Course Code PLC212
Semester 4
Category Basic
Points 3
ECTS Units 4
Recommended Reading

1.University Physics, H. D. Young, Τόμος Β: Ηλεκτρομαγνητισμός- Οπτική- Σύγχρονη Φυσική, Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση
2.Physics, Halliday-Resnick, Μέρος Β, Γ.Α.Πνευματικός επιστημονικές και τεχνικές εκδόσεις
3.Berceley Physics Course, τόμος 2ος, E.M. Purcell, Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις ΕΜΠ
4.Fundamental University Physics,, Alonso/Finn, τόμος ΙΙ, Ρεσβάνης-Φίλλιπας
5.Electricity, K. Alexopoulos, τόμος Β.

Course Description

Α. Introduction

Resistors -Voltmeters- Ammeters.

(Compulsory supplement of all tasks)

Β. Tasks

1. Μeasurement of the frequency of alternating current.
2. Μeasurement of the magnetic field of cyclic loops and coils.
3. Finding the e/me ratio of the electron.
4. Study of electrostatic fields.
5. Calculation of the phase difference between voltage and current with a wattmeter. Phasor diagrams.
6. Study of magnetic hysteresis loop.
7. Study of circuits with alternating currents.
8. Characteristic curves of a transformer.