, AMFIC Web Data Base – A Satellite System for the Monitoring and Forecasting of Atmospheric Pollution, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, 1: 58-61, 2008
- Kioutsioukis I, Melas D, Zanis P, Statistical Downscaling of Daily Precipitation over Greece, International Journal of Climatology, 28: 679-691, 2008
- Papanastasiou D, Melas D, Kioutsioukis I, Development and Assessment of Neural Network and Multiple Regression Models in order to predict PM10 levels in a medium-sized Mediterranean city, Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 182: 325-334, 2007
- Loupa G, Kioutsioukis I, Rapsomanikis S, Indoor-Outdoor Atmospheric Particulate Matter Relationships in Naturally Ventilated Offices, Indoor and Built Environment, 16: 63-69, 2007
- Kourtidis C, Kioutsioukis I, Rapsomanikis S, Effects of methane outgassing on the Black Sea Atmosphere, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6: 5173-5182, 2006
- Loupa G, Charpantidou E, Kioutsioukis I, Rapsomanikis S, Indoor O3, NOx and microclimatic conditions in two medieval churches in Cyprus, Atmospheric Environment , 40: 7457-7466, 2006
- Kioutsioukis I, Rapsomanikis S, Loupa G, Robust Stochastic Seasonal Precipitation Scenarios, International Journal of Climatology, 26: 2077-2095, 2006
- Kioutsioukis I, Melas D, Zerefos C, Ziomas I, Efficient Sensitivity Computations in 3D Air Quality Models, Computer Physics Communications, 167: 23-33, 2005
- Kioutsioukis I, Tarantola S, Saltelli A, Gatelli D, Uncertainty and Global Sensitivity Analysis of Road Transport Emission Estimates, Atmospheric Environment , 38: 6609-6620, 2004
- Kioutsioukis I, Melas D, Zerefos C, Ziomas I, Evolution of perturbations in 3D Air Quality Models, Annals of Geophysics, 46: 353-362, 2003
- Melas D, Kioutsioukis I, Ziomas I, Neural Network Model for Predicting Peak Photochemical Pollutant Levels, Journal of Air and Waste Management Association, 50: 495-501, 2000
- Kioutsioukis I, Melas D, Ziomas I, Skouloudis A, Predicting Peak Photochemical Pollutant Concentrations with a combination of Neural Network Models, Neural Network World, 10: 909-916, 2000
- Melas D, Ziomas I, Kioutsioukis I, Real Time Calculation of the Dispersion of Air Pollutants from Industrial Stacks using a personal computer, Fresenius Env. Bulletin, 7: 134-140, 1998
The Electronics and Computers Division
PUBLICATIONS in Scientific Journals
J1. V. Anastassopoulos and T. Deliyannis, `Modified delta – adder and delta – multiplier for multiplexing’, Int. J. Electronics, 1984, Vol. 57, No. 5, pp. 719-727.
J2. V. Anastassopoulos, N. Kouvaras and T. Deliyannis, `Method for designing half-band delta-modulation FIR filters’, IEE Proc. F, Commun., Radar and Signal Process., 1985, 132, (1), pp. 13-17.
J3. V. Anastassopoulos and T. Deliyannis, `Method to design FIR Hilbert transformers for delta modulated signals’, IEE Proc. G, Circuits, Devices and Systems, 1986, 133, (2), pp. 113-114.
J4. N. Zagris, M. Panagopoulou and V. Anastassopoulos, `Extracellular matrix organized in embryonic cavities during induction of the embryonic axis in chick embryo’, Cell Biology International Reports, Oct. 1989, Vol. 13, No. 10, pp. 833-843.
J5. V. Anastassopoulos and T. Deliyannis, `Efficient implementation of Nth-band FIR filters based on a simple window method’, IEE Proc. G, Circuits, Devices and Systems, 1990, 137, (4), pp. 302-308.
J6. S. Horianopoulos, V. Anastassopoulos and T. Deliyannis, `A design technique for hardware reduction in Delta Modulation FIR Filters’, Int. Journal of Electronics, 1991, Vol. 71, No. 1, pp. 93-106.
J7. V. Anastassopoulos and A.N. Venetsanopoulos, `The Classification Properties of the Pecstrum and its Use for Pattern Identification’, Circuits Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 293 – 326, 1991.
J8. S.L. Horianopoulos, V. Anastassopoulos and T. Deliyannis, `Nonlinear Filtering of Delta Modulated Signals’, Electronics Letters, Vol. 27, No. 12, pp. 1078-1079, 6th June 1991.
J9. V. Anastassopoulos and G.A. Lampropoulos, `A New and Robust CFAR Detection Algorithm’, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol 28, No. 2, pp. 420-427, April 1992.
J10. P. Yu, V. Anastassopoulos and A.N. Venetsanopoulos, `Morphological Pattern Classification and Recognition Based on Neural Networks’, Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 58-64, 1992.
J11. Z. Kolitsi, G. Panagiotakis, V. Anastassopoulos, A. Skodras and N. Pallikarakis, `A multiple projection method for digital tomosynthesis’, Medical Physics, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 1045-1050, July/Aug. 1992.
J12. V. Anastassopoulos and G.A. Lampropoulos, ‘Optimal CFAR Detection in Weibull Clutter’ IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 52-64, January 1995.
J13. A. Pneumatikakis, V. Anastassopoulos and T. Deliyannis, `Realization of High Order Delta Sigma Filters’, International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 78, No. 6, pp. 1071-1089, 1995.
J14. P. Yu, V. Anastassopoulos and A.N. Venetsanopoulos, `Pattern Recognition Based on Morphological Shape Analysis and Neural Networks’, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 40, pp. 577-595, 1996.
J15. V. Anastassopoulos and G.A. Lampropoulos, `Radar clutter modeling using finite PDF tail’, IEE Electronic Letters, Vol. 32, No. 3, February 1, 1996, pp. 256-258.
J16. G.A. Lampropoulos, V. Anastassopoulos and J.F. Boulter, ‘Constant false alarm rate detection of point targets using distributed sensors’, Optical Engineering, The Journal of SPIE, 37(2), February 1998.
J17. E.N. Zois and V. Anastassopoulos, ‘Contour features using morphological transforms’, Electronics Letters, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 56-58, January 1998.
J18. V. Anastassopoulos, G.A. Lampropoulos, A. Drosopoulos and M.Rey, ‘High Resolution Radar Clutter Statistics’, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 43-60, January 1999.
J19. A. Pneumatikakis, T. Deliyannis, A. Constantinides and V. Anastassopoulos, ‘Sigma-Delta IIR filter realization using 3rd order remodulator’, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, Vol. 8, No 4, August 1999, pp. 473-481.
J20. E.N. Zois and V. Anastassopoulos, ‘Fusion of correlated decisions for writer verification’, Pattern Recognition, 32/10, pp. 1821-1823, 1999.
J21. E.N. Zois and V. Anastassopoulos, ‘Morphological waveform coding for writer identification’, Pattern Recognition, 33/3, pp. 385-389, 2000.
J22. E.N. Zois and V. Anastassopoulos, ‘Fusion of correlated decisions for writer verification’, Pattern Recognition, 34/1 (2001), pp. 47-61.
J23. V. Tsagaris and V. Anastassopoulos: ‘Multispectral image fusion for improved RGB representation based on perceptual attributes’, International Journal on Remote Sensing, Vol. 26, No. 15, 10 August 2005, pp. 3241- 3254.
J24. V. Anastassopoulos, ‘Fusion and Super-Resolution in Multispectral Data using Neural Networks for Improved RGB Representation’, The Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 53, No. 2, June 2005.
J25. V. Tsagaris and V. Anastassopoulos, ‘Assessing Information Content in Color Images’, Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol 14, no, 4, 043007, 2005.
J26. V. Tsagaris, V. Anastassopoulos and G. Lampropoulos, ‘Fusion of hyperspectral data using segmented PCT for color representation and classification’, IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, Vol. 43, No. 10, pp. 2365-2375, 2005.
J27. V. Tsagaris and V. Anastassopoulos, ‘Fusion of visible and infrared imagery for night vision’, Displays Journal, Vol. 26, no. 4-5, pp. 191-196, 2005.
J28. V. Tsagaris and V. Anastassopoulos, ‘A global measure for assessing image fusion methods’, Optical Engineering (SPIE), Vol. 45, no2, 2006, DOI: 10.1117/12.683964.
J29. E. N. Zois, I. Raptis and V. Anastassopoulos, ‘Off-Line Metrology on SEM Images Using Gray Scale Morphology’, Microchimica Acta, Publisher: Springer Wien, ISSN: 0026-3672, (Paper), 1436-5073 (Online), DOI: 10.1007/s00604-006-0564-3, Issue: Online First, Published online: 28 April 2006.
J30. G. Christoulas, V. Tsagaris and V. Anastassopoulos, “Textural Characterization from various representations of MERIS data”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28:3, 675 – 692, 2007.
J31. K. Zioutas, M. Tsagri, Y. Semertzidis, Th. Papaevangelou, A. Nordt and V. Anastassopoulos, ‘Overlooked astrophysical signatures of axion(-like) particles’, arXiv: astro-ph/0701627,, 2007.
J32. A. Panagiotopoulou and V. Anastassopoulos, ‘Scanned images resolution improvement using neural networks’, Neural Computing & Applications Journal, Vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 39-47, 2008.
J33. G. Panagopoulos, V. Tsagaris and V. Anastassopoulos, “Using synthetic aperture radar data to detect and identify ships”, SPIE Remote Sensing Newsroom, DOI: 10.1117/2.1200802.1062., 2008.
J34. K. Zioutas, M. Tsagri, Y Semertzidis, T. Papaevangelou, T. Dafni and V. Anastassopoulos, ‘Axion Searches with Helioscopes and astrophysical signatures for axion(-like) particles’, Invited Review article (2009), arXiv:0903.1807v2 [astro-ph.SR] 27 Mar 2009, and New Journal of Physics, 11, 105020, 2009.
J35. A. Panagiotopoulou and V. Anastassopoulos, “Regularized super-resolution image reconstruction employing robust error norms”, Optical Engineering 48, No. 11, 117004, November 2009.
J36. K. Zioutas, M. Tsagri, Y. Semertzidis, T. Papaevangelou and V. Anastassopoulos, “The Enigmatic Sun: Laboratory for New Physics”, Balkan Physics Letters, °c Bogazici University Press 16 April 2009, BPL, 16 (1), pp. 18 – 32, 161003 (2009).
J37. K. Zioutas, T. Vafeiadis, M. Tsagri, Y. Semertzidis, T. Papaevangelou, T. Dafni and V. Anastassopoulos “Signatures for Solar Axions/WISPs”, Solar and Stellar Astrophysics (astro-ph.SR). arXiv: [astro-ph.SR] 2 Nov 2010,
J38. K. Zioutas, M. Tsagri, Y. Semertzidis, T. Papaevangelou, A. Gardikiotis, T. Dafni and V. Anastassopoulos, “Solar X-rays from Axions: Rest-Mass Dependent Signatures”, arXiv:1003.2181 [astro-ph.SR], 10 Mar. 2010.
J39. K. Zioutas, M. Tsagri, Y. Semertzidis, T. Papaevangelou, E. Georgiopoulou, T. Dafni and V. Anastassopoulos, “The mysterious Sun: a source and a trap of exotica”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 309, No. 1, 2011,
J40. C. Fei, T. Liu, G. Lampropoulos and V. Anastassopoulos, ‘Markov Chain CFAR Detection for Polarimetric Data using Data Fusion’, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 397-408, February 2012.
J41. A. Panagiotopoulou and V. Anastassopoulos, “Super-resolution image reconstruction techniques: Trade-offs between the data-fidelity and regularization terms”, Information Fusion, 13, pp. 185–195, 2012.
J42. G. Koukiou and V. Anastassopoulos, ‘”Drunk Person Identification Using Thermal Infrared Images”, International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics, 2012, 4, (4), pp. 229-243.
J43. G. Koukiou and V. Anastassopoulos, ‘Velocity Filter Banks using 3-D FFT’, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 74 2013, 75, pp. 409-412.
J44. K. Zioutas, M. Tsagri, Y.K. Semertzidis, T. Papaevangelou, D.H.H. Hoffmann and V. Anastassopoulos, “The 11-years solar cycle as the manifestation of the dark Universe”, Modern Physics Letters A, Vol. 29, No. 37 (2014).
J45. G. Κoukiou and V. Anastassopoulos, “3-D FFT Moving Object Signatures for Velocity Filtering”, ACEEE International Journal of Signal and Image Processing, IJSIP, Issue 1, Vol. 5, Jan. 2014.
J46. G. Koukiou, V. Anastassopoulos, “Neural Networks for identifying drunk persons using thermal infrared imagery”, Forensic Science International, 252 (2015), 69-76.
J47. G. Koukiou and V. Anastassopoulos, “Infrared Signature of Facial Blood Vessels for Intoxicated Person Discrimination”, 21 Jul 2015, Australian Journal of Forensic Science,
J48. V. Anastassopoulos, et. Al., “Search for Chameleons with CAST”, Physics Letters B, 749 (2015), 72-180.
J49. G. Koukiou and V. Anastassopoulos, “Drunk Person Screening using Eye Thermal Signatures”, Journal of Forensic Sciences, January 2016, Vol. 1., No.1, pp. 259-264.
J50. V. Anastassopoulos, et. Al., “A storage ring experiment to detect a proton electric dipole moment”, Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 115116 (2016), AIP Publishing.
J51. G. Kouroupis, V. Anastassopoulos, “Polarimetric decomposition for the selection of persistent scatterers”, Remote Sensing Letters, V. 8, Issue 3, pp 271-279, DOI: 2150704X.2016.1264022, 2017.
J52. V. Anastassopoulos, et. Al., “Towards a medium-scale axion helioscope and haloscope”, Journal of Instrumentation, Jinst, Published by IOP Publishing for Sissa Medialab,, ArXiv ePrint: 1706.09378, Volume 12, November 2017
J53 V. Anastassopoulos, and CAST Collaboration, “New CAST limit on the axion–photon interaction”, Nature Physics 13, 584–590 (2017), doi:10.1038/nphys4109.
J54. G. Koukiou and V. Anastassopoulos, “Local Difference Patterns for Drunk Person Identification”, Multimedia Tools and Applications 12 June 2017, pp. 1-13.
J55. K. Zioutas, V. Anastassopoulos,, ‘Search for axions in streaming dark matter’, arXiv:1703.01436, 4 Mar 2017
J56. G. Κoukiou, V. Anastassopoulos, “Fusion of Dissimilar Features from Thermal Imaging for Improving Drunk Person Identification”, International Journal of Signal Processing Systems Vol. 5, No. 3, September 2017.
J57. V Anastassopoulos,, ‘Improved Search for Solar Chameleons with a GridPix Detector at CAST, 8 Nov 2018, arXiv: 1808.00066
J58. A Gardikiotis, V Anastassopoulos, ‘Search for streaming dark matter axions or other exotica’, 26 March, 2018, arXiv: 1803.08588
J59. G Cantatore, YK Semertzidis, A Gardikiotis, W Funk, M Karuza, H Fischer, D Vitali, K Zioutas, S Cetin, V Anastassopoulos, DHH Hoffmann, ‘aKWISP: investigating short-distance interactions at sub-micron scales’, 20 March, 2018, arXiv: 1803.07685
J60. V. Anastassopoulos, The CAST collaboration, “Improved search for solar chameleons with a GridPix detector at CAST”, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, JCAP01(2019)032.
J61. G. Kouroupis and V. Anastassopoulos, “Scatterer Characterization Based on the Condiagonalization of the Sinclair Backscattering Matrix”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 85, 59–69, 2019
J62. Kouroupis, G.; Anastassopoulos, V., “A polarimetric CFAR ship detector based on the joint probability function of simulated first-order Markov chains”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2019, 40:13, 5121-5140.
J63. Georgia Koukiou and Vassilis Anastassopoulos, ‘Gender Discrimination Based on the Thermal Signature of the Face and the External Ear’, Signal & Image Processing: An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.11, No.4, August 2020, DOI: 10.5121/sipij.2020.11402 13
J64. Konstantin Zioutas, Vassilis Anastassopoulos, ‘The Dark Universe Is Not Invisible’, Phys. Sci. Forum 2021, MDPI, 2, 10., February 2021
J65. G. Koukiou, V. Anastassopoulos, “Fully Polarimetric Land Cover Classification based on Markov Chains”. Advances in Remote Sensing, 2021, 10(3), 47-65.
There are also more than 70 publications in conference papers.
- D. Bakalis, X. Kavousianos, H. T. Vergos, D. Nikolos and G. Alexiou, Low Power Built-In Self-Test Schemes for Array and Booth Multipliers, VLSI Design: An International Journal of Custom-Chip Design, Simulation and Testing, Gordon and Breach Publishers, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 431-448, 2001
- X. Kavousianos, D. Bakalis, D. Nikolos and S. Tragoudas, A new Built-In TPG for Random Pattern Resistant Faults, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 859-866, 2002
- D. Bakalis, E. Kalligeros, D. Nikolos, H. T. Vergos and G. Alexiou, On the Design of Low Power BIST for Multipliers with Booth Encoding and Wallace Tree Summation, Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA), Elsevier Science, vol. 48, no. 4-5, pp. 125-135, 2002
- E. Kalligeros, X. Kavousianos, D. Bakalis and D. Nikolos, On-the-fly Reseeding: A New Reseeding Technique for test-per-clock BIST, Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA), Kluwer Academic Publishers, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 315-332, 2002
- D. Bakalis, K. D. Adaos, D. Lymperopoulos, M. Bellos, H. T. Vergos, G. Ph. Alexiou and D. Nikolos, A Core Generator for Arithmetic Cores and Testing Structures with a Network Interface, Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA), Elsevier Science, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 1-12, 2006
- X. Kavousianos, D. Bakalis and D. Nikolos, Efficient Partial Scan Cell Gating for Low-Power Scan-Based Testing, ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), vol. 14, no. 2, Article 28, pp. 1-15, 2009
- D. Bakalis and H. T. Vergos, Shifter Circuits for {2^n+1, 2^n, 2^n-1} RNS, Electronics Letters, IET, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 27-29, 2009
- H. T. Vergos, D. Bakalis and C. Efstathiou, Fast Modulo 2^n+1 Multi-Operand Adders and Residue Generators, Integration, the VLSI Journal, Elsevier, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 42-48, 2010
- H. T. Vergos and D. Bakalis, On Implementing Efficient Modulo 2^n+1 Arithmetic Components, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, World Scientific Publishing, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 911-930, 2010
- D. Bakalis, H. T. Vergos and A. Spyrou, Efficient modulo 2^n±1 Squarers, Integration, the VLSI Journal, Elsevier, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 163-174, 2011
- E. Vassalos, D. Bakalis and H. T. Vergos, On the Design of Modulo 2^n±1 Subtractors and Adders/Subtractors, Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Springer, vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 1445-1461, 2011
- E. Vassalos, D. Bakalis and H. T. Vergos, SUT-RNS Forward and Reverse Converters, in N. Voros, A. Mukherjee, N. Sklavos, K. Masselos, M. Huebner (eds.), VLSI 2010 Annual Symposium: Selected Papers (ISBN: 978-94-007-1488-5), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 105, chapter 14, pp. 231-244, 2011
- Η. T. Vergos and D. Bakalis, Area-Time Efficient Multi-Modulus Adders and their Applications, Microprocessors and Microsystems, Elsevier, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 409-419, 2012
- E. Vassalos and D. Bakalis, CDS-RNS-based Single Constant Multipliers, Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Springer, vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 255-268, 2012
- E. Vassalos and D. Bakalis, Efficient architectures for modulo 2^n-2 arithmetic units, International Journal of Electronics, Taylor & Francis, vol. 102, no. 12, 2062-2074, 2015
- H. T. Vergos, D. Bakalis and A. Anastasiou, Lookahead Architectures for Hamming Distance and Fixed-Threshold Hamming Weight Comparators, Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Springer, vol. 34, no. 4, 1041-1056, 2015
- M. Fakis, J. Polyzos, G. Tsigaridas, J. Parthenios, A. Fragos, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis and J. Mikroyannidis,, Novel class of pyrylium dyes with efficiency in lasing and two photon absorption fluorescence , Chemical Physics Letters, 323, 111-116 , 2000
- I Polyzos, G. Tsigaridas, M. Fakis, J. Parthenios, A. Fragos, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis and J. Mikroyannidis, Examination of spatial distribution of dyes and polymers in thin films through two photon microscopy , Chemical Monthly, 132, 169-175 , 2001
- M. Fakis, G. Tsigaridas, I. Polyzos, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, I. Spiliopoulos and J. Mikroyannidis, Intensity dependent nonlinear absorption of pyrylium chromophores , Chemical Physics Letters, 342, 155-161 , 2001
- M. Fakis, I. Polyzos, G. Tsigaridas, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, I. Spiliopoulos and J. Mikroyannidis, Laser action of two novel conjugated polymers in liquid and solid matrix. The effect of aggregates in the spontaneous and stimulated emission , Physical Review B, 65, 195-203 , 2002
- M. Fakis, G. Tsigaridas, I. Polyzos, V. Giannetas and P. Persephonis, Conjugated polymer in isolated and aggregated chain environments studied by amplified spontaneous emission , Physical Review B, 68, 035203 , 2003
- Ι. Polyzos, G. Tsigaridas, M. Fakis, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis and J. Mikroyannidis, Two-photon absorption properties of novel organic materials for three – dimensional optical memories, Chemical Physics Letters ,369, 264-268, 2003
- G. Tsigaridas, M. Fakis, I. Polyzos, P. Persephonis and V. Giannetas, Z-scan analysis for high-order nonlinearities through Gaussian decomposition, Optics Communications, 225, 253-268, 2003
- G.Tsigaridas, M. Fakis, Ι. Polyzos, P. Persephonis and V. Giannetas, Z-scan analysis for near-Gaussian beams through Hermite Gaussian decomposition, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 20, 670-676, 2003
- G. Tsigaridas, M. Fakis, I. Polyzos, P. Persephonis and V. Giannetas, Z-scan technique for elliptic Gaussian beams, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 77, 71-75, 2003
- G. Tsigaridas, M. Fakis, Ι. Polyzos, V. Giannetas and P. Persephonis, Z-scan technique through beam radius measurements, Applied Physics B: Laser and Optics, 76 , 83-86, 2003
- M. Fakis, I. Polyzos, G. Tsigaridas, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, I. Spiliopoulos and J. Mikroyannidis, Dual Amplified Spontaneous Emission and laser action from a model oligo(phenylene vinylene). Comparison with the corresponding polymer, Optical Materials, 27, 503-507, 2004
- M. Fakis, I. Polyzos, G. Tsigaridas, V. Giannetas and P. Persephonis, Excited State dynamics of a partially conjugated polymer studied by femtosecond time resolved upconversion spectroscopy, Chemical Physics Letters 394, 372-376, 2004
- P. Karastatiris, J. Microyannidis, I. Spiliopoulos, M. Fakis and P. Persephonis, Luminescent poly(phenylene vinylene) derivatives with m-terphenyl or 2,6-diphenylpyridine kinked segments along the main chain: Synthesis, characterization and stimulated emission, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 42, 2214-2224, 2004
- G. Tsigaridas, A. Fragos, I. Polyzos, M. Fakis, A. Ioannou, V. Giannetas, and P. Persephonis, Evolution of near-soliton initial profiles in nonlinear wave equations through their Backlund transforms, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 23, 1841-1854, 2005
- D. Anestopulos, M. Fakis, G. Tsigaridas, I. Polyzos, P. Persephonis and V. Giannetas, Study of the isotropic and anisotropic fluorescence of two oligothiophenes by femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 109, 9476-9481, 2005
- I. Polyzos, G. Tsigaridas, M. Fakis, V. Giannetas and P. Persephonis, Three Photon Induced Photobleaching in a 3-D Memory Material, Optics Letters 30, 2654-2656, 2005
- D. Anestopoulos, M. Fakis, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis and J. Mikroyannidis, Excitation Energy transfer in a water-soluble conjugated co-polymer studied through time resolved anisotropy and fluorescence dynamics, Chemical Physics Letters 421, 205–209, 2006
- M. Fakis, D. Anestopoulos, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis and J. Mikroyannidis, Femtosecond time resolved fluorescence dynamics of a cationic water-soluble poly(fluorenevinylene-co-phenylenevinylene), Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, 12926-12931, 2006
- M. Fakis, D. Anestopoulos, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, Influence of aggregates and solvent aromaticity on the emission of conjugated polymers, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, 24897-24902, 2006
- I. Polyzos, G. Tsigaridas, M. Fakis, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis and J. Mikroyannidis, Substituent effect on the Photobleaching of Pyrylium salts under ultra-short pulsed illumination, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, 2593-2597, 2006
- I. Fitilis, M. Fakis, I. Polyzos, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, P. Vellis and J. Mikroyannidis, A two-photon absorption study of fluorene and carbazole derivatives. The role of the central core and the solvent polarity, Chemical Physics Letters 447, 300-304, 2007
- D. Anestopoulos, M. Fakis, G. Mousdis, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, Fluorescence and anisotropy dynamics of a –CHO substituted terhiophene, Synthetic Metals 157, 30–34, 2007
- I. Fitilis, M. Fakis, I. Polyzos, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, J. Mikroyannidis, Strong two-photon absorption and photophysical properties of symmetrical chromophores with electron accepting edge substituents, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112, 4742-4748, 2008
- D. Tasis, M. Fakis, J. Mikroyannidis, K. Papagelis, Carbon Nanotube-Fluorenevinylene Hybrids: Synthesis and Photophysical Properties, Chemical Physics Letters 483, 241 , 2009
- M. Fakis, V. Gianneta, P. Persephonis, V. Giannetas, A.G. Nassiopoulou, Photoluminescence in the blue spectral region from fluorene molecules embedded in porous anodic alumina thin films on silicon, Optical Materials 31, 1184-1188, 2009
- M. Fakis, P. Persephonis, V. Giannetas F. Zacharatos, V. Gianneta and A. G. Nassiopoulou, Photoluminescence properties of fluorenes-porous silicon composites, Materials Science and Engineering B, 252, 2009
- J. Mikroyannidis, M. Fakis, I. Spiliopoulos, Photophysical and electrochemical characterization of new poly-arylenevinylene co-polymers containing quinoline or bis-quinoline segments, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 47, 3370-3379, 2009
- M. Fakis, I. Fitilis, S. Stefanatos, P. Vellis, J. Mikroyannidis, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, Photophysics and two-photon absorption of a series of quadrupolar and tribranched molecules. The role of the edge substituent, Dyes and Pigments 81, 63-68, 2009
- V. Hrobáriková, P. Hrobárik, P. Gajdoš, I. Fitilis, M. Fakis, P. Persephonis and P. Zahradník, Benzothiazole-Based Fluorophores of Donor-pi-Acceptor-pi-Donor Type Displaying High Two-Photon Absorption, Journal of Organic Chemistry 75, 3053, 2010
- I. Fitilis, M. Fakis, J. Polyzos, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, Two-photon polymerization of a diacrylate using fluorene photoinitiators-sensitizers, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem. 215, 25–30, 2010
- . A. Trantakis, M. Fakis, S. S. Tragoulias, T. K. Christopoulos, P. Persephonis, V. Giannetas, P. Ioannou, Ultrafast fluorescence dynamics of Sybr Green I/DNA complexes, Chemical Physics Letters, 485, 187-190, 2010
- M. Fakis, V. Giannetas, and J. Mikroyannidis, Ultrafast solvation and anisotropy dynamics in a new tribranched molecule based on triphenylamine core, Dyes and Pigments 87, 44, 2010
- P. Hrobarik, V. Hrobarikova, I. Sigmundova, P. Zahradnik, M. Fakis, I. Polyzos, P. Persephonis, Benzothiazoles with Tunable Electron-Withdrawing Strength and Reverse Polarity:A Route to Triphenylamine-Based Chromophores with Enhanced Two-Photon Absorption, Journal of Organic Chemistry 76 , 8726–8736, 2011
- M. Fakis, E. Stathatos, G. Tsigaridas, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, Femtosecond Decay and Electron Transfer Dynamics of the Organic Sensitizer D149 and Photovoltaic Performance in Quasi-Solid State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115, 13429-13437 , 2011
- M. Giannouli, M. Fakis, Interfacial electron transfer dynamics and photovoltaic performance of TiO2 and ZnO solar cells sensitized with Coumarin 343 , Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 226 , 42-50, 2011
- M. Fakis, P. Hrobárik, E. Stathatos, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, A time resolved fluorescence and quantum chemical study of the solar cell sensitizer , Dyes and Pigments 96, 304-312, 2013
- M. Fakis, M. Dori, E. Stathatos, Hsien-Hsin Chou, Yung-Sheng Yen, Jiann T’suen Lin, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis, Electron injection in TiO2 films and quasi-solid state solar cells sensitized with a dipolar fluorene organic dye , Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 251 , 18–24, 2013
- M. Dori, K. Seintis, E. Stathatos, G. Tsigaridas, T.-Y. Lin, J. T. Lin, M. Fakis, V. Giannetas, P. Persephonis , Electron injection studies on TiO2 nanocrystalline films sensitized with fluorene dyes and photovoltaic characterization. The effect of co-adsorption of a bile acid derivative. , Chemical Physics Letters 563, 63–69, 2013
- M. Vasilopoulou, D. G. Georgiadou, A. Soultati, N. Boukos, S. Gardelis, L. C. Palilis, M. Fakis, G. Skoulatakis, S. Kennou, M. Botzakaki, S. Georga, C. A. Krontiras, F. Auras, D. Fattakhova-Rohlfing, T. Bein, T. A. Papadopoulos, D. Davazoglou, P. Argitis , Atomic Layer Deposited Aluminum and Zirconium Oxides for Surface Passivation of TiO2 in High-Efficiency Organic Photovoltaics, Advanced Energy Materials, 1400214, 2014
- Peter Hrobárik, Veronika Hrobáriková, Vladislav Semak, Peter Kasák, Erik Rakovský, Ioannis Polyzos, Mihalis Fakis, Peter Persephonis, Benzobisthiazoles as Building Blocks for Quadrupolar Fluorophores with Large Two-Photon Absorption Cross-Sections, Organic Letters, 16, 6358–6361, 2014
- M. Fakis, P. Hrobárik, O. Yushchenko, I. Sigmundová, M. Koch, A. Rosspeintner, E. Stathatos, E. Vauthey, Excited State and Injection Dynamics of Triphenylamine Sensitizers Containing Benzothiazole Electron-Accepting Group on TiO2 and Al2O3 Thin Films, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118, 28509–28519, 2014
- N. Karakostas, I. M. Mavridis, K. Seintis, M. Fakis, E. N. Koini, I. D. Petsalakis and G. Pistolis, Highly efficient and unidirectional energy transfer within a tightly self-assembled host–guest multichromophoric array, Chemical Communications 50, 1362-1365, 2014
- M. Vasilopoulou, D. G. Georgiadou, A. M. Douvas, A. Soultati, V. Constantoudis, D. Davazoglou, S. Gardelis, L. C. Palilis, M. Fakis, S. Kennou, T. Lazarides, A. G. Coutsolelos and P. Argitis, Porphyrin oriented self-assembled nanostructures for efficient exciton dissociation in highly performing organic photovoltaics, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2, 182, 2014
- A. Soultati, A. M. Douvas, D. G. Georgiadou, L. C. Palilis, J. M. Feckl, S. Gardelis, M. Fakis, S. Kennou, P. Falaras, T. Stergiopoulos, N. A. Stathopoulos, D. Davazoglou, P. Argitis and M. Vasilopoulou, Solution processed hydrogen molybdenum bronzes as highly conductive anode interlayers in efficient organic photovoltaics, Advanced Energy Materials 4, 1300896, 2014
- M. Can, Z. Yigit, D. Karageorgopoulos, K. Seintis, V. Giannetas, S. Demic, M. Fakis and E. Stathatos , Synthesis, electron injection studies and photovoltaic characterization of two triphenylamine based organic sensitizers, Synthetic Metals 188, 77– 85, 2014
- G. Tsigaridas, D. Polyzos, A. Ioannou, M. Fakis and P. Persephonis, Theoretical and experimental study of refractive index sensors based on etched fiber Bragg gratings , Sensors and Actuators A. Physical 209, 9-15, 2014
- N. Karakostas, E. Martinou, A. Kaloudi Chantzea, K. Seintis, H. Oberacher, F. Pitterl, M. Fakis, J. K. Kallitsis and G. Pistolis, Energy Transfer within Self-Assembled Cyclic Multichromophoric Arrays Based on Orthogonally Arranged Donor – Acceptor Building Blocks, Faraday Discussions 185, 433-454, 2015
- D. Cvejn, E. Michail, I. Polyzos, N. Almonasy, O. Pytela, M. Klikar, T. Mikysek, V. Giannetas, M. Fakis and F. Bureš, Modulation of (non)linear optical properties in tripodal molecules by variation of the peripheral cyano acceptor moieties and the π-spacer, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 3 , 7345-7355, 2015
- N. Droseros, K. Seintis, M. Fakis, S. Gardelis and A. Nassiopoulou, Steady state and time resolved photoluminescence properties of CuInS2/ZnS quantum dots in solutions and in solid films, Journal of Luminescence, 167, 333-338, 2015
- An. Margalias, K. Seintis, M.Z. Yigit, M. Can, D. Sygkridou, V. Giannetas, M. Fakis, E. Stathatos, The effect of additional electron donating group on the photophysics and photovoltaic performance of two new metal free D–A sensitizers, Dyes and Pigments, 121, 316-327, 2015
- A. Kaloudi-Chantzea, E. Martinou, K. Seintis, N. Karakostas, P. Giastas, F. Pitterl, H. Oberacher, M. Fakis and G. Pistolis, Formation of a A Highly–Ordered Rigid Multichromophoric 3D Supramolecular Network by Combining Ionic and Coordination – Driven Self – Assembly, Chemical Communications 52, 3388-3391, 2016
- D. Cvejn, E. Michail, K. Seintis, M. Klikar, O. Pytela, T. Mikysek, N. Almonasy, M. Ludwig, V. Giannetas, M. Fakis and F. Bureš, Solvent and branching effect on the two-photon absorption properties of push-pull triphenylamine derivatives, RSC Advances, 6, 12819-12828, 2016
- V. Papamakarios, E. Polydorou, A. Soultati, N. Droseros, D. Tsikritzis, A. Douvas, L. Palilis, M. Fakis, S. Kennou, P. Argitis and M. Vasilopoulou, Surface Modification of ZnO Layers via Hydrogen Plasma Treatment for Efficient Inverted Polymer Solar Cells, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 8, 1194–1205, 2016
- M. Tountas, Y. Topal, M. Kus, M. Ersöz, M. Fakis, M. Vasilopoulou, Water-Soluble Lacunary Polyoxometalates with Excellent Electron Mobilities and Hole Blocking Capabilities for High Efficiency Fluorescence and Phosphorescent Organic Light Emitting Diodes, Advanced Functional Materials, 26, 2655–2665 , 2016
- E. Polydoroua, I. Sakellis, A. Soultati, A. Kaltzoglou, T. A. Papadopoulos, J. Briscoe, D. Tsikritzis, M. Fakis, L. C. Palilis, S. Kennou, P. Argitis, P. Falaras, D. Davazoglou and M. Vasilopoulou, Avoiding ambient air and light induced degradation in high-efficiency polymer solar cells by the use of hydrogen-doped zinc oxide as electron extraction material, Nano Energy 34, 500–514, 2017
- S. Gardelis, M. Fakis, N. Droseros, D. Georgiadou, A. Travlos and A. Nassiopoulou, Energy transfer in aggregated CuInS2/ZnS core-shell quantum dots deposited as solid films, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50, 035107, 2017
- K. Seintis, D. Agathangelou, D. Cvejn, N. Almonasy, F. Bureš, V. Giannetas, M. Fakis, Femtosecond to nanosecond studies of octupolar molecules and their quadrupolar and dipolar analogues, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19, 6485-16497, 2017
- E. Martinou, K. Seintis, N. Karakostas, A. Bletsou, N. Thomaidis, M. Fakis and G. Pistolis, he Dynamics of Intramolecular Energy Hopping in Multi-Bodipy Self – Assembled Metallocyclic Species: A Tool For Probing Subtle Structural Distortions in Solution, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121, 5341–5355, 2017
- E. Polydorou, M. A. Botzakaki, I. Sakellis, A. Soultati, A. Kaltzoglou, T. A. Papadopoulos, J. Briscoe, C. Drivas, K. Seintis, M. Fakis, L. C. Palilis, S. N. Georga, C. A. Krontiras, S. Kennou, P. Falaras, N. Boukos, D. Davazoglou, P. Argitis and M. Vasilopoulou , Improved Stability of Polymer Solar Cells in Ambient Air via Atomic Layer Deposition of Ultrathin Dielectric Layers, Advanced Materials Interfaces 4, 1700231 (1-12), 2017
- M. Tountas, Y. Topal, E. Polydorou, A. Soultati, A. Verykios, A. Kaltzoglou, T. A. Papadopoulos, F. Auras, K. Seintis, M. Fakis, L. C. Palilis, D. Tsikritzis, S. Kennou, M. Koutsoureli, G. Papaioannou, M. Ersöz, M. Kus, P. Falaras, D. Davazoglou, P. Argitis and M. Vasilopoulou, Low Work Function Lacunary Polyoxometalate Electron Transport Interlayers for inverted Polymer Solar Cells of Improved Efficiency and Stability, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 9, 22773–22787, 2017
- M. Tountas, Y. Topal, A. Verykios, A. Soultati, A. Kaltzoglou, T. A. Papadopoulos, F. Auras, K. Seintis, M. Fakis, L. C. Palilis, D. Tsikritzis, S. Kennou, A. Fakharuddin, L. Schmidt-Mende, S. Gardelis, M. Kus, P. Falaras, D. Davazoglou, P. Argitis, M. Vasilopoulou, A silanol-functionalized polyoxometalate with excellent electron transfer mediating behavior to ZnO and TiO2 cathode interlayers for highly efficient and extremely stable polymer solar cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6, 1459-1469, 2018
- M. Fakis, J. S. Beckwith, K. Seintis, E. Martinou, C. Nançoz, N. Karakostas, I. Petsalakis, G. Pistolis, E. Vauthey, Energy Transfer and Charge Separation Dynamics in Photoexcited Pyrene-Bodipy Molecular Dyads, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20, 837-849 , 2018
- A. Verykios, M. Papadakis, A. Soultati, M.-C. Skoulikidou, G. Papaioannou, S. Gardelis, I. D. Petsalakis, G. Theodorakopoulos, V. Petropoulos, L. C. Palilis, M. Fakis, N. A. Vainos, D. Alexandropoulos, D. Davazoglou, G. Pistolis, P. Argitis, A. G. Coutsolelos, M. Vasilopoulou, Functionalized Zinc Porphyrins with Various Peripheral Groups for Interfacial Electron Injection Barrier Control in Organic Light Emitting Diodes, ACS Omega, 3, 10008–10018, 2018
- A. Koutsoubelitis, K. Seintis, D. Tsikritzis, J. Oriou, C. Brochon, E. Cloutet, G. Hadziioannou, M. Vasilopoulou, S. Kennou, M. Fakis, L. C. Palilis, Photophysics, Electronic Structure and Solar Cell Performance of a Donor-Acceptor Poly(N-dodecyl-2,7-carbazole-alt-benzothiadiazole), Organic Electronics 59, 202-212, 2018
- M. Tountas, D. G. Georgiadou, A. Zeniou, K. Seintis, A. Soultati,E. Polydorou, S. Gardelis, A. M. Douvas, T. Speliotis, D. Tsikritzis, S. Kennou, M. Fakis, E. Gogolides, D. Tsoukalas, P. Argitis, M. Vasilopoulou , Plasma induced degradation and surface electronic structure modification of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) films, Polymer Degradation and Stability Polymer Degradation and Stability 149, 162-172, 2018
- K. Seintis, Ç. Şahin, I. Sigmundová, E. Stathatos, P. Hrobárik, M. Fakis, Solvent-Acidity-Driven Change in Photophysics and Significant Efficiency Improvement in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells of a Benzothiazole-Derived Organic Sensitizer, J. Physical Chemistry C 122, 20122−20134, 2018
- M Klikar, K. Seintis, I. Polyzos, O. Pytela, T. Mikysek, N. Almonasy, M. Fakis, F. Bures, Star‐shaped push‐pull molecules with varied number of peripheral acceptors: An insight into their optoelectronic features, ChemPhotoChem, 2, 465-474, 2018
- N. Balis, A. Verykios, A. Soultati, V. Constantoudis, M. Papadakis, F. Kournoutas, C. Drivas,M. C. Skoulikidou, Spyros Gardelis, M. Fakis, S. Kennou, A. G. Kontos, A. G. Coutsolelos, P. Falaras, M. Vasilopoulou, Triazine-Substituted Zinc Porphyrin as an Electron Transport Interfacial Material for Efficiency Enhancement and Degradation Retardation in Planar Perovskite Solar Cells, ACS Applied Energy Materials 1, 3216–3229, 2018
- N. Karakostas, V. S. Petrakis, F. Kournoutas, I. M. Mavridis, E. Martinou, E. Efthimiadou, M. Fakis, G. Pistolis, Cooperative Self-Assembly Enables Two-Dimensional H-type Aggregation of a Sterically Crowded Perylene-Bisimide Dimer, Cryst. Growth Des. 19, 4252-4263, 2019
- A. Soultati, A Fakharuddin, E. Polydorou, C. Drivas, A. Kaltzoglou, M. Irfan Haider, F. Kournoutas, M. Fakis, L. C. Palilis, S. Kennou, D. Davazoglou, P. Falaras, P. Argitis, S. Gardelis, A. Kordatos, A. Chroneos, L. Schmidt-Mende, M. Vasilopoulou, Lithium Doping of ZnO for High Efficiency and Stability Fullerene and Non-fullerene Organic Solar Cells, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2019, 231663-1675, 2019
- A. Soultati, A. Verykios, T. Speliotis, M. Fakis, I. Sakellis, H. Jaouani, D. Davazoglou, P. Argitis, M. Vasilopoulou, Organic solar cells of enhanced efficiency and stability using zinc oxide:zinc tungstate nanocomposite as electron extraction layer, Organic Electronics 71 , 227–237, 2019
- F. Kournoutas, K. Seintis, N. Karakostas, J. Tydlitát, S. Achelle, G. Pistolis, F. Bureš, M. Fakis, Photophysical and Protonation Time Resolved Studies of DonorAcceptor Branched Systems With Pyridine Acceptors, J. Physical Chemistry A 123, 417-428, 2019
- F. Kournoutas, A. Fihey, J.-P. Malval, A. Spangenberg, M. Fecková, P. le Poul, C. Katan, F. Robin-le Guen, F. Bureš, S. Achelle, M. Fakis, Branching effect on the linear and nonlinear optical properties of styrylpyrimidines, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22, 4165-4176, 2020
- K. Seintis, I. Kalis, M. Klikar, F. Bures, M. Fakis, Excitation/detection energy controlled anisotropy dynamics in asymmetrically cyano substituted tri-podal molecule, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22, 16681-16690, 2020
- F. Kournoutas, I. K. Kalis, M. Fecková, S. Achelle, M. Fakis, The effect of protonation on the excited state dynamics of pyrimidine chromophores, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry 391 , 112398, 2020
- K. Tsevas, J. A. Smith, V. Kumar, C. Rodenburg, M. Fakis, A. Rashid bin Mohd Yusoff, M. Vasilopoulou, D. G. Lidzey, M. K. Nazeeruddin, and A. D. F. Dunbar, Controlling PbI2 Stoichiometry during Synthesis to Improve the Performance of Perovskite Photovoltaics, Chemistry of Materials 33, 554–566, 2021
- R. Plaza-Pedroche, D. Georgiou, M. Fakis, A. Fihey, C. Katan, F. Robin-le Guen, S. Achelle, and J. Rodríguez-López, Effect of protonation on the photophysical properties of 4-substituted and 4,7-disubstituted quinazoline push-pull chromophores, Dyes and Pigments 185 , 108948, 2021
- M. Fecková, I. K. Kalis, T. Roisnel, P. le Poul, O. Pytela, M. Klikar, F. Robin-le Guen, F. Bureš, M. Fakis, and S Achelle, Photophysics of 9,9-dimethylacridan substituted phenylstyrylpyrimidines exhibiting long lived intramolecular charge transfer fluorescence and aggregation induced emission characteristics, Chemistry A European Journal 27, 1145-1159, 2021
- J. Nociarova, P. Osusky, E. Rakovsky, D. Georgiou, I. Polyzos, M. Fakis and P. Hrobarik Direct Iodination of Electron-Deficient Benzothiazoles: Rapid Access to Two-Photon Absorbing Fluorophores with Quadrupolar (D–A–D) Architecture and Tunable Heteroaromatic Core, Organic Letters 23, 3460–3465, 2021.
- P. Osusky, J. Nociarova, M. Smolicek, R. Gyepes, D. Georgiou, I. Polyzos, M. Fakis and P. Hrobarik, Oxidative C-H Homocoupling of Push-Pull Benzothiazoles: An Atom-Economical Route To Highly Emissive Quadrupolar Arylamine-Functionalized 2,2′-Bibenzothiazoles with Enhanced Two-Photon Absorption, Organic Letters 23, 5512–5517, 2021.
- A. Verykios, A. Soultati, K. Tourlouki, C. Katsogridakis, C. Chochos, D. Alexandropoulos, V. Vidali, P. Stylianos, K. Yanakopoulou, D. Dimotikali, M. Fakis, L. C. Palilis, N. Stathopoulos, G. Pistolis, P. Skandamis, P. Argitis and M. Vasilopoulou Commercially available chromophores as low-cost efficient electron injection layers for organic light emitting diodes, J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 55, 215106, 2022.
- M. Klikar, D. Georgiou, I. Polyzos, M. Fakis, Z. Růžičková, O. Pytela and F. Bureš, Triphenylamine-based fluorophores bearing peripheral diazine regioisomers. Synthesis, characterization, photophysics and two-photon absorption, Dyes and Pigments 201, 110230, 2022.
- M. Fakis, V. Petropoulos, P. Hrobárik, J. Nociarová, P. Osuský, M. Maiuri and G. Cerullo, Exploring Solvent and Substituent Effects on the Excited State Dynamics and Symmetry Breaking of Quadrupolar Triarylamine End-Capped Benzothiazole Chromophores by Femtosecond Spectroscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 126, 8532–8543, 2022.
- S. Katsiaounis, N. Chourdakis, E. Michail, M. Fakis, I. Polyzos, J. Parthenios and K. Papagelis, Graphene nano-sieves by femtosecond laser irradiation, Nanotechnology 34, 105302, 2023.
- V. Petropoulos, I. Georgoulis, C. Vourdaki, P. Hrobárik, I. Sigmundová, J. Nociarová, M. Maiuri, G. Cerullo and M. Fakis,Ultrafast Photophysics of Regioisomeric Triphenylamine Dyes having Dipolar D-π-A-A and Octupolar D-(π-A-A)3 Character with a Benzothiazole Unit in Matched or Mismatched Orientation ChemPhysChem 24, e202300127, 2023.
- P. Šimon, M. Klikar, Z. Burešová, C. Vourdaki, A. Katsidas, J. Tydlitát, J. Kulhánek, J. Zelenka, M. Fakis, and F. BurešCentripetal triazine chromophores: Towards efficient two-photon absorbers and highly emissive polyimide films Journal of Materials Chemistry C 11, 7252-7261, 2023.
- J. Massue, L. Diarra, I. Georgoulis, A. Fihey, F. Robin-le Guen, G. Ulrich, M. Fakis and S. Achelle Aggregation-Induced Enhanced Emission of a Dimethylacridan Substituted Pyrimidine Derivative ChemPhotoChem 7, e202300085, 2023.
- A. Shahu, V. Petropoulos, E. Saridakis, V. S. Petrakis, N. Ioannidis, G. Mitrikas, A. Schiza, C. L. Chochos, E.-M. Kasimati, A. Soultati, M. Ch. Nika, N. S. Thomaidis, M. Fakis, M. Maiuri, G. Cerullo, G. Pistolis Aggregation-Driven Photoinduced α‑C(sp3)−H Bond Hydroxylation/C(sp3)−C(sp3) Coupling of Boron Dipyrromethene Dye in Water Reported by Near-Infrared Emission Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (2024) 15659
- Jiří Kulhánek, Zuzana Burešová, Milan Klikar, Lampros Sdralias, Alexandros Katsidas, Oldřich Pytela, Patrik Pařík, Aleš Růžička, Mihalis Fakis and Filip Bureš “Synthesis, photophysics and two-photon absorption of imidazole-centred tripodal chromophores” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 26 (2024) 20908-20918
- L. Sdralias, A. Katsidas, I. Polyzos, T. Bonnaud, G. Noirbent, S. Achelle, M. “Two-photon absorption switches based on protonation of pyrimidine derivatives” accepted for publication in ChemPhotoChem.
- K. Giannakopoulos & T. Deliyannis, Complementary Transformation of One and Two-Opamp Biquads, Proceedings of the 2nd IMACS International Conference on: Circuits, Systems and Computers (IMACS-CSC’98), Piraeus, Greece, 26-29 October, 301-306, 1998
- K. Giannakopoulos & T. Deliyannis, Complementary Transformation of One and Two-Opamp Biquads, Recent Advances in Circuits and Systems, World Scientific (ISBN 981-02-3644-1), 37-42, 1998
- Κ. Γιαννακόπουλος, Ε. Ζυγούρης & Δ. Τσελές, Εισαγωγή στα Συστήματα Συλλογής, Μετατροπής και Επεξεργασίας Δεδομένων, Πρακτικά Γ’ Συνεδρίου Τεχνολογίας και Αυτοματισμού, Αθήνα, 14-16 Οκτωβρίου, vol. I, No. 1, 483-490, 2000
- K. Giannakopoulos, J. Hadjidemetriou & T. Deliyannis, A Hyperchaotic RC Oscillator, publication description Proceedings “Order and Chaos” of the 14th Summer School/Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics: Chaos and Complexity, Patras, Greece, July 23 – August 2, vol. 7, 163-170, 2001
- K. Giannakopoulos & T. Deliyannis, Jump Phenomenon in an OTA Simulated LC Circuit, International Journal of Electronics, vol. 88, No. 1, January, doi: 10.1080/00207210150198239, 1-11, 2001
- Κ. Γιαννακόπουλος, Ε. Ζυγούρης & Δ. Τσελές, Συλλογή, Μεταφορά και Έλεγχος Δεδομένων (Θεωρία), ΟΕΔΒ, ISBN 960-06-1025-8, , 2001
- Κ. Γιαννακόπουλος, Ε. Ζυγούρης & Δ. Τσελές, Συλλογή, Μεταφορά και Έλεγχος Δεδομένων (Εργαστήριο), ΟΕΔΒ, ISBN 960-06-1026-6, , 2001
- A. Ifantis & K. Giannakopoulos, Changes of chaotic behavior of the long-term geoelectric potential difference observed during a five-year investigation and its possible relation to seismic activity in Western Greece, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, vol. 14, No. 5, September, doi: 10.1016/S0960-0779(02)00039-5, 779-795, 2002
- K. Giannakopoulos, T. Deliyannis & J. Hadjidemetriou, Means for Detecting Chaos and Hyperchaos in Nonlinear Electronic Circuits, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Digital Processing (DSP-2002), Santorini, Greece, July 1-3, vol. 2, 951-954, 2002
- Κ. Γιαννακόπουλος, Β. Φωτόπουλος, Ά. Ηλίας, Μ. Χατζηγεωργάκη, Εναλλακτικό Διδακτικό Υλικό (ΕΔΥ) – 12 ώρες webcast “Αρχιτεκτονική Υπολογιστών” του «Εργαστηρίου Ψηφιακών Συστημάτων» του Π.Σ. Πληροφορική του ΕΑΠ, ΕΑΠ, ISBN 978-960-538-651-8, , 2004
- Κ. Γιαννακόπουλος, Β. Φωτόπουλος, Ά. Ηλίας, Α. Σκόδρας, Μ. Χατζηγεωργάκη, Εναλλακτικό Διδακτικό Υλικό (ΕΔΥ) – 19 ώρες webcast “Μικροεπεξεργαστές” του «Εργαστηρίου Ψηφιακών Συστημάτων» του Π.Σ. Πληροφορική του ΕΑΠ, ΕΑΠ, ISBN 978-960-538-651-8, , 2004
- Κ. Γιαννακόπουλος, Εναλλακτικό Διδακτικό Υλικό (ΕΔΥ) – 3 ώρες webcast “Ψηφιακή Σχεδίαση” της Θ.Ε. «ΠΛΗ 21: Ψηφιακά Συστήματα» του Π.Σ. Πληροφορική του ΕΑΠ, ΕΑΠ, ISBN 978-960-538-659-7, , 2004
- Κ. Γιαννακόπουλος, Β. Φωτόπουλος, Ά. Ηλίας, Α. Σκόδρας, Μ. Χατζηγεωργάκη, Εναλλακτικό Διδακτικό Υλικό (ΕΔΥ) – 31 ώρες webcast , ΕΑΠ, ISBN 978-960-538-651-8, , 2004
- Κ. Γιαννακόπουλος, Εναλλακτικό Διδακτικό Υλικό (ΕΔΥ) – Υλικό Υπερκειμένου (hypertext) (20 σελίδες και 5 ασκήσεις Λογισμικού) “Ψηφιακή Σχεδίαση” του «Εργαστηρίου Ψηφιακών Συστημάτων» του Π.Σ. Πληροφορική του ΕΑΠ, ΕΑΠ, ISBN 978-960-538-651-8, , 2004
- K. Giannakopoulos & T. Deliyannis, A Comparison of Five Methods for Studying a Hyperchaotic Circuit, International Journal of Electronics, vol. 92, No. 3, March, doi: 10.1080/00207210512331337730, 143-159, 2005
- A. Ifantis & K. Giannakopoulos, New experimental data reveal possible relation of chaotic behavior of the long-term geoelectric potential difference to seismic activity in Western Greece, Proceedings of the 2005 1st International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics (ISND 2005), Shanghai, the Peoples Republic of China, December 20-21, (Article No He-702), , 2005
- G. Souliotis, K. Giannakopoulos & N. Fragoulis, A Current-Mode Chaotic Oscillator, Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2006), Island of Kos, Greece, May 21-24, Article No 1692563, 225-228, 2006
- Ν. Φραγκούλης, Κ. Γιαννακόπουλος & Γ. Σουλιώτης, Η Τεχνική του Companding, Τεχνική Εκλογή, Τεύχος 474, Σεπτέμβριος, 65-71, 2006
- K. Giannakopoulos, G. Souliotis & N. Fragoulis, An Integratable Chaotic Oscillator with Current Amplifiers, Proceedings of the 8-th International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS 2007), Iasi, Romania, July 12-13, vol. 1, Article No 4292661, doi: 10.1109/ISSCS.2007.4292661, 101-104, 2007
- K. Giannakopoulos & A. Ifantis, Chaotic behavior of new experimental data of the LTGP (2004-2006) confirm possible relation to seismic activity in Western Greece, Proceedings of the 2007 2nd International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics (ISND 2007), Shanghai, the Peoples Republic of China, October 27-30, (Article No Xu-177), , 2007
- A. Ifantis & K. Giannakopoulos, New experimental data reveal possible relation of chaotic behavior of the long-term geoelectric potential difference to seismic activity in Western Greece, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, vol. 34, No. 3, November, doi: 10.1016/j.chaos.2006.03.078, 717-726, 2007
- N. Fragoulis, G. Souliotis & K. Giannakopoulos, A Log-Domain Wave Positive Impedance Inverter, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, vol. 17, No. 4, August, doi: 10.1142/S0218126608004502, 561-567, 2008
- K. Giannakopoulos & A. Ifantis, Chaotic behavior of new experimental data of the LTGP (2004-2006) confirm possible relation to seismic activity in Western Greece, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 96, No 1, February, Article No 012159, doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/96/1/012159, , 2008
- K. Giannakopoulos & T. Deliyannis, A Chaotic RC Oscillator, Proceedings of the A’ PanHellenic Conference on Electronics and Telecommunications (PACET), Patras, Greece, March 20-22, (Article No 38), , 2009
- K. Giannakopoulos & T. Deliyannis, Autonomous 4-D Hyperchaotic Oscillator and Synchronization, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP-2009), Santorini, Greece, July 5-7, Article No 5201079, doi: 10.1109/ICDSP.2009.5201079, , 2009
- N. Fragoulis, G. Souliotis, D. Besiris & K. Giannakopoulos, Field-Programmable Analogue Array Design Based on the Wave Active Filter Design Method, International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEÜ), vol. 63, No. 10, October, doi: 10.1016/j.aeue.2008.06.014, 889-895, 2009
- A. Antoniou, Θ. Δεληγιάννης, Κ. Γιαννακόπουλος, Δ. Μπεσύρης, Γ. Μπουρδόπουλος & Β. Πόθος, Ψηφιακή Επεξεργασία Σήματος: Σήματα, Συστήματα και Φίλτρα (translation of: Α. Antoniou, Digital Signal Processing: Signals, Systems and Filters, McGraw Hill 2005), Εκδόσεις Τζιόλα, ISBN 978-960-418-188-9, , 2009
- G. Souliotis, N. Fragoulis, K. Giannakopoulos, D. Besiris & E. Zygouris, Current-Mode Wave Field Programmable Analogue Arrays, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 38, No. 4, May, doi: 10.1002/cta.559, 331-341, 2010
- K. Giannakopoulos & T. Deliyannis, Detection of Hyperchaos in an RC Oscillator and Synchronization, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Applied Electronics (AE-2010), Pilsen, Czech Republic, September 8-9,, 109-112, 2010
- T. Deliyannis & K. Giannakopoulos, Basic Electronics for Non Electrical Engineers (with MATLAB and Simulink Exercises), Lulu, ISBN 978-1-105-70888-6, 2012.
- Κ. Γιαννακόπουλος, Το Εγχειρίδιο του Καλού Διευθυντή ΕΠΑ.Λ., 8η Έκδοση, Εκδόσεις ΕΠΑΦΟΣ ΕΠΕ, Σεπτέμβριος 2018, ISBN 978-960-9735-04-9.
- Κ. Γιαννακόπουλος, Το Εγχειρίδιο του Καλού Διευθυντή, 10η Έκδοση, Εκδόσεις ΕΠΑΦΟΣ ΕΠΕ, Σεπτέμβριος 2018, ISBN 978-960-9735-05-6.
- Γ. Κεραμίδας, Κ. Γιαννακόπουλος & Β. Φωτόπουλος, Εργαστηριακός Οδηγός της ΕΘΕ Ψηφιακά Συστήματα ΙΙ του Προγράμματος Σπουδών Πληροφορική του Ελληνικού Ανοικτού Πανεπιστημίου, ΕΑΠ, Πάτρα 2020 (επικαιροποίηση 2023).
- Κ. Γιαννακόπουλος, Η Νομοθεσία της Δευτεροβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης – Ο Απόλυτος Οδηγός, 5η Έκδοση, Εκδόσεις ΕΠΑΦΟΣ ΕΠΕ, Σεπτέμβριος 2023, ISBN 978-960-9735-15-5.
- Ι. Κουρέτας, Κ. Γιαννακόπουλος & Θ. Ορφανουδάκης, Εργαστηριακός Οδηγός της ΕΘΕ Ψηφιακά Συστήματα Ι του Προγράμματος Σπουδών Πληροφορική του Ελληνικού Ανοικτού Πανεπιστημίου, ΕΑΠ, Πάτρα 2024.
- S. Mexias, V. Fotopoulos & K. Giannakopoulos, Comparison of HC-SR04 and TF-LC02 Distance Sensors for Indoor Mapping Applications, Proceedings of the 7th PanHellenic Conference on Electronics and Telecommunications (PACET), Thessaloniki, Greece, March 28-29, 2024, (ISBN 979-8-3503-1884-5).
Feb 2023 – Oct 2023: ΜΟΣΤΡΑ – Μονάδα Στρατηγικού Σχεδιασμού Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών, MIS 5283499, (Φ.Κ. 82315)
Jun 2022 – Sep 2022: Erasmus+ 609971 IRREDER – Introducing Recent Electrical Engineering Developments into undergraduate curriculum (Φ.Κ. 81101)
Mar 2005 – Dec 2007: Πυθαγόρας ΙΙ – Ενίσχυση Ερευνητικών Ομάδων στα Πανεπιστήμια (ΕΠΕΑΕΚ ΙΙ) με τίτλο «Ανάπτυξη προγραμματιζόμενων αναλογικών συσκευών ολοκληρωμένων φίλτρων για ταχεία προτυποποίηση αναλογικών συστημάτων με τη χρήση δομών κυματικών φίλτρων» (B.795.040)
Sep 2005 – Dec 2006: Ήρων (ΕΠΕΑΕΚ ΙΙ) – «Εκπαίδευση Ενηλίκων στην Απόκτηση Βασικών Δεξιοτήτων στις Νέες Τεχνολογίες»
Feb 2004 – Aug 2006: Αρχιμήδης (ΕΠΕΑΕΚ ΙΙ) – «Τεχνικές Χαλαρού Υπολογισμού (Soft Computing) για Ψηφιακή Επεξεργασία Πολυκαναλικών Σημάτων με Εφαρμογές σε Επεξεργασία και Διαχείριση: Εικόνας Βασισμένης σε Γραφήματα και Γεωηλεκτρικών και Γεωμαγνητικών Δεδομένων»
Mar 2004 – Aug 2006: Πυθαγόρας Ι – Ενίσχυση Ερευνητικών Ομάδων στα Πανεπιστήμια (ΕΠΕΑΕΚ ΙΙ) με τίτλο «Σχεδίαση μη γραμμικών ολοκληρωμένων κυκλωμάτων» (Β.365.032)
May 2004 – Jun 2005: Ανάπτυξη και Ομαλή Λειτουργία του Εκπαιδευτικού Έργου του ΕΑΠ (ΕΠΕΑΕΚ ΙΙ) – «Ανάπτυξη ΕΔΥ για τα Προγράμματα Σπουδών Προπτυχιακού και Μεταπτυχιακού Επιπέδου»
Jan 2002 – Dec 2004: ΕΠΕΑΕΚ ΙΙ Ιατρικής Φυσικής – «Νέα Αναμόρφωση Διατμηματικού Μεταπτυχιακού Προγράμματος Σπουδών στην Ιατρική Φυσική» (Α.011.008, πρώην 50011-2943)
Apr 2002 – May 2003: Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας (ΚτΠ) (ΕΠΕΑΕΚ ΙΙ) – «Επιμόρφωση Εκπαιδευτικών στην Αξιοποίηση των Τεχνολογιών της Πληροφορίας και των Επικοινωνιών στην Εκπαίδευση» (Φ.3107, Φ.3108, Φ.3109, Φ.3110, Φ.3206)
Oct 2000 – Jul 2001: «Χρηματοδότηση Υποτροφιών Μεταπτυχιακών Φοιτητών του Τμήματος Φυσικής»
1999 – 2001: Γενική και Τεχνική Εκπαίδευση (ΕΠΕΑΕΚ) – «Προγράμματα Σπουδών, Βιβλία & Εκπαιδευτικά Μέσα ΤΕΕ» (ΦΕΚ 2320/31.12.1999 τ.Β’)
Apr 1998 – Jun 2000: ΕΠΕΑΕΚ Φυσικής – «Προγράμματα Σπουδών Φυσικής: Επαναπροσανατολισμός Κατεύθυνσης και Αναμόρφωσης Προγράμματος Σπουδών του Τμήματος Φυσικής Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών» (Φ.1707)
Nov 1996 – May 2000: «Εκσυγχρονισμός και Ενδυνάμωση της Εκπαιδευτικής και Ερευνητικής Δραστηριότητας του Τμήματος Φυσικής»
Μέλος Οργανωτικών Επιτροπών
- 7th International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2015) organized in cooperation with the IEEE in Costa Navarino, Messinia, Greece, May 26-29, 2015
- IEEE 14th Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop (IVMSP 2020) in Nafplio, Greece, June, 23-26, 2020
1.Nευρωνικά Δίκτυα
1. Vasilios N. Katsikis,Spyridon D. Mourtas, C. Kasimis, “Feedback Control Systems Stabilization Using a Bio-inspired Neural Network’’ Vol. 1 (2022): EAI Endorsed Transactions on AI and Robotics.
2. Mourtas, S.D.; Kasimis, C. ‘’Exploiting Mean-Variance Portfolio Optimization Problems through Zeroing Neural Networks’’.Mathematics 2022, 10, 3079. https://
3. Spyridon D. Mourtas, Chrysostomos Kasimis c, Vasilios N. Katsikis”Robust PID controllers tuning based on the beetle antennae search algorithm ”Memories – Materials, Devices, Circuits and Systems 4 (2023).
2.Σχεδίαση αναλογικών ολκληρωμένων κυκλωμάτων
2. C. Kasimis, G. Souliotis, C. Psychalinos, “OTA based frequency tuning system with reduced effect of C offsets”, International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU), vol.64, no.7, pp.858-866, 2010.
3.C. Kasimis, G. Souliotis, C. Psychalinos, “Novel log- frequency-adaptive filter”, International Journal of Electronics, vol. 99, no. 4, pp 197-209, 2012.
4.C.Kasimis, C. Psychalinos, “Design of Sinh-Domain Διατριβής Filters Using Complementary Operators”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 40, no. 10,pp.1019–1039, 2012.
5.C. Kasimis, C. Psychalinos, “0.65V class-AB current mode four-quadrant multiplier with reduced power dissipation”, International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU), vol65, no.7, pp.673-677 2011.
6.C. Kasimis, and C. Psychalinos, “1.2V BiCMOS Sinh-Domain filters”, Circuits Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 31, no. 4, pp 1257-1277, 2012. 7. F. A. Khanday,
7.C. Kasimis, C. Psychalinos, N. A. Shah, ““Sinh-Domain Linear Transformation filters”,International Journal of Electronics, vol. 101, no.2, pp. 241-254,2014.
8.C. Kasimis, C. Psychalinos, “Sinh-Domain Domain Universal Biquad Filters”.Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers accepted.
9. A. Demartinos, C. Kasimis, C. Laoudias, and C. Psychalinos “Companding realizations of the non-linear energy operator” Hindawi Publishing Corporation ISRN Biomedical Engineering Vol. 2013, Article ID 750290, 7 pages
10. Costas Psychalinos, Chrysostomos Kasimis, Fabian Khateb “Multiple-input single-output universal biquad filter using single output operational transconductance amplifiers“International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU),
The Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Division
- Generalised Uncertainty Relations and Long Time Limits for Quantum Brownian Motion Models, C. Anastopoulos and J. J. Halliwell, Phys. Rev. D51, 6870 (1995). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.51.6870
- Decoherence and Classical Predictability of Phase Space Histories, Phys. Rev. E53, 4711 (1996). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.53.4711
- Quantum Theory of Nonrelativistic Particles Interacting with Gravity, C. Anastopoulos, Phys. Rev. D54, 1600 (1996). DOI: 10.1103/physrevd.54.1600
- Coarse Grainings and Irreversibility in Quantum Field Theory, C. Anastopoulos, Phys. Rev. D56, 1009 (1997). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.56.1009
- N – Particle Sector of Quantum Field Theory as a Quantum Open System, C. Anastopoulos, Phys. Rev. D56, 6702 (1997). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.56.6702
- Selection of Preferred Consistent Sets, C. Anastopoulos, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 37, 2261 (1998). DOI: 1023/A:1026658523246
- Non–Equilibrium Quantum Electrodynamics, C. Anastopoulos and A. Zoupas, Phys. Rev. D58, 105006 (1998). DOI: 10.1103/physrevd.58.105006
- Information Measures and Classicality in Quantum Mechanics, C. Anastopoulos, Phys. Rev. D59, 045001 (1999). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.59.045001
- Two-level Atom-Field Interaction: Exact Master Equation for Non-Markovian Dynamics, Decoherence and Relaxation, C. Anastopoulos and B. L. Hu, Phys. Rev. A62, 033821 (2000). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.62.033821
- Quantum Fields in Non-Static Background: α Histories Perspective, C. Anastopoulos, J. Math. Phys. 41, 617 (2000). DOI: 10.1063/1.533155
- History Quantisation of Parameterised Systems Development of a General Algorithm, C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, Class. Quant. Grav. 17, 2463 (2000). DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/17/13/301
- Continuous-time Histories: Observables, Probabilities, Phase Space Structure and the Classical Limit, C. Anastopoulos, J. Math. Phys. 42, 3225 (2001). DOI: 10.1063/1.1383975
- Quantum Mechanical Histories and the Berry Phase, C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 41, 529 (2002). DOI: 1023/A:1025706632036
- Quantum Theory without Hilbert Spaces, C. Anastopoulos, Found. Phys. 31, 1545 (2001). DOI: 10.1023/A:1012690715414
- Quantum Correlation Functions and the Classical Limit, C. Anastopoulos, Phys. Rev. D63, 125024 (2001). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.63.125024
- Frequently Asked Questions about Decoherence, C. Anastopoulos, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 41, 1573 (2002). DOI: 10.1023/A:1020144800650
- Quantum Processes on Phase Space, C. Anastopoulos, Ann. Phys. 303, 273 (2003). DOI: 10.1016/S0003-4916(03)00006-X
- Role of Phase Space Geometry in Heisenberg Uncertainty Relations, C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, Ann. Phys. 308, 329 (2003). DOI: 10.1016/S0003-4916(03)00145-3
- Spin-Statistics Theorem and Geometric Quantization, C. Anastopoulos, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 19, 655 (2004). DOI: 10.1142/S0217751X04017860
- Coherent States of Spinning Relativistic Particles, C. Anastopoulos, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 37, 8619 (2004). DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/37/36/004
- On the Relation between Quantum Mechanical Probabilities and Event Frequencies, C. Anastopoulos, Ann. Phys. 313, 368 (2004). DOI: 10.1016/j.aop.2004.05.002
- Non-Markovian qubit dynamics in a thermal field bath: Relaxation, Shresta, C. Anastopoulos, A. Dragulescu and B. L. Hu, Phys. Rev. A 71, 022109 (2005). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.71.022109
- History Minisuperspace Models, C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, Class. Quant. Grav. 22, 1841 (2005). DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/22/9/023
- Classical Vs Quantum Probability in Sequential Measurements, C. Anastopoulos, Found. Phys. 36, 1601 (2006). DOI: 10.1007/s10701-006-9077-5
- Time-of-Arrival Probabilities and Quantum Measurements, C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, J. Math. Phys. 47, 122106 (2006). DOI: 10.1063/1.2399085
- Quantum probabilities for time-extended Alternatives, C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, J. Math. Phys. 48, 032106 (2007). DOI: 10.1063/1.2713078
- Time-of-Arrival Probabilities and Quantum Measurements: II Application to tunnelling times, C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, J. Math. Phys. 49, 022101 (2008). DOI: 10.1063/1.2837428
- Intrinsic and Fundamental Decoherence: Issues and Problems, C. Anastopoulos and B. L. Hu, Class. Quant. Grav. 25,154003 (2008). DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/25/15/154003
- Time-of-Arrival Probabilities and Quantum Measurements: III Decay of unstable states, C. Anastopoulos, J. Math. Phys. 49, 022103 (2008). DOI: 10.1063/1.2839920
- Gravitational Backreaction in Cosmological Spacetimes, C. Anastopoulos, Phys. Rev. D79, 084029 (2009). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.79.084029
- Non-Markovian Entanglement Dynamics of Two Qubits Interacting with a Common Electromagnetic Field, Anastopoulos, S. Shresta and B.L. Hu, Q. Inf. Proc. 8, 549 (2009). DOI: 10.1007/s11128-009-0137-6
- The Rotating-Wave Approximation: Consistency and Applicability from an Open Quantum System Analysis, C. H. Fleming, I. Cummings, C. Anastopoulos and B. L. Hu, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43, 405304 (2010). DOI: 10.1088/1751-8113/43/40/405304
- Generalized uncertainty relations and entanglement dynamics in quantum Brownian motion models, C. Anastopoulos, S. Kechribaris and D. Mylonas, Phys. Rev. A82, 042119 (2010). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.82.042119
- Consistent Thermodynamics for Spin Echoes, C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, Phys. Rev. E83, 021118 (2011). DOI: 10.1103/physreve.83.021118
- Coherences of Accelerated Detectors and the Local Character of the Unruh Effect, C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, J. Math. Phys. 53, 012107 (2012). DOI: 10.1063/1.3679554
- Entropy of Singularities in Self-Gravitating Radiation, C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, Class. Quant. Grav. 29, 025004 (2012). DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/29/2/025004
- Non-Markovian Dynamics and Entanglement of Two-Level Atoms in a Common Field, C. Fleming, N. Cummings, C. Anastopoulos and B. L. Hu, J. Phys A: Math. Theor. 45, 065301 (2012). DOI: 10.1088/1751-8113/45/6/065301
- Time-of-Arrival Probabilities for General Particle Detectors, C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, Phys. Rev. A86, 012111 (2012). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.86.012111
- A Master Equation for Gravitational Decoherence: Probing the Textures of Spacetime, C. Anastopoulos and B. L. Hu, Class. Quant. Grav. 30, 165007 (2013). DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/30/16/165007
- Quantum Temporal Probabilities in Tunneling Systems, C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, Ann. Phys. 336, 281 (2013). DOI: 10.1016/j.aop.2013.06.003
- Problems with the Newton-Schrodinger equation, C. Anastopoulos and B. L. Hu, New J. Phys. 16, 085007 (2014). DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/16/8/085007
- The thermodynamics of self-gravitating systems in equilibrium is holographic, C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, Quant. Grav. 31, 055003 (2014). DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/31/5/055003
- Real-time particle-detection probabilities in accelerated macroscopic detectors, C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, Gen. Rel. Grav. 47, 1842 (2015). DOI: 10.1007/s10714-014-1842-8
- Probing a Gravitational Cat State, C. Anastopoulos and B. L. Hu, Class. Quant. Grav. 32, 165022 (2015). DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/32/16/165022
- The thermodynamics of a black hole in equilibrium implies the breakdown of Einstein equations on a macroscopic near-horizon shell, C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, JHEP, 2016-144. DOI: 10.1007/jhep01(2016)144
- Non-Markovian time evolution of an accelerated qubit, D. Moustos and C. Anastopoulos, Phys. Rev D95, 025020 (2017). DOI: 10.1103/physrevd.95.025020
- Time-of-Arrival Correlations, C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, Phys. Rev. A95, 032105 (2017). DOI: 10.1103/physreva.95.032105
- Path of a Tunneling Particle, C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, Phys Rev. A95, 052120 (2017). DOI: 10.1103/physreva.95.052120
- Equivalence Principle for Quantum Systems: Dephasing and Phase Shift of Free-Falling Particles, Anastopoulos and B. L. Hu, Class. Quant. Grav. 35, 035011 (2018). DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/aaa0e8
- Decays of Unstable Quantum States, C. Anastopoulos, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 58, 890 (2019). DOI: 10.1007/s10773-018-3984-z
- Time of Arrival and Localization of Relativistic Particles, C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, J. Math. Phys. 60, 032301 (2019). DOI: 10.1063/1.5080930
- Multi-Time Measurements in Hawking Radiation: Information at Higher-Order Correlations, C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, Class. Quant. Grav. 37, 025015 (2020). DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/ab5eb2
- How black holes store information in high-order correlations, C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D (2020).
- Relativistic quantum thermodynamics of moving systems, N. Papadatos and C. Anastopoulos, Phys. Rev. D 102, 085005 (2020).
- Detectors interacting through quantum fields: Non-Markovian effects, non-perturbative generation of correlations and apparent non-causality. T. Kolioni and C. Anastopoulos, Phys. Rev. A 102, 062207 (2020).
- Quantum superposition of two gravitational cat states, C. Anastopoulos and B. L. Hu, Class. Quant. Grav. 37 235012 (2020).
- Classification theorem and properties of singular solutions to the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation,C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, Class. Quant. Grav. (2021).
- Mind-Body Interaction in Modern Physics, C. Anastopoulos, Found. Phys. 51, 1 (2021).
- Gravitational decoherence of photons, M. Lagouvardos and C. Anastopoulos, Class. Quant. Grav. 38, 115012 (2021).
- Thermodynamics and phase transitions of black holes in contact with a gravitating heat bath, D. Kotopoulis and C. Anastopoulos, Class. Quant. Grav. 38, 195026 (2021).
- Gravitational effects in macroscopic quantum systems: a first-principles analysis, C. Anastopoulos, M. Lagouvardos and N. Savvidou, Class. Quant. Grav. 38, 105512 (2021).
- Gravitational Decoherence: A Thematic Overview, C. Anastopoulos and B. L. Hu, AVS Quantum Sci. 4, 015602 (2022).
- Quantum Information in Relativity: The Challenge of QFT Measurements, C. Anastopoulos and N. Savvidou, Entropy 24, 4 (2022).
- Gravity, Quantum Fields and Quantum Information: Problems with classical channel and stochastic theories, C. Anastopoulos and B. L. Hu, Entropy 24, 490 (2022).
- Mohageg, L. Mazzarella, C. Anastopoulos, et al, The Deep Space Quantum Link: Prospective Fundamental Physics Experiments using Long-Baseline Quantum Optics, EJP Quantum Technology, 9, 25 (2022).
- C. Anastopoulos, B. L. Hu and K. Savvidou, Quantum field theory based quantum information: Measurements and correlations, Ann. Phys. 450, 169239 (2023).
- Solomos N., Whitehead M. J., Meaburn J., Goudis C. D., Christopoulou P.-E., Optical monitoring of the nuclear variability of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151, Astronomy & Astrophysics 229, 80-82, 1990
- Meaburn J., Christopoulou P.-E., Goudis C. D.,Compact fibre- optic format changers for a multislit echelle spectrometer- initial results on the Dumbbell nebula (NGC 6853), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 256, 97-102, 1992
- Christopoulou P.-E., Goudis C. D., Solomos N., Kemp S., NGC 4151 entering in an active phase, Astrophysics and Space Science 201, 297-302, 1992
- Christopoulou P.-E., Goudis C. D. Τhe Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151: Peak activity on the decline ?, Astronomy & Astrophysics 272, 407-410, 1993
- Meaburn J., Dyson J. E., Goudis C.D., Christopoulou P.-E., An Evolutionary Model for the Wolf-Rayet nebula NGC 2359, Astrophysics and Space Science 216, 281-283, 1994
- Goudis C. D., Christopoulou P.-E., Meaburn J., Dyson J. E., Expanding rings in the WR nebula NGC 2359, Astronomy & Astrophysics 285, 631-639, 1994
- Christopoulou P.-E, Goudis C. D., Meaburn J., Dyson J. E., Clayton C. A., The kinematics of an ionized shell, NGC 7635, in the S162 complex, Astronomy & Astrophysics 295, 509-516, 1995
- Christopoulou, P.-E, Holloway A.J, Steffen W., Mundell C.G., Thean A.H.C., Goudis, C. D., Meaburn J., Pedlar A., Evidence for an outflow from the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4051, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 284, 385-394, 1997
- Clayton C.A, Meaburn J., Lopez J.A., Christopoulou P.-E , Goudis C.D, Imaging studies of localized, ionized flows in the Rosette nebula, Astronomy and Astrophysics 334, 264-268, 1998
- Boumis, P., Dickinson, C., Meaburn, J., Goudis, C.D., Christopoulou P.E., Lopez, J.A., Bryce, M. and Redman, M.P., Deep Ha imagery of the Eridanus shells, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 320, 61-65, 2001
- Meaburn, J., Boumis, P., Christopoulou P.E., Goudis, C.D., Bryce, M and Lo-pez, J.A, Global kinematics of the Dumbbell planetary nebula (NGC 6853, M27, PN G060.8-03.6), Revista Mexicana Astronomy Astrophysics, 41, 109., 2005
- P. Boumis, J. Alikakos, P. E. Christopoulou, F. Mavromatakis, E. M. Xilouris, C. D. Goudis, First optical light from the supernova remnant G 15.1-1.6, Astronomy & Astrophysics 481, 705, 2008
- G. Bourlis, P.E. Christopoulou, H. Fragoulis, N. Gizani, A. Leisos, A. Tsirigotis, S. Tza-marias, KM3Net Conceptual Design Report for a Deep-Sea Research, ISBN 978-90-6488-031-5,, 2008
- P. Boumis, E. M. Xilouris, J. Alikakos, P. E. Christopoulou, F. Mavromatakis, A. C. Katsiyannis, C. D. Goudis, Discovery of optical emission from the supernova remnant G 32.8-0.1 (Kes 78), Astronomy and Astrophysics 499, No3, 789, 2009
- A.Leisos, G. Bourlis, N. Gizani, P-E Christopoulou, A. Tsirigotis & S. Tzamarias, Calibration and optimization of a Very Large Neutrino telescope using Extensive Air Showers, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, Volume 626, S231-S233, 2011
- Christopoulou, P.-E, Papageorgiou, A. and Chrysopoulos, I., First Modern Photometric Investigation of the Puzzling W UMa Type Close Binary System of TZ Bootis, Astronomical Journal, 142, 99, 2011
- G. Bourlis, P.E. Christopoulou, I. Gialas. N. Gizani, A. Leisos, C. Papageorgiou, A. Tsirigotis, S. Tzamarias, KM3Net Technical design Report (TDR) for a Deep-Sea Research, X,, 2011
- Christopoulou P.-E., Papageorgiou A., Vasileiadis T.& Tsantilas S., An Holistic View of the W UMa Type TY Boo, Astronomical Journal, 144, 149, 2012
- J. Alikakos, P. Boumis, P. E. Christopoulou, C. D. Goudis , Discovery of optical candidate supernova remnants in Sagittarius, Astronomy and Astrophysics,544, 140, 2012
- Christopoulou, P.-E, Papageorgiou, A. , Kleidis, S & Tsadilas, S, Τhe first photometric study and period analysis of the misclassified binary system V380 Cas, Astronomical Journal, 143, 30, 2012
- Papageorgiou, A.; Christopoulou, P. E.; Nikolidakis, G., Optical variability campaign for strong X-ray sources among eclipsing binaries, hcxa.confE.153P, , 2012
- Pribulla , T.; Vaňko, M.; Ammler-von Eiff, M.; Andreev, M.; Aslantürk, A.; Awadalla, N.; Baluďanský, D.; Bonanno, A.; Božić, H.; Catanzaro, G.; and 48 coauthors, The Dwarf project: Eclipsing binaries – precise clocks to discover exoplanets, Astronomische NachrichtenVol.333, Issue 8, 754, 2012
- Christopoulou, P.-E & Papageorgiou, A., An Extensive Analysis of the W UMa Type Binary FI Boo, Astronomical Journal 146, 157-168, 2013
- KM3NeT Collaboration; Adrián-Martínez, S.; Ageron, M.; Aguilar, J. A.; Aharonian, F.; Aiello, S.; Albert, A.; Alexandri, M.; Ameli, F.; Anassontzis, E. G.; and 305 coauthors, Detection potential of the KM3NeT detector for high-energy neutrinos from the Fermi bubbles, Astroparticle Physics, Volume 42, 7-14, 2013
- Papageorgiou, A.; Kleftogiannis, G.; Christopoulou, P.-E., An automated search of O’Connell effect from surveys of eclipsing binaries, Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, vol. 43, no. 3, 470-472, 2014
- Papageorgiou, A.; Christopoulou, P.-E., Light curve and detailed model of the triple eclipsing binary system FI Boo, Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, vol. 43, no. 3, 468-469, 2014
- Christopoulou, P.-E.; Papageorgiou, A.; Theodosiou, A., Analysis of detached eclipsing binaries of the LMC and SMC, Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, vol. 43, no. 3, 388-393, 2014
- Papageorgiou, A.; Christopoulou, P.-E., Absolute Parameters and Physical Nature of the Low-amplitude Contact Binary HI Draconis, Astronomical Journal 149, 168-175, 2015
- Papageorgiou, A.; Christopoulou, P.-E.; Pribulla, T.; Vanko, M, Refined investigation of the low-amplitude contact binary V1003 Her, Astrophysics and Space Science 357, 59-69, 2015
- Papageorgiou, A.; Christopoulou, P.-E. A New Look at the Eclipse Timing Variation Diagram Analysis of Selected 3-body W UMa Systems, ASPC, 496, 181P, 2015
- Christopoulou, P.-E.; Papageorgiou, A. A New Look at the Eclipse Timing Variation Diagram Analysis of Selected 3-body W UMa Systems, ASPC..496..210C, 2015
- Papageorgiou, A; Kleftogiannis, G; Christopoulou, P.-E. Eclipsing binary stars with extreme light curve asymmetries mined from large astronomical surveys, EPJ Web of Conferences.152,03010P, 2017
- Papageorgiou, A.; Catelan, M. ; Christopoulou, P.-E; Drake, A.J; Djorgovski, S. G. ; An Updated Catalog of 4680 Northern Eclipsing Binaries with Algol-type Light-curve Morphology in the Catalina Sky Surveys, ApJS..238….4P, 2018
- Papageorgiou, A.; Catelan, M. ; Christopoulou, P.-E; Drake, A.J; Djorgovski, S. G. An Updated Catalog of 4680 Northern Eclipsing Binaries with Algol-type Light-curve Morphology in the Catalina Sky Surveys, ApJS..238….4P, 2018
- Papageorgiou, A.; Catelan, M. ; Christopoulou, P.-E; Drake, A.J; Djorgovski, S. G. Physical Parameters of Northern Eclipsing Binaries in the Catalina Sky Survey, ApJS, 242,6P, 2019
- Lalounta, E.; Papageorgiou, A.;Christopoulou, P. E. Catelan, M An investigation of low-mass-ratio EW systems from the Catalina Sky Survey, CoSka. 50, 409L, 2020
- Zervas, K.; Christopoulou, E. -P.; Papageorgiou, A. Substellar and stellar companions in eclipsing binaries, CoSka, 50, 772, 2020
- Papageorgiou, A.; Christopoulou, P. -E.; Catelan, M. What we can learn from eclipsing binaries in large surveys: The case of EA Catalina systems, 2020CoSka..50..774P
- Papageorgiou, A.; Catelan, M. ; Christopoulou, P.-E; Drake, A.J; Djorgovski, S. G. Detection of period variations of eclipsing binaries in the Catalina Sky Survey, MNRAS.503.2979P, 2021
- Christopoulou, P-E ;Lalounta, E.; Papageorgiou, A.; Ferreira Lopes, C. E; Catelan, M.;Drake, A.J New low mass ratio contact binaries in the Catalina Sky Survey, MNRAS.512.1244C, 2022
- Papageorgiou, A. ; Christopoulou, P-E; Ferreira Lopes, C. E.;Lalounta, E; Catelan, M; Drake, A J. Three Ultra-short-period Contact Eclipsing Binary Systems Mined from Massive Astronomical Surveys, AJ….165…80P, 2023
- Papageorgiou, A. ; Christopoulou, P-E; Lalounta, E; Ferreira Lopes, C. E; Catelan, M.;Drake; Hantzios, P.;Alikakos, I. A Unique Low-mass-ratio Contact Eclipsing Binary System under the Period Cutoff, ApJ…952..141P, 2023
- Zervas, K; Christopoulou, P-E. and Papageorgiou, A..Investigating Period Variability Mechanisms in Eclipsing Binary Stars through Eclipsing Time Variation Analysis: A Case Study of TZ Bootis, ApJ 2023 (in press)
- A.P. Igoshev, A. Frantsuzova, K.N. Gourgouliatos, S. Tsichli, L. Konstantinou, S.B. Popov, “Initial periods and magnetic fields of neutron stars”, 2022, MNRAS, 514, 4606.
- V. Barkov, P. Sharma, K.N. Gourgouliatos, M. Lyutikov, “Relativistic Magnetic Explosions”, 2022, ApJ, 934, 140.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, D. De Grandis, A. Igoshev, “Magnetic Field Evolution in Neutron Star Crusts: Beyond the Hall Effect”, Symmetry, 14, 1, 130, 2022.
- G. Chouliaras, K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Application of an Upwind integration method to plane parallel Hall-MHD”, Astronomy and Computing, 100553, 2022.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, S.K. Lander, “Axisymmetric magneto-plastic evolution of neutron-star crusts”, MNRAS, 506, 3, pp.3578-3587, 2021.
- V. Karageorgopoulos, K.N. Gourgouliatos, V. Geroyannis, “Polytropic wind solutions via the Complex Plane Strategy”, Astronomy and Computing, Volume 36, article id. 100491, 2021
- J. Matsumoto, S.S. Komissarov, K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Magnetic Inhibition of the Recollimation Instability in Relativistic Jets”, MNRAS, 503, 4, pp.4918-4929, 2021
- A. Igoshev, K.N. Gourgouliatos, R. Hollerbach, T. Wood, “3D Magnetothermal Simulations of Tangled Crustal Magnetic Field in Central Compact Objects, ApJ”, 909, 2, 101, 9 pp., 2021
- H. Abdalla et al., “Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array for probing cosmology and fundamental physics with gamma-ray propagation”, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Issue 02, article id. 048, 2021.
- A. Igoshev, R. Hollerbach, T.S. Wood, K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Strong toroidal magnetic fields required by quiescent X-ray emission of magnetars”, Nature Astronomy, 215, 2020.
- D. De Grandis, D., R. Turolla, T.S. Wood, S. Zane, R. Taverna, K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Three-dimensional Modeling of the Magnetothermal Evolution of Neutron Stars: Method and Test Cases”, ApJ, 903, 40, 2020.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, R. Hollerbach, & A. Igoshev “Powering central compact objects with a tangled crustal magnetic field”, MNRAS, 495, 1692, 2020.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & Jose Pons “Nonaxisymmetric Hall instability: A key to understanding magnetars”, Physical Review Research, 1, 032049, 2019.
- S. Komissarov, K.N. Gourgouliatos, J. Matsumoto “Magnetic inhibition of the centrifugal instability”, MNRAS, 488, 4061, 2019.
- V. Karageorgopoulos, K.N. Gourgouliatos, I. Contopoulos “Current closure through the neutron star crust”, MNRAS, 487, 3333, 2019.
- A. Acharyya et al. “Monte Carlo studies for the optimisation of the Cherenkov Telescope Array layout”, Astroparticle Physics, 111, 35, 2019.
- S.K. Lander & K.N. Gourgouliatos “Magnetic-field evolution in a plastically failing neutron star crust”, MNRAS 486, 4130, 2019.
- C. Prior & K.N. Gourgouliatos “Observational signatures of magnetic field structure in relativistic AGN jets”, A&A 622, 122, 2019.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & D. Lynden-Bell “Coupled axisymmetric pulsar magnetospheres”, MNRAS 482, 1942, 2019.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, R. Hollerbach, R.F. Archibald “Modelling neutron star magnetic fields” Astronomy and Geophysics, 59, 37, 2018.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & Paolo Esposito “Strongly magnetised pulsars: explosive events and evolution” book chapter “The Physics of Neutron Stars” Springer Astronomy and Astrophysics Library, in press.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & S.S. Komissarov “Relativistic Centrifugal Instability”, MNRAS Letters, 475, 125, 2018.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & S.S. Komissarov “Reconfinement and loss of stability in jets from active galactic nuclei”, Nature Astronomy, 2, 167, 2018.
- R.D. Ferdman, R.F. Archibald, K.N. Gourgouliatos, V.M. Kaspi “The Glitches and Rotational History of the Highly Energetic Young Pulsar PSR J0537-6910”, ApJ, 852, 123, 2018.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & R. Hollerbach “Magnetic Axis Drift and Magnetic Spot Formation in Neutron Stars with Toroidal Fields”, ApJ, 562, 12, 2018.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & R. Hollerbach “Resistive Tearing Instability in Electron-MHD: Application to Neutron Star Crusts”, MNRAS, 463, 3381, 2016.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, T. Wood, R. Hollerbach “Magnetic Field Evolution in Magnetar Crusts through three dimensional simulations”, Proc. of the National Acad. of Science, 113, 3944, 2016.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, T. Kondic, M. Lyutikov, R. Hollerbach “Magnetar Activity via the Density Shearing Instability in Hall-MHD”, MNRAS Letters, 453, 93, 2015.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & A. Cumming “Hall drift and the braking indices of young pulsars”, MNRAS, 446, 1121, 2015.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & A. Cumming, “Hall Attractor in Axially Symmetric Magnetic Fields”, Physical Review Letters, 112, 171101, 2014.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & A. Cumming, “Hall effect in neutron star crusts: evolution, endpoint and dependence on initial conditions”, MNRAS 438, 1618, 2014.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, A. Cumming, A. Reisenegger, C. Armaza, M. Lyutikov, J.A. Valdivia, “Hall equilibria with toroidal and poloidal fields: application to neutron stars”, MNRAS, 434, 2480, 2013.
- D. Tsang & K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Timing Noise in Pulsars and Magnetars and the Magnetospheric Moment of Inertia”, ApJL, 773, 17, 2013.
- R.F. Archibald, V.M. Kaspi, C.Y. Ng, K.N. Gourgouliatos, D. Tsang, P. Scholz, A.P. Beardmore, N. Gehrels, J.A. Kennea, “An anti-glitch in a magnetar”, Nature, 497, 591, 2013.
- B. B. P. Perera, D. Lomiashvili, K. N. Gourgouliatos, M. A. McLaughlin, M. Lyutikov, “PSR J0737−3039B: A probe of radio pulsar emission heights”, ApJ, 750, 130, 2012.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & M. Lyutikov, “Dynamics of rising magnetic cavities and UHECR acceleration in clusters of galaxies”, MNRAS, 420, 505, 2012.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, Ch. Fendt, E. Clausen-Brown, M. Lyutikov, “Magnetic field structure of relativistic jets without current sheets”, MNRAS, 419, 3048, 2012.
- M. Lyutikov & K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Coronal mass ejections as expanding force-free structures”, Solar Physics 270, 537, 2011.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & D. Lynden-Bell, “Corotating light cylinders and Alfvén waves”, MNRAS 410, 257, 2011.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, J. Braithwaite & M. Lyutikov, “Structure of magnetic fields in intracluster cavities”, MNRAS, 409, 1660, 2010.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & N. Vlahakis, “Relativistic expansion of a magnetized fluid”, Astrophysical and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, 104, 431, 2010.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Relativistic magnetohydrodynamics”, The Observatory, 129, 396, 2009.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Relativistically expanding cylindrical electromagnetic fields”, MNRAS, 396, 2399, 2009.
Erratum: 401, 2816, 2010. - A.A. Christou, F. Lewis, P. Roche, Y. Hashimoto, D. O’Donoghue, H. Worters, D.A.H. Buckley, T. Michalowski, D.J. Asher, A. Bitsaki, A. Psalidas, V. Tsamis, K.N. Gourgouliatos, A. Liakos, M.G. Hidas, T.M. Brown, “Observational detection of eight mutual eclipses and occultations between the satellites of Uranus”, A&A 497, 589, 2009.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, D. Lynden-Bell, “Fields from a relativistic magnetic explosion”, MNRAS, 391, 268, 2008.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Self-similar magnetic arcades”, MNRAS, 385, 875, 2008.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & C.S. Jeffery, “On the angular momentum evolution of merged white dwarfs”, MNRAS, 371, 1381, 2006.
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- V.C. Loukopoulos, G.A Katsiaris and G.T. Karahalios, A steady-state solver for the simulation of Taylor vortices in spherical annular flow, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 192, 2993-3003 , 2003
- V.C. Loukopoulos, D. Gavril, G. Karaiskakis, An Inverse Gas Chromatographic Instrumentation for the Study of Carbon Monoxide’s Adsorption on Rh/SiO2 Catalyst, Under Hydrogen-Rich Conditions, Instrumentation Science & Technology, Vol. 31 (2), 165-181 , 2003
- V.C. Loukopoulos, E.E. Tzirtzilakis, Biomagnetic channel flow in spatially varying magnetic field, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 42, 571-590, 2004
- V.C. Loukopoulos, D. Gavril, G. Karaiskakis and N.A. Katsanos, Gas chromatographic investigation of the competition between mass transfer and kinetics on a solid catalyst, J. Chromatogr A., Vol 1061/1, 55-73 , 2004
- D. Gavril, V.C. Loukopoulos, and G. Karaiskakis, Study of CO dissociative adsorption over Pt and Rh catalysts by Inverse Gas Chromatography, Chromatographia. 59(11), 721-729 , 2004
- Khan Rashid Atta, Dimitrios Gavril, Vassilios Loukopoulos and George Karaiskakis, Study of the Influence of Surfactants on the Transfer of Gases into Liquids by Inverse Gas Chromatography, J. Chromatogr A, Vol. 1023, 287-296 , 2004
- V.C. Loukopoulos, G.T. Karahalios, Taylor vortices in annular spherical flow at large aspect ratios, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 16 (7), 2708-2711 , 2004
- D. Gavril, V. Loukopoulos, A. Georgaka, A. Gabriel, G. Karaiskakis, Inverse gas chromatographic investigation of the effect of hydrogen in carbon monoxide adsorption over silica supported Rh and Pt-Rh alloy catalysts, under hydrogen-rich conditions, J. Chromatogr. A, Vol. 1087 (1-2), 158-168 , 2005
- V.C. Loukopoulos, Taylor vortices in annular heated spherical flow at medium and large aspect ratios, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 17 (1), 0181081-0181084 , 2005
- V.C. Loukopoulos, A numerical technique for the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations of unsteady flow, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 195, 534-550 , 2006
- E.E. Tzirtzilakis, V.C. Loukopoulos, Biofluid flow in channel under the action of a uniform localized magnetic field, Computational Mechanics, Vol. 36, 360-374 , 2006
- V.C. Loukopoulos, Flow in a Slightly Differentially Rotating Spherical Shell, Wseas Transactions on Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 1(6), 542-549 , 2006
- D. Gavril, A. Georgaka, V. Loukopoulos, G. Karaiskakis, B.E. Nieuwenhuys, On The Mechanism of Selective CO Oxidation on Nanosized Au/γ-Al2O3 Catalysts, Gold Bull., Vol. 39, 192-199, 2006
- N.A. Katsanos, J. Kapolos, D. Gavril, N. Bakaoukas, V. Loukopoulos, Ath. Koliadima and G. Karaiskakis, Time distribution of adsorption entropy of gases on heterogeneous surfaces by reversed-flow gas chromatography, J. Chromatogr. A, Vol. 1127, 221-227 , 2006
- E.E. Tzirtzilakis, M. Xenos, V.C. Loukopoulos and N.G. Kafoussias, Turbulent biomagnetic fluid flow in a rectangular channel under the action of a localized magnetic field, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 44, 1205-1224, 2006
- D. Gavril, A. Georgaka, V. Loukopoulos, G. Karaiskakis, Gas chromatographic investigation of the effects of hydrogen and temperature on the nature of the active sites related to CO adsorption on nanosized Au/γ-Al2O3, J. Chromatogr. A, Vol. 1164, 271-280 , 2007
- D. Gavril, A. Georgaka, V. Loukopoulos, G. Karaiskakis, Inverse gas chromatographic investigation of the active sites related to CO adsorption over Rh/SiO2 catalysts in excess of hydrogen, J. Chromatogr. A, Vol. 1160, 289-298 , 2007
- N. Niakas, V.C. Loukopoulos and C. Douskos, An Accurate Numerical Solver on Second Order PDEs with Variable Coefficients in Three Dimensions, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 204 , 50-57, 2008
- A. Georgaka, D. Gavril, V. Loukopoulos, G. Karaiskakis, BE Nieuwenhuys, H(2) and CO(2) coadsorption effects in CO adsorption over nanosized Au/gamma-Al(2)O(3) catalysts, J Chromatogr A., Vol. 1205, 128-36, 2008
- V.C. Loukopoulos and I.K. Kalavrouziotis, Reuse of municipal reclaimed wastewater for the irrigation in soils and plants: Aitoloakarnania in Western Greece as an example, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 17 (4), 434-438, 2008
- G.C. Bourantas, E.D. Skouras, V.C. Loukopoulos and G.C. Nikiforidis, An accurate, stable and efficient domain-type meshless method for the solution of MHD flow problems, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 228, 8135-8160, 2009
- N. Niakas, V.C. Loukopoulos and C. Douskos, FDM on Second-Order Partial Differential Equations in 3D, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 52, 278-283, 2010
- G.C. Bourantas, E.D. Skouras, V.C. Loukopoulos and G.C. Nikiforidis, Meshfree point collocation schemes for 2D steady state incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in velocity-vorticity formulation for high values of Reynolds number, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (CMES), Vol. 59, 31-64, 2010
- G.C. Bourantas, E.D. Skouras, V.C. Loukopoulos and G.C. Nikiforidis, Numerical solution of non-isothermal fluid flows using local radial basis functions (LRBF) interpolation and a velocity-correction method, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (CMES), Vol. 64, 187-212, 2010
- V.C. Loukopoulos, G.C. Bourantas, E.D. Skouras and G.C. Nikiforidis, Localized meshless point collocation (LMPC) method for time-dependent magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) flow through pipes under a variety of wall conductivity conditions, Computational Mechanics, Vol. 47, 137-159, 2011
- E.D. Skouras, G.C. Bourantas, V.C. Loukopoulos and G.C. Nikiforidis, Truly meshless localized type techniques for the steady-state heat conduction problems for isotropic and functionally graded materials, Boundary Elements Analysis in Engineering, Vol. 35, 452-464, 2011
- G.C. Bourantas and V.C. Loukopoulos, A localized RBF meshfree method for the numerical solution of the KdV-Burger’s equation, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (CMES), Vol. 86 , 275-300, 2012
- A.N. Kalarakis, G.C. Bourantas, E.D. Skouras, V.C. Loukopoulos and V.N. Burganos, Lattice-Boltzmann and meshless point collocation solvers for fluid flow and conjugate heat transfer, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 70, 1428-1442, 2012
- V.C. Loukopoulos and G.C. Bourantas , MLPG6 for the solution of incompressible flow equations, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (CMES), Vol. 88, 531-558, 2012
- G.C. Bourantas, D. Korfiatis, V.C. Loukopoulos and K- Thoma, Numerical simulation of the unsteady nonlinear heat transfer problems. Application on nanosecond laser annealing of Si, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 258, 7266-7273, 2012
- G.C. Bourantas, V.C. Loukopoulos, A meshless scheme for incompressible fluid flow using a velocity-pressure correction method, Computers and Fluids, Vol. 88, 189-199, 2013
- G.C. Bourantas, E.D. Skouras, V.C. Loukopoulos and V.N. Burganos, Heat transfer and natural convection of nanofluids in porous media, European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids, , 2013
- G.C. Bourantas, E.D. Skouras, V.C. Loukopoulos and G.C. Nikiforidis, Natural convection of nanofluids flow with “nanofluid-oriented” models of thermal conductivity and dynamic viscosity in the presence of heat source, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol. 23, 248-274, 2013
- V.C. Loukopoulos, G.T. Messaris, G.C. Bourantas, Numerical Solution of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations in Primitive Variables and Velocity-Vorticity Formulation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 222, 575-588, 2013
- G.C. Bourantas, V.C. Loukopoulos, V.N. Burganos and G.C. Nikiforidis, A meshless point collocation treatment of transient bioheat problems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 30, 587–601, 2014
- G.C. Bourantas, V.C. Loukopoulos, MHD natural-convection flow in an inclined square enclosure filled with a micropolar-nanofluid, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 79, 930-944, 2014
- G.C. Bourantas, V.C. Loukopoulos, Modeling the natural convective flow of micropolar nanofluids, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 68, 35-41, 2014
- George C. Bourantas, Mehdi Ghommem, George C. Kagadis, Konstantinos Katsanos, Vassilis C. Loukopoulos, Vasilis N. Burganos, and George C. Nikiforidis, Real-time tumor ablation simulation based on the dynamic mode decomposition method, Medical Physics, Vol. 41, 053301, 2014
- V.C. Loukopoulos and G.C. Bourantas, Solution of two-dimensional linear and nonlinear unsteady Schrödinger equation using “quantum hydrodynamics” formulation with a MLPG Collocation method, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol. 103, 49-70, 2014
- V.C. Loukopoulos, Criteria and Limits for Flow Modes of the Spherical Taylor-Couette Problem in Medium and Wide Gaps, Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 15, 825-846, 2015
- G.C. Bourantas, V.C. Loukopoulos, H.A. Chowdhuty, G.R. Joldes, K. Miller and S. P.A. Bordas, An implicit potential method along with a meshless technique for incompressible fluid flows for regular and irregular geometries in 2D and 3D, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 77, 97–111, 2017
- G. C. Bourantas, K. A. Mountris, V. C. Loukopoulos, L. Lavier and K. Miller, Strong-form approach to elasticity: hybrid Finite Difference – Meshless Collocation Method (FDMCM), Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 57, 316-338, 2018
- G.C. Bourantas, V.C. Loukopoulos, G.R. Joldes, A. Wittek and K. Miller, An explicit meshless point collocation method for electrically driven magnetohydrodynamics MHD) flow, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 348, 215–233, 2019
- 44. George Bourantas, Benjamin Zwick, Grand Joldes, Vassilios Loukopoulos, Angus Tavner, Adam Wittek, Karol Miller, An explicit meshless point collocation solver for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, Fluids, Vol. 4, 164, 2019
- DS Lampropoulos, GC Bourantas, BF Zwick, GC Kagadis, A Wittek, K Miller, VC Loukopoulos, Immersed boundary finite element method for blood flow simulation, arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.13411, , 2020
- DS Lampropoulos, GC Bourantas, BF Zwick, GC Kagadis, A Wittek, K Miller, VC Loukopoulos, Intracranial hemodynamics simulations: An efficient and accurate immersed boundary scheme, arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.13411, , 2020
- CostasPapadopoulos, Eleni K. Efthimiadou, Michael Pissas, David Fuentes, Nikolaos Boukos, Vassilios Psycharis, George Kordas, Vassilios C. Loukopoulos and George C. Kagadis, Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia Simulations in Evaluation of SAR Calculation Methods, Physica Medica, Vol. 71, 39–52, 2020
- Nikolaos P. Karagiannakis, George C. Bourantas, Eugene D. Skouras, Vassilios C. Loukopoulos, Karol Miller, Vasilis N. Burganos, Modeling the natural convection flow in a square porous enclosure filled with a micropolar nanofluid under magnetohydrodynamic conditions, Applied Sciences, Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 1633, 2020
- V. C. Loukopoulos, G. C. Bourantas and K. Miller, Study of the thermo-magneto-hydrodynamic flow of micropolar-nanofluid in square enclosure using dynamic mode decomposition and proper orthogonal decomposition, European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids, Vol. 84, 272–288, 2020
- Ioannis D. Boutopoulos, Dimitrios S. Lampropoulos, George C.Bourantas, Karol Miller and Vassilios C. Loukopoulos, Two Phase Biofluid Flow Model for the Magnetic Drug Targeting, Symmetry, special issue on “Fluid Mechanics Physical Problems and Symmetry”, Symmetry 2020, 12, 1083, 2020
12 κεφάλαια σε βιβλία, 100 άρθρα σε διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά, 4000 ετεροαναφορές
The Condensed Matter Division
1) Anastassopoulos Dimitris, Spiliopoulo Nikolaos, Vradis Alexandros, Toprakcioglu Chris,Menelle Alain, Cousin Fabrice
Neutron Reflectivity Study of End-Adsorbed Bimodal Polymer Systems under Static Conditions and Shear Flow”
MACROMOLECULES,( 2013), 46 (17), pp 6972–6980
2) S. Dellis, A. Christoulaki, N. Spiliopoulos, D.L Anastassopoulos and A.A. Vradis
Electrochemical synthesis of large diameter monocrystalline nickel nanowires in porous alumina membranes
Accepted for publication to Journal of Applied Physics, October 2013
updated 31/8/21
- G.N. Hall, W.L. Tam, K.S. Andrikopoulos, L. Casas-Fraile, G.A. Voyiatzis, L. Geris, F.P. Luyten*, I. Papantoniou*, “Patterned, organoid-based cartilaginous implants exhibit zone specific functionality forming osteochondral-like tissues in vivo”, Biomaterials, 273, 120820(14) (2021) []
- Alexiou, G.N. Mathioudakis, K.S. Andrikopoulos, A.S. Beobide*, G.A. Voyiatzis*, “Poly(Ethylene terephthalate) carbon-based nanocomposites: A crystallization and molecular orientation study”, Polymers, 12, 1-14 (2020) []
- Z.G. Lada, K.S. Andrikopoulos*, C.D. Polyzou, V. Tangoulis*, G.A. Voyiatzis*, “Monitoring the spin crossover phenomenon of [Fe(2-mpz)2Ni(CN)4] 2D Hofmann-type polymer nanoparticles via temperature-dependent Raman spectroscopy”, J. Raman Spectrosc., 51, 2171-2181 (2020) []
- G.C. Manika, K.S. Andrikopoulos, G.C. Psarras*, “On the Ferroelectric to Paraelectric Structural Transition of BaTiO3 Micro-/Nanoparticles and Their Epoxy Nanocomposites”, Molecules, 25, 2686(15) (2020) []
- I. Tzanidis, F. Bairamis, L. Sygellou, K.S. Andrikopoulos, A. Avgeropoulos, I. Konstantinou, D. Tasis*, “Rapid Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of CdS/Graphene/MoSx Tunable Heterojunctions and Their Application in Photocatalysis”, Chem. A Eur. J., 26, 6643-6651 (2020) []
- G. Tzanakakis*, E. Kontonasaki, G.A. Voyiatzis, K. Andrikopoulos, and I. Tzoutzas, “Surface characterization of monolithic Y-TZP submitted to different surface treatments applying optical interferometry and Raman spectrometry”, Dental Mater. J., 39, 111-117 (2020) []
- G. Lada, K.S. Andrikopoulos*, A. Chrissanthopoulos, S.P. Perlepes*, and G.A. Voyiatzis*, “A Known Iron(II) Complex in Different Nanosized Particles: Variable-Temperature Raman Study of Its Spin-Crossover Behavior”, Inorg. Chem. 58, 5183-5195 (2019). [DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b00279]
- Andrikaki, K. Govatsi, S.N. Yannopoulos, G.A Voyiatzis, K.S Andrikopoulos*, “Thermal dewetting tunes surface enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) performance”, RSC Adv., 8, 29062-29070 (2018). [DOI: 10.1039/C8RA05451G]
- Andrikaki, K. Govatsi, S.N. Yannopoulos, G.A. Voyiatzis & K.S. Andrikopoulos, “Attaining semi-quantitative SERS measurements on thermally dewetted Au films” Adv. Device Mater. 3, 30-34 (2017). []
- N. Rissanou, H. Papananou, V.S. Petrakis, M. Doxastakis, K.S. Andrikopoulos, G.A. Voyiatzis, K. Chrissopoulou*, V. Harmandaris*, S.H. Anastasiadis, “Structural and Conformational Properties of Poly(ethylene oxide)/Silica Nanocomposites: Effect of Confinement” Macromolecules, 50, 6273-6284 (2017). [DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.7b00811]
- Bollas, K. Chrissopoulou,* K.S. Andrikopoulos, G.A. Voyiatzis and S.H. Anastasiadis* “Polymer Conformation under Confinement” Polymers, 9 (2), 73-14 (2017). [doi: 10.3390/polym9020073].
- Bounos, K.S. Andrikopoulos, H. Moschopoulou, G.Ch. Lainioti, David Roilo, Riccardo Checchetto, T. Ioannides*, J.K. Kallitsis, G.A. Voyiatzis*, “Enhancing Water Vapor Permeability in Mixed Matrix Polypropylene Membranes Through Carbon Nanotubes Dispersion”, J. Membr. Sci., 524, 576-584 (2017) []
- N. Nochos, K.S. Andrikopoulos, G.A. Voyiatzis*, “Manipulation of the drug-release properties of Poly(glycolide-co-trimethylene carbonate)”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 133, 43915 (2016) [doi: 10.1002/app.43915].
- Liaros, J. Tucek, K. Dimos, A. Bakandritsos, K.S. Andrikopoulos, D. Gournis, R. Zboril* and S. Couris*, “The effect of the degree of oxidation on broadband nonlinear absorption and ferromagnetic ordering in graphene oxide”, Nanoscale, 8, 2908-2917 (2016) [doi: 10.1039/C5NR07832F].
- Sfyri, C.V. Kumar*, G. Sabapathi, L. Giribabu, K.S. Andrikopoulos, E. Stathatos, P. Lianos*, “Subphthalocyanine as hole transporting material for perovskite solar cells”, RSC Advances, 5, 69813-69818 (2015) [doi: 10.1039/C5RA12004G].
- Nikolakopoulou, D. Raptis, V. Dracopoulos, L. Sygellou, K.S. Andrikopoulos, P. Lianos*, “Study of upscaling possibilities for antimony sulfide solid state sensitized solar cells”, J. Power Sources, 278, 404-410 (2015) [doi: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2014.12.067].
- -C. Pop, L. Sygellou, V. Dracopoulos, K.S. Andrikopoulos, S. Sfaelou, P. Lianos*, “One-step electrodeposition of CdSe on nanoparticulate titania films and their use as sensitized photoanodes for photoelectrochemical hydrogen production”, Catalysis Today, 252, 157-161 (2015) [doi: 10.1016/j.cattod.2014.09.011].
- Bounos*, K.S. Andrikopoulos, H. Moschopoulou, Th. Ioannides, K. Kouravelou, G. C. Psarras, G. A. Voyiatzis* “Water Vapor Transport Enhancement Through Isotactic Polypropylene by Incorporating Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes”, Powder Metall. Met C+, 53, 634-642 (2015) [doi: 10.1007/s11106-015-9660-4].
- S. Andrikopoulos, G. Bounos*, D. Tasis*, L. Sygellou, V. Drakopoulos, G.A. Voyiatzis, “The Effect of Thermal Reduction on the Water Vapor Permeation in Graphene Oxide Membranes”, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 1, 1400250 (2014) [doi: 10.1002/admi.201400250].
- Siarampi, E. Kontonasaki, K.S. Andrikopoulos, N. Kantiranis, G.A. Voyiatzis, T. Zorba, K.M. Paraskevopoulos, P. Koidis* “Effect of in vitro aging on the flexural strength and probability to fracture of Y-TZP zirconia ceramics for all-ceramic restorations”, Dental Materials, 30, d306-d316 (2014) [doi:].
- Bounos, K.S. Andrikopoulos*, T.K. Karachalios, G.A. Voyiatzis* “Evaluation of multi-walled carbon nanotube concentrations in polymer nanocomposites by Raman spectroscopy” Carbon, 76, 301-309 (2014) [doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2014.04.081].
- Sfyri, S. Sfaelou, K.S. Andrikopoulos, N. Balis, G.A. Voyiatzis, and P. Lianos* “Composite ZnSe-CdSe Quantum Dot Sensitizers of Solid-State Solar Cells and the Beneficial Effect of Added Na2S” J. Phys. Chem. C, 118, 16547-16551 (2014) [doi: 10.1021/jp412134m].
- S. Andrikopoulos*, A.G. Kalampounias, O. Falagara, and S.N. Yannopoulos* “The glassy and supercooled state of elemental Sulfur: Vibrational modes, structure metastability and polymer content” J. Chem. Phys., 139, 124501 (2013) [].
- S. Andrikopoulos*, F.A. Gorelli, M. Santoro & S.N. Yannopoulos “Elemental sulfur under high hydrostatic pressure. An up-to-date Raman study”, High Pressure Research, 33, 134-140 (2013) [doi: 10.1080/08957959.2012.760199].
- N. Yannopoulos*, K.S. Andrikopoulos, D.Th. Kastrissios, and G.N. Papatheodorou “Origin of photoinduced defects in glassy As2S3 under band gap illumination studied by Raman scattering: A revisory approach”, Phys. Status Solidi B, 249 2005–2012 (2012) [doi: 10.1002/pssb.201200385].
- Chrissopoulou*, K.S. Andrikopoulos, S. Fotiadou, S. Bollas, C. Karageorgaki, D. Christofilos, G.A. Voyiatzis, and S.H. Anastasiadis “Crystallinity and Chain Conformation in PEO / Layered Silicate Nanocomposites”, Macromolecules, 44, 9710 (2011) [doi: 10.1021/ma201711r].
- Ruta, G. Monaco*, V. M. Giordano, F. Scarponi, D. Fioretto, G. Ruocco, K.S. Andrikopoulos, and S.N. Yannopoulos, “Nonergodicity factor, fragility and elastic properties of polymeric glassy sulfur”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 115, 14052 (2011) [doi: 10.1021/jp2037075].
- S. Andrikopoulos*, J. Arvanitidis, V. Dracopoulos, D. Christofilos, T. Wagner, and S.N. Yannopoulos, “Nanoindentation and Raman studies of phase-separated Ag-As-S Glasses”, Appl. Phys. Letters, 99, 171911 (2011) [].
- S. Andrikopoulos*, A.G. Kalampounias, S.N.Yannopoulos*, “Confinement effects on liquid-liquid transitions: Pore size dependence of sulfur’s living polymerization”, Soft Matter, 7, 3404 (2011) [doi: 10.1039/C0SM01207F].
- Fons, A.V. Kolobov*, M. Krbal, J. Tominaga, K.S. Andrikopoulos, S. Yannopoulos, G.A. Voyiatzis, T. Uruga, “Phase transition in crystalline GeTe: Pitfalls of averaging effects”, Phys. Rev. B, 82, 155209 (2010) [doi:].
- Ruta*, G. Monaco, F. Scarponi, D. Fioretto, K.S. Andrikopoulos, “Brillouin light scattering study of polymeric glassy sulfur”, J. Non-Crystal. Solids, 357, 563 (2010) [doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2010.07.028].
- E. Papliaka*, K.S. Andrikopoulos, E.A. Varella, “Study of the stability of a series of synthetic colorants applied with styrene-acrylic copolymer, widely used in contemporary paintings, concerning the effects of accelerated ageing”, J. Cult. Herit., 11 381-391 (2010) [doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2010.02.003].
- Vaccari*, G. Garbarino, S. N. Yannopoulos, K.S. Andrikopoulos and S. Pascarelli, “High pressure transition in amorphous As2S3 studied by EXAFS”, J. Chem. Phys., 131, 224502 (2009) [].
- P. Meletov*,V.A. Davydov, J. Arvanitidis, D. Christofilos, K.S. Andrikopoulos, G.A. Kourouklis, “Photo- and Pressure-Induced Transformations in the Linear Orthorhombic Polymer of C-60”, Journal of experimental and theoretical physics, 107, 620-631 (2008) [doi: 10.1134/S1063776108100099].
- M. Ramos, I. Ruisánchez*, K.S. Andrikopoulos, “Micro-Raman and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy data fusion for the classification of ochre pigments”, Talanta, 75, 926-936 (2008) [doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2007.12.030]
- Sister Daniilia*, E. Minopoulou, K.S. Andrikopoulos, A. Tsakalof, K. Bairachtari, “From Byzantine to post-Byzantine art: the painting technique of St Stephen’s wall paintings at Meteora, Greece”, Journal of Archaeological Science, 35, 2474-2485 (2008) [doi:10.1016/j.jas.2008.03.017].
- Sister Daniilia*, E. Minopoulou, K.S. Andrikopoulos, I. Karapanagiotis, G.A. Kourouklis, “Evaluating a Cumaean Sibyl: Domenichino or later? A multi analytical approach”, Analytica Chimica Acta, 611, 239-249 (2008) [doi:10.1016/j.aca.2008.01.079].
- Sister Daniilia*, K.S. Andrikopoulos, S. Sotiropoulou and I. Karapanagiotis, “Analytical study into El Greco’s baptism of Christ: clues to the genius of his palette”, Phys. A, 90, 565–575 (2008) [doi: 10.1007/s00339-007-4328-7].
- S. Andrikopoulos*, S.N. Yannopoulos, A.V. Kolobov,P. Fons and J. Tominaga, “Raman scattering study of GeTe and Ge2Sb2Te5 phase-change materials”, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 68, 1074-1078 (2007) [doi:10.1016/j.jpcs.2007.02.027].
- Papagelis*, K.S. Andrikopoulos, J. Arvanifidis, D. Christofilos, C. Galiotis, T. Takenobu, Y. Iwasa, H. Kataura, S. Ves and G.A. Kourouklis, “High pressure Raman study of the second-order vibrational modes of single- and double-walled carbon nanotubes”, Phys. Status Solidi (b), 244, 4069-4073 (2007) [doi: 10.1002/pssb.200776128].
- Scopigno, S.N. Yannopoulos, F. Scarponi, K.S. Andrikopoulos, D. Fioretto and G. Ruocco*, “Origin of the λ-transition in liquid sulphur”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 99, 025701 (2007) [doi:].
- Zorba, K.S. Andrikopoulos, K.Μ. Paraskevopoulos*, E. Pavlidou, K. Popkonstantinov, R. Kostova, V. Platnyov and Sister Daniilia, “Infrared and Raman vibrational spectroscopies reveal the palette of frescos found in the medieval Monastery of Karagach Teke”, Ann. Chim.-Rome, 97, 491-503 (2007) [doi: 10.1002/adic.200790032].
- Sister Daniilia* and K.S. Andrikopoulos, “Issues relating to the common origin of two Byzantine miniatures: In-situ examination with Raman spectroscopy and optical microscopy”, Raman Spectrosc., 38, 332-343 (2007) [doi: 10.1002/jrs.1648].
- N. Yannopoulos*, K.S. Andrikopoulos, G. Ruocco, “Some remarks on the low-energy excitations in glasses: interpretation of Boson peak data”, Philos. Mag., 87, 593-602 (2007) [doi:10.1080/14786430601003916].
- P. Meletov, A.A. Maksimov, I.I. Tartakovskii, I.O. Bashkin,V.V. Shestakov, A.V. Krestinin, Yu.M. Shulga, K.S. Andrikopoulos, J. Arvanitidis, D. Christofilos, G.A. Kourouklis*, “Raman study of the high-pressure hydrogenated single-wall carbon nanotubes: In search of chemically bonded and adsorbed molecular hydrogen”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 433, 335 (2007) [doi: 10.1016/j.cplett.2006.11.072].
- Christofilos*, J. Arvanitidis, K.S. Andrikopoulos, G.A. Kourouklis, S. Ves, T. Takenobu, and Y. Iwasa, “Comparative high pressure Raman study of individual and bundled single-wall carbon nanotubes”, Phys. Status Solidi (b), 244, 100 (2007) [doi: 10.1002/pssb.200672568].
- Papagelis*, J. Arvanitidis, D. Christofilos, K.S. Andrikopoulos, T. Takenobu, Y. Iwasa, H. Kataura, S. Ves, and G. A. Kourouklis, “Second-order Raman study of double-wall carbon nanotubes under high pressure”, Phys. Status Solidi (b), 244, 116 (2007) [doi: 10.1002/pssb.200672574].
- S. Andrikopoulos*, D. Christofilos, G.A. Kourouklis and S.N. Yannopoulos, “Pressure Raman study of the vibrational modes of glassy As2X3 (X: O, S)”, High Pressure Res., 26, 401 (2006) [doi: 10.1080/08957950601104013].
- N. Yannopoulos*, K.S. Andrikopoulos, G. Ruocco, “On the analysis of the vibrational Boson peak and low-energy excitations in glasses”, J. Non-Crystal. Solids, 4541, 352 (2006) [doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2006.02.164].
- S. Andrikopoulos*, D. Christofilos, G.A. Kourouklis, S.N. Yannopoulos*, “Pressure dependence of the Boson peak in glassy As2S3 studied by Raman Scattering”, J. Non-Crystal. Solids, 4594, 352 (2006) [doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2005.12.056].
- S. Andrikopoulos*, Sister Daniilia, B. Roussel, K. Janssens, “In vitro validation of a mobile Raman–XRF micro-analytical instrument’s capabilities on the diagnosis of Byzantine icons”, J. Raman Spectrosc., 37, 1026 (2006) [doi: 10.1002/jrs.1612]
- K.P. Meletov, V.A. Davydov, A.V. Rakhmanina, V. Aganov, J. Arvanitidis, D. Christofilos, K.S. Andrikopoulos, G.A. Kourouklis*, “Influence of pressure on the photopolymerization rate of the linear orthorhombic polymer of C60”, Phys. Lett., 428, 298 (2006) [doi: 10.1016/j.cplett.2006.07.057].
- S. Andrikopoulos, A.G. Kalampounias, S.N. Yannopoulos*, “On the extent of polymerization of liquid sulfur at very high temperatures”, J. Chem. Phys., 124, 146101 (2006) [doi: 10.1063/1.2185097].
- S. Andrikopoulos, S.N. Yannopoulos*, G.A. Voyiatzis, A.V. Kolobov, M Ribes, J Tominaga, “Raman scattering study of the a-GeTe structure and possible mechanism for the amorphous to crystal transition”, J. Phys-Condens. Mat., 18, 965-979 (2006) [doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/18/3/014].
- S. Andrikopoulos, A.G. Kalampounias,S.N. Yannopoulos*, “Rounding effects on doped sulfur’s living polymerization: The case of As and Se”, Phys. Rev. B, 72, 014203 (2005) [doi:].
- V. Kolobov*, P. Fons, J. Tominaga, A.I. Frenkel, A.L. Ankudinov, S.N. Yannopoulos, K.S. Andrikopoulos, T. Uruga, “Why phase-change media are fast and stable: A new approach to an old problem”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 44, 3345-3349 (2005) [doi: 10.1143/JJAP.44.3345].
- Arvanitidis*, D. Christofilos, K. Papagelis, K.S. Andrikopoulos, T. Takenobu, Y. Iwasa, H. Kataura, S. Ves, and G.A. Kourouklis, “Pressure screening in the interior of primary shells in double-wall carbon nanotubes”, Phys. Rev. B, 71, 125404-5 (2005) [doi: PhysRevB.71.125404].
- V. Kolobov*, P. Fons, J. Tominanga, A.L. Ankudinov, S.N. Yannopoulos, and K.S. Andrikopoulos, “Crystallization-induced short-range order changes in amorphous GeTe”, J. Phys-Condens. Mat., 16, S5103–S5108 (2004) [doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/16/44/008].
- N. Yannopoulos*, K.S. Andrikopoulos and A.G. Kalampounias, “Response to Comment on ‘Probing in situ the sulfur polymerization transition with Raman spectroscopy’ [J. Chem. Phys. 121, 6573 (2004)]”, J. Chem. Phys., 121, 6575–6577 (2004) [doi:].
- N. Yannopoulos* and K.S. Andrikopoulos, “Raman scattering study on structural and dynamical features of noncrystalline selenium”, J. Chem. Phys., 121, 4747 (2004) [doi:].
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- G. Kalampounias, K.S. Andrikopoulos, and S.N. Yannopoulos*, “Probing the sulfur polymerization transition in situ with Raman spectroscopy”, J. Chem. Phys. 118, 8460 (2003) [doi:].
- A. Voyiatzis and K. S. Andrikopoulos, “Fast monitoring of the Molecular Orientation in Drawn Polymers using micro-Raman Spectroscopy”, Appl. Spectr., 56(4), 528 (2002) [doi: 10.1366/0003702021954999].
- A. Voyiatzis*, K.S. Andrikopoulos, G.N. Papatheodorou, E.I. Kamitsos, G.D. Chryssikos, J.A. Kapoutsis, S.H. Anastasiadis, and G. Fytas, ‘‘Polarized Resonance Raman and FT-IR Reflectance spectroscopic investigation of the Molecular orientation in industrial poly(vinyl chloride) specimens’’, Macromolecules, 33, 5613-5623 (2000) [doi: 10.1021/ma991772m].
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- S. Andrikopoulos, D. Vlassopoulos*, G.A. Voyiatzis, Y.D. Yiannopoulos and E.I. Kamitsos: “Molecular orientation of hairy-rod polyesters: Effects of side chain length”, Macromolecules, 31, 5465-5473 (1998) [doi: 10.1021/ma971773j].
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Chem. Phys. Lett., 231(2-3), 314-318,1994 - S. Couris, N. Anastasopoulou, C. Fotakis, Rotational dependence of the quenching of electronically excited CH(A 2Δ) and CH (B 2Σ−) produced by laser photolysis of acetone at 193 nm
Chem. Phys. Lett., 223(5-6), 561-566,1994 - S. Couris, E. Patsilinakou, M. Lotz, E.R. Grant, C. Fotakis, C. Cossart-Magos, M. Horani, The (2+1) multiphoton ionization spectrum of jet-cooled CS2 between 54000 and 58000 cm-1
J. Chem. Phys., 100(5), 3514-3519,1994 - .W.D. Ledingham, C. Kosmidis, S. Georgiou, S. Couris, R.P. Singhal, A Comparison of the femto-, pico- and nanosecond multiphoton ionization and dissociation processes of NO2 at 248 and 496 nm
Chem. Phys. Lett., 247(4-6), 555-563,1995 - J. Baker, M. Konstantaki, S. Couris, A resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization study of the CS2 molecule: The 4p Rydberg states
J. Chem. Phys., 103(7), 2436-2444,1995 - J. Baker, S. Couris, A two color (1+1’)+1 multiphoton ionization study of CS2 in the 61000-65600 cm-1 energy region
J. Chem. Phys., 103(12), 4847-4854,1995 - S. Couris, E. Koudoumas, A. Ruth, S. Leach, Concentration and wavelength dependence of the effective third-order susceptibility and optical limiting of C60 in toluene solution
Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 28(20), 4537-4554,1995 - L. Juha,V. Hamplova, P. Engst, P. Kubat E. Koudoumas, S. Couris, Fullerene Cages Breakdown Induced in Solution by Ultraviolet Radiation: Experimental Support for the “Window” formation in Fullerenes?
J. Phys. Chem., 99(20), 8200-8201,1995 - E. Lane, P. Brint, M. Tziraki, S. Couris, Multiphoton Ionization Spectroscopy of Ethyl Iodide and Deuterated Ethyl Iodide in the Region of the 6s Rydberg Transitions. Evidence of Molecular Field Splitting of Spin-Orbit Degenerate States
J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans., 91(18), 3083-3088,1995 - J. Baker, S. Couris, A (1+1′)+1 multiphoton ionization study of CS2 in the 68500-73000 cm-1 energy region. The 3d and 5s Rydberg states
J. Chem. Phys., 105(1), 62-67,1996 - J. Berger, J. Baker, S. Couris, A Multiphoton Polarization Study of the Rydberg States of OCS in the 70500-74500 cm-1 energy region
J. Chem. Phys., 105(15), 6147-6153,1996 - E. Koudoumas, F. Dong, S. Couris, S. Leach, High-order nonlinear optical response of C60-toluene solutions in the sub-picosecond regime
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 29(20), L773-L778,1996 - C. Fotakis, D. Anglos, C. Balas, S. Couris, V. Zafiropoulos, Laser based diagnostics in art conservation
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics CLEO-Europe, Technical Digest, 229, ,1996 - S. Couris, A. Hatziapostolou, D. Anglos, A. Mavromanolakis, C. Fotakis, Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy: Applications in Environmental Issues
SPIE, 2965, 83-87,1996 - S. Couris, E. Koudoumas, F. Dong, S. Leach, Nonlinear optical properties of fullerenes
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics CLEO-Europe, Technical Digest, 292, ,1996 - E. Koudoumas, A. Ruth, S. Couris, S. Leach, Solvent effects on the optical limiting action of C60 solutions
Molec. Phys., 88(1), 125-133,1996 - S. Couris, E. Koudoumas, F. Dong, S. Leach, Sub-picosecond studies of the third-order optical nonlinearities of C60-toluene solutions
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 29(21), 5033-5041,1996 - J. Baker, S. Couris, The 1550-1460 A region of CS2
J. Chem. Phys., 104(16), 6130-6137,1996 - J. Berger, S. Couris, D. Gauyacq, An Experimental Investigation of the nf Rydberg States of Carbon Disulfide
J. Chem. Phys., 107(21), 8866-8873,1997 - E. Koudoumas, F. Dong, S. Couris, S. Leach, High order nonlinear optical response of fullerene solutions in the nsec regime
Opt. Comm., 138(4-6), 301-304,1997 - D. Anglos, S. Couris, C. Fotakis, Laser Diagnostics of Painted Artworks: Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in Pigment Identification
Appl. Spectrosc., 51(7), 1025-1030,1997 - N. Shafizadeh, J-H Fillion, D. Gauyacq, S. Couris, Spectroscopy and Dynamics of the Rydberg States of C2H2 and their Relevance to Astrophysical Photochemistry
Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London A, 355(1729), 1637-1656,1997 - F. Dong, E. Koudoumas, S. Couris, Y. Shen, L. Qiu, X. Fu, Sub-picosecond resonant third-order nonlinear optical response of azobenzene-doped polymer film
J. Appl. Phys., 81(10), 7073-7075,1997 - R. Sattmann, I. Monch, H. Krause, R. Noll, S. Couris, A. Hatziapostolou, C. Fotakis, E. Larrauri, R. Miguel, Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Polymer Identification
Appl. Spectrosc., 52(3), 456-461,1998 - M. Castillejo, S. Couris, E. Lane, M. Martin, J. Ruiz, Laser photodissociation of ketene at 230 nm
Chem. Phys., 232(3), 353-360,1998 - S. Couris, A. Mavromanolakis, C. Fotakis, Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS): a Tool for Rapid In-situ Elemental Analysis
SPIE, 3423, 228-232,1998 - E. Koudoumas, S. Couris, P. Seta, A. Rassat, S. Leach, Optical limiting action of methano fullerenes and fullerenes incorporated in cyclodextrins
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics CLEO-Europe, Technical Digest, 292, ,1998 - E. Koudoumas, S. Couris, Optical Nonlinearities of Fullerenes and their Implications in Optoelectronics
SPIE, 3423, 184-188,1998 - E. Stathatos, S. Couris, P. Lianos, Spectral Narrowing in the Emission of Rhodamine 6G Incorporated in Thin Surfactant Films
SPIE, 3423, 228-232,1998 - M. Castillejo, S. Couris, E. Koudoumas, M. Martin, Subpicosecond Ionization and Dissociation of Benzene and Cyclic Alkanes at 800 and 400 nm
Chem. Phys. Lett., 289(3-4), 303-310,1998 - L. Juha, B. Ehrenberg, S. Couris, E. Koudoumas, V. Hamplova, Z. Pokorna, A. Mullerova, M. Pavel, Fullerene decomposition induced by near-infrared laser radiation studied by real-time turbidimetry
Chem. Phys. Lett., 313(3-4), 431-436,1999 - M. Castillejo, S. Couris, E. Koudoumas, M. Martin, Ionization and fragmentation of aromatic and single-bonded hydrocarbons with 50 fsec laser pulses at 800 nm
Chem. Phys. Lett., 308(5-6), 373-380,1999 - E. Koudoumas, R. De Nalda, C. Fotakis, S. Couris, Multiphoton Ionization and Fragmentation of CS2 under Intense Short Pulse Laser Radiation
Laser Chem., 18(3), 129-142,1999 - S. B. Korovin, B .B. Krinetskii, V. I. Pustovoi, S. Fadeeva, M. Konstantaki, E. Koudoumas, S. Couris, Optical properties of metal-coated silicon nanocrystals
SPIE, 4070, 465-471,1999 - S. Couris, E. Koudoumas, S. Leach, C. Fotakis, Polarization effects on the ionization and fragmentation of small molecules under psec and fsec laser excitation
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 32(15), L439-L450,1999 - E. Stathatos, S. Couris, P. Lianos, Spectral narrowing in a rhodamine doped layered TiO2/surfactant thin film
App. Phys. Lett., 75(3), 319-321,1999 - J. Huang, V. Bekiari, P. Lianos, S. Couris, Study of Poly(methyl methacrylate) Thin Films Doped with Laser Dyes
J. Lumin., 81(4), 285-291,1999 - E. E. B. Campbell, S. Couris, M. Fanti, E. Koudoumas, N. Krawez, F. Zerbetto, Third order susceptibility of Li@C60
Adv. Mater., 11(5), 405-408,1999 - R. De Nalda, A. Mavromanolakis, S. Couris, M. Castillejo, Induced HSiCl emission in the UV photodissociation of 2-chloroethenylsilane
Chem. Phys. Lett., 316(5-6), 449-454,2000 - L. Juha, B. Ehrenberg, S. Couris, E. Koudoumas, V. Hamplova, Z. Pokorna, Near-infrared laser-induced decomposition of C60 dissolved in toluene
Fullerene Science and Technology, 8(4-5), 319-336,2000 - M. Konstantaki, E. Koudoumas, S. Couris, J. M. Janot, H. Eddaoudi, A. Deratani, P. Seta, S. Leach, Optical limiting behavior of the water-soluble C60/γ-cyclodextrin complex
Chem. Phys. Lett., 318(4-5), 488-495,2000 - L. Juha, M. Farnicova, V. Hamplova, J. Kodymova, J. Krasa, L. Laska, O. Palek, P. Kubat, I. Stibor, D. Slezak, E. Koudoumas, S. Couris, The Role of the Oxygen Molecule in the Photolysis of Fullerenes
Fullerene Sci. Techn., 8(4-5), 289-319,2000 - L. Juha, S. Couris, E. Koudoumas, P. Kubat, V. Hamplova, Z. Pokorna, A. Mullerova, Comparison of Photochemical Reactivity of Lower and Higher Fullerenes at Higher Intensities and Shorter Wavelengths
Fullerenes for the New Millennium, p.162, The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, 162-173,2001 - S. B. Korovin, A. N. Olrov, A. M. Prokhorov, V. I. Pustovoi, M. Konstantaki, S. Couris, E. Koudoumas, Nonlinear absorption in silicon nanocrystals
Quantum Electron., 31(9), 817-820,2001 - S. Couris, M. Konstantaki, E. Koudoumas, Y. Ederle, C. Mathis, S. Leach, P. Seta, Nonlinear optical properties of C60-polystyrene star polymers
Nonlinear Optics, 27(7), 269,2001 - E. Koudoumas, O. Kokkinaki, M. Konstantaki, S. Couris, S. Korovin, V. I. Pustovoy, V. E. Ogluzdin, Nonlinear optical response of silicon nanocomposites
SPIE, 4762, 297-301,2001 - V. Bekiari, E. Stathatos, P. Lianos, F. Konstandakopoulou, J. Kallitsis, S. Couris, Photophysical properties of a series of blue-emitting rigid-flexible polyethers in solution and in thin films
J. Lumin., 93(3), 223-227,2001 - L. Juha, B. Ehrenberg, S. Couris, E. Koudoumas, V. Hamplová, Z. Pokorná, A. Müllerová, P. Kubát, Single-photon photolysis of C60, C70, C76, and C84 in solution
Chem. Phys. Lett., 335(5-6), 539-544,2001 - M. Konstantaki, E. Koudoumas, S. Couris, P. Laine, E. Amouyal, S. Leach, Substantial non-linear optical response of new polyads based on Ru and Os complexes of modified terpyridines
J. Phys. Chem. B, 105(44), 10797-10804,2001 - E. Koudoumas, M. Konstantaki, A. Mavromanolakis, X. Michaut, S. Couris, S. Leach, Transient and instantaneous third order nonlinear optical response of C60 and the higher fullerenes C70, C76 and C84
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 34(24), 4983-4996,2001 - E. Koudoumas, M. Konstantaki, M. Mavromanolakis, S. Couris, Y. Ederle, C. Mathis, S. Leach, P. Seta, Ultrafast nonlinear optical response of C60-polystyrene star polymers
Chem. Phys. Lett., 335(5-6), 533-538,2001 - M. Castillejo, M. Martín, R. de Nalda, S. Couris, E. Koudoumas, Anisotropic distributions of ion fragments produced by dissociative ionization of halogenated ethylenes in intense femtosecond laser pulses
J. Phys Chem. A, 106(12), 2838-2843,2002 - M. Castillejo, M. Martín, R. de Nalda, M. Oujja, S. Couris, E. Koudoumas, Dissociative ionization of halogenated ethylenes in intense femtosecond laser pulses
Chem. Phys. Lett., 353(3-4), 295-303,2002 - P. Aloukos, S. Couris, Influence of the experimental conditions on the determination of the nonlinear optical parameters of a medium using the Z-scan technique
SPIE, 5131, 270-273,2002 - E. Koudoumas, O. Kokkinaki, M. Konstantaki, S. Couris, S. Korovin, V. Pustovoi, V. E. Ogluzdin, Nonlinear optical response of silicon nanocomposites
SPIE, 4762, 297-301,2002 - E. Koudoumas, O. Kokkinaki, M. Konstantaki, S. Couris, P. Detkov, S. Korovin, V. Kuznetchov, S. Pimenov, V. Pustovoi, Onion-like carbon and diamond nanoparticles for optical limiting
Chem. Phys. Lett., 357(5-6), 336-340,2002 - J. Venturini, S. Couris, E. Koudoumas, P. Seta, Y. Ederle, C. Mathis, S. Leach, Optical limiting and nonlinear optical absorption properties of fullerene C60-(polystyrene) star polymer films: C60 concentration dependence
J. Mater. Chem., 12(7), 2071-2076,2002 - E. Koudoumas, S. Couris, Ultrafast nonlinear optical response of higher fullerenes
SPIE, 5131, 319-322,2002 - S. Couris, M. Renard, O. Faucher, B. Lavorel, R. Chaux, E. Koudoumas, X. Michaut, An experimental investigation of the nonlinear refractive index (n2) of carbon disulfide and toluene by spectral shearing interferometry and z-scan techniques
Chem. Phys. Lett., 369(3-4), 318-324,2003 - P. Aloukos, S. Couris, Influence of the experimental conditions on the determination of the nonlinear optical parameters of a medium using the Z–scan technique
SPIE, 5131, 270-273,2003 - E. Koudoumas, M. Konstantaki, M. Mavromanolakis, S. Couris, M. Fanti, F. Zerbetto, K. Kordatos, M. Prato, Large enhancement of the nonlinear optical response of reduced fullerene Derivatives
Chem.-Eur. J., 9(7), 1529-1534,2003 - S. Couris, E. Koudoumas, Ultrafast nonlinear optical response of higher fullerenes
SPIE, 5131, 319-322,2003 - P. Stavropoulos, C. Palagas, G. N. Angelopoulos, D. N. Papamantellos, S. Couris, Calibration measurements in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy using nanosecond and picosecond lasers
Spectrochimica Acta Part B, 59(12), 1885-1892,2004 - P. Stavropoulos, A. Michalakou, G. Skevis, S. Couris, Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy as an Analytical Tool for Equivalence Ratio Measurement in Methane-Air Premixed Flames
Spectrochimica Acta Part B, 60(7-8), 1885-1892,2004 - E. Xenogiannopoulou, S. Couris, E. Koudoumas, N. Tagmatarchis, T. Inoue, H. Shinohara, Nonlinear optical response of some isomerically pure higher fullerenes and their corresponding endohedral metallofullerene derivatives: C82-C2v, Dy@C82 (I), Dy2@C82 (I), C92-C2, and Er2@C92 (IV)
Chem. Phys. Lett., 394(1-3), 14-18,2004 - P. Stavropoulos, A. Michalakou, G. Skevis, S. Couris, Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy as an analytical tool for equivalence ratio measurement in methane-air premixed flames
Spectrochimica Acta Part B Atomic Spectroscopy, 60(7-8), 1092-1097,2005 - K. Gatsouli, S. Pispas, G. Mousdis, N. Vainos, P. Aloukos, E. Xenogiannopoulou, S. Couris, Nonlinear Optical Properties of Fullerene-Organic glassy polymer composites
Glass Technology, 46(2), 62-66,2005 - P. Stavropoulos, A. Michalakou, G. Skevis, S. Couris, Quantitative local equivalence ratio determination in laminar premixed methane air flames by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)
Chem. Phys. Lett., 404(4-6), 309,2005 - G. Mountrichas, S. Pispas, E. I. Kamitsos, E. Xenogiannopoulou, S. Couris, Stable aqueous dispersions of C60 fullerene by the use of a block copolymer
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 10(1), 163-166,2005 - E. Xenogiannopoulou, P. Aloukos, S. Couris, Optical nonlinearities of C84 fullerenes
Chem. Phys. Lett., 432(4-6), 497-501,2006 - P. Aloukos, S. Couris, J.B. Koutselas, G.C. Anyfantis, G.C. Papavassiliou, Transient nonlinear optical response of novel neutral unsymmetrical nickel dithiolene complexes
Chem. Phys. Lett., 428(1-3), 109-113,2006 - E. Xenogiannopoulou, E. Koudoumas, N. Tagmatarchis, H. Shinohara, S. Couris, Ultrafast third-order nonlinear optical response of C84, C84-D2 (IV) and C84-D2d (II)
Chem. Phys. Lett., 425(1-3), 110-113,2006 - G. Mountrichas, S. Pispas, E. Xenogiannopoulou, P. Aloukos, S. Couris, Aqueous Dispersions of C60 Fullerene by the Use of Amphiphilic Block Copolymers: Preparation and Non-linear Optical properties
J. Phys. Chem. B, 111(17), 4315-4319,2007 - C. Palagas, P. Stavropoulos, S. Couris, G.N. Angelopoulos, I. Kolm, D. C. Papamantellos, Investigation of the parameters influencing the accuracy of rapid steelmaking slag analysis with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
Steel Research International, 78(9), 693-703,2007 - E. Xenogiannopoulou, M. Medved, K. Iliopoulos, S. Couris, M.G. Papadopoulos, D. Bonifazi, C. Sooambar, A. Mateo-Alonso, M. Prato, Non-linear Optical Properties of Ferrocene- and Porphyrin-[60]fullerene Dyads
J. Phys. Chem. Phys., 8(7), 1056-1064,2007 - S. Couris, Nonlinear optical properties of some Au nanostructures
ICTON-MW’07-Int. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks, art. no. 4446909, ,2007 - E. Koudoumas, O. Kokkinaki, M. Konstantaki, N. Kornilios, S. Couris, S. Korovin, V. Pustovoi, V.E. Ogluzdin, Nonlinear optical response of silicon nanocrystals
Optical Materials, 30(2), 260-263,2007 - K. Iliopoulos, S. Couris, U. Hartnagel, A. Hirsch, Nonlinear optical response of water soluble C70 dendrimers
Chem. Phys. Lett. 448(4-6), 243-247,2007 - D. Vernardou, G. Kenanakis, S. Couris, E. Koudoumas, E. Kymakis, N. Katsarakis, pH effect on the morphology of ZnO nanostructures grown with aqueous chemical growth
Thin Solid Films, 515(24), 8764-8767,2007 - D.S. Jacob, S. Mallenahalli, A. Gedanken, L.A. Solovyov, E. Xenogiannopoulou, K. Iliopoulos, S. Couris, J. Porph, Synthesis of one-dimensional structured metal phthalocyanine in an ionic liquid
Phthalocyanines, 11(10), 713-718,2007 - D. Vernardou, G. Kenanakis, S. Couris, A.C. Manikas, G.A. Voyiatzis, M.E. Pemble, E. Koudoumas, N. Katsarakis, The effect of growth time on the morphology of ZnO structures deposited on Si (1 0 0) by the aqueous chemical growth technique
. of Crystal Growth, 308(1), 105-109,2007 - E. Xenogiannopoulou, P. Aloukos, S. Couris, E. Kaminska, A. Piotrowska, E. Dynowska, Third-order nonlinear optical properties of thin sputtered gold films
Opt. Comm., 275(1), 217-222,2007 - G. C. Anyfantis, G. C. Papavassiliou, C. P. Raptopoulou, P. Aloukos, S. Couris, Y.F. Weng, H. Hoshino, K. Murata, Unsymmetrical Single-Component Nickel 1,2-Dithiolene Complexes with Extended-Tetrachalogenafulvalene Dithiolate Ligands
Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung-Section B J. of Chem. Sc., 62(2), 200-204,2007 - A. Mateo-Alonso, K. Iliopoulos, S. Couris, M. Prato, Efficient Modulation of the Third Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Fullerene Derivatives
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 130(5), 1534-1535,2008 - . Michalakou, P. Stavropoulos, S. Couris, Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy in reactive flows of hydrocarbon-air mixtures
Appl. Phys. Lett., 92(8), art. no. 081501, ,2008 - K. Iliopoulos, D. Athanasiou, A. Meristoudi, N. Vainos, S. Pispas, S. Couris, Nonlinear optical properties of Au nanoclusters encapsulated into hybrid block copolymer micelles
Phys. Stat. Solidi (A) Applications and Materials, 205(11), 2635-2638,2008 - S. Couris, Nonlinear optical properties of novel organic-inorganic hybrid materials based on functional block copolymers and metal nanoparticles
Int. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON, art. no. 4598413, 226-227,2008 - S. Couris, Nonlinear optical properties of some au nanostructures
ICTON-MW 2008 – Int. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks, art. no. 4773067, ,2008 - A. Bakandritsos, N. Bouropoulos, R. Zboril, N. Boukos, K. Iliopoulos, G. Chatzikyriakos, S. Couris, Optically active spherical Polyelectrolyte Brushes with a Nanocrystalline Magnetic Core
Adv. Funct. Mater. 18(11), 1694-1706,2008 - E. Xenogiannopoulou, K. Iliopoulos, S. Couris, T. Karakouz, A. Vaskevich, I. Rubinstein, Third-order nonlinear optical response of gold island films
Adv. Funct. Mater., 18(8), 1281-1289,2008 - A. H. Reshak, X. Chen, I. V. Kityk, S. Auluck, K. Iliopoulos, S. Couris, R. Khenata, X-ray photoelectron spectra and the electronic band structure for non-centrosymmetric Bi2ZnB2O7 nonlinear single crystal
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, 12(2), 26-31,2008 - K. Iliopoulos, G. Kalogerakis, D. Vernardou, N. Katsarakis, E. Koudoumas, S. Couris, Nonlinear optical response of titanium oxide nanostructured thin films
Thin Solid Films 518(4), 1174-1176,2009 - S. Couris, Nonlinear optical response of water dispersions of iron oxide nanoparticles
ICTON 2009: 11th Int. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks, art. no. 5185053, ,2009 - D. Vernardou, E. Stratakis, G. Kenanakis, H.M. Yates, S. Couris, M.E. Pemble, E. Koudoumas, N. Katsarakis, One pot direct hydrothermal growth of photoactive TiO2 films on glass
J. of Photochem. and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 202(2-3), 81-85,2009 - A. H. Reshak, A. Majchrowski, M. ´Swirkowicz, A. Kłos,T. Lukasiewicz, I.V. Kityk, K. Iliopoulos, S. Couris, M.G. Brik, Optical features of calcium neodymium oxyborate Ca4NdO(BO3)3 doped by Yb3+ compounds
J. Alloys Compounds, 481(1-2), 14-16,2009 - C. Letty, A. Pastore, E. Mastorakos, R. Balachandran, S. Couris, Comparison of electrical and laser spark emission spectroscopy for fuel concentration measurements
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 34(3), 338-345,2010 - A. Meristoudi, K. Iliopoulos, S. Pispas, N. Vainos, S. Couris, Development and nonlinear optical properties of block copolymers micelles encapsulating metal nanoparticles
AIP Conf. Proc. 1288, 35-38,2010 - R. R. Zalesny, O. Loboda, K. Iliopoulos, G. Chatzikyriakos, S. Couris, G. Rotas, N. Tagmatarchis, A. Avramopoulos, M. G. Papadopoulos, Linear and nonlinear optical properties of triphenylamine-functionalized C60: insights from theory and experiment
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 12(2), 373-381,2010 - G. Chatzikyriakos, P. Aloukos, S. Couris, G.C. Anyfantis, G.C. Papavassiliou, NLO properties of a new Au-dithiolene complex
AIP Conf. Proc. 1288, 151-153,2010 - G. Chatzikyriakos, K. Iliopoulos, A. Bakandritsos, S. Couris, Nonlinear optical properties of aqueous dispersions of ferromagnetic γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles
Chem. Phys. Lett., 493(4-6), 314-318,2010 - G. Chatzikyriakos, K. Iliopoulos, S. Couris, A. Meristoudi, S. Pispas, Nonlinear optical properties of Au and Ag nanoparticles embedded into hybrid-block copolymer micelles
AIP Conf. Proc. 1288, 174-177,2010 - G. Soras, N. Psaroudakis, G.A. Mousdis, M. J. Manos, A. J. Tasiopoulos, P. Aloukos, S. Couris, P. Labéguerie, J. Lipinski, A. Avramopoulos, M. G. Papadopoulos, Synthesis and non-linear optical properties of some novel nickel derivatives
Chem. Phys., 372(1-3), 33-45,2010 - V. Filidou, G. Chatzikyriakos, K. Iliopoulos, S. Couris, D. Bonifazi, The effect of charge transfer on the NLO response of some porphyrin-[60]fullerene dyads
AIP Conf. Proc. 1288, 188-191,2010 - P. Aloukos, G. Chatzikyriakos, I. Papagiannouli; N. Liaros, S. Couris, Transient Nonlinear Optical Response of some Symmetrical Nickel Dithiolene Complexes
Chem. Phys. Lett., 495(4-6), 245-250,2010 - A. Bakandritsos, G. Mattheolabakis, G. Chatzikyriakos, T. Szabo, V. Tzitzios, D. Kouzoudis, S. Couris, K. Avgoustakis, Doxorubicin Nanocarriers Based on Magnetic Colloids with a bio-Polyelectrolyte Corona and High Non-Linear Optical Response: Synthesis, Characterization and Properties
Adv. Funct. Mater. 21(8), 1465-1475,2011 - G. Chatzikyriakos, N. Liaros, A. Bakandritsos, S. Couris, Effects of the surface coating and of the size on the nonlinear optical response of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
Int. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks, art. no. 5970956, ,2011 - K. Iliopoulos, G. Hatzikyriakos, S. Couris, J. Ren, T. Wagner, M. Frumar, F. Kyriazis, S.N. Yannopoulos, GeS2-Ga2S3-AgI glasses with high nonlinear optical properties
Int. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks, art. no. 5971094, ,2011 - G. Chatzikyriakos, I. Papagiannouli, S. Couris, G.C. Anyfantis, G.C. Papavassiliou, Nonlinear optical response of a symmetrical Au dithiolene complex under ps and ns laser excitation in the infrared and in the visible
Chem. Phys. Lett. 513(4-6), 229-235,2011 - P. Aloukos, K. Iliopoulos, S. Couris, D. Guldi, C. Sooambar, A. Mateo-Alonso, P.G. Nagaswaran, D. Bonifazi, M. Prato, Photophysics and transient nonlinear optical response of donor–[60]fullerene hybrids
J. Mater. Chem., 21(8), 2524-2534,2011 - K. Iliopoulos, G. Chatzikyriakos, M. Demetriou, T. Krasia-Christoforou, S. Couris, Preparation and nonlinear optical response of novel palladium-containing micellar nanohybrids
Opt. Mater. 33(8), 1342-1349,2011 - M. Kotzagianni, S. Couris,, Femtosecond Laser Induced Breakdown for Combustion Diagnostics
Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 (26), art. no. 264104 , ,2012 - I. Papagiannouli, K. Iliopoulos, D. Gindre, B. Sahraoui, O. Krupka, V. Smokal, A. Kolendo, S. Couris, Third-order Nonlinear Optical Response of Push-Pull Azobenzene Polymers
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