Course Code | EEC442N |
Semester | 6 |
Category | |
Points | 3 |
ECTS Units | 5 |
Eclass |
Recommended Reading
Textbooks in Greek language
“Quantum Mechanics I”, S Trachanas, Crete University Press, 2005.
“An Introduction on Molecular Physics”, P. Giannoulis, University of Patras.
“Molecular Quantum Mechanics”, P. W. Atkins, 2nd Edition, Papazisi Editions, Athens, 1999.
“Physical Chemistry”, Peter Atkins and Julio De Paula, Crete University Press, Heraklion, 2014.
Textbooks in English
A.M. Fox. Atomic Physics,
W. Demtroder: Atoms, Molecules & Photons, Springer-Verlang. 2006
“Structure of Molecules and the Chemical bond”, Y. K. Syrkin and M. E. Dyatkina, N. Y. Dover.
“Quantum Theory of Molecular Electronic Structure Benjamin”, R. G. Parr.
“Spectra of Diatomic Molecules” (I), G. Herzberg.
“Infrared and Raman Spectra” (II), G. Herzberg.
The Fundamendals of Atomic and Molecular Physics, R. L. Brooks, Springer,2013.
Physics of Atoms and Molecules, B. H. Bransden and C. J. Joachain, 2nd
Edition, Pearson Education Ltd, 2003.
Course Description
Αtomic Physics:
Classical approach of emission of radiation.
Schrodinger equation and the Hydrogen atom.
Transitions between energy states and emission of radiation. Quantum approach of radiating dipoles – Electric dipole transitions and higher order transitions. Average lifetime of atoms on an excited state. Linewidth and shape of spectral lines. Natural linewidth and reasons for its broadening.
The shell model and alkali atoms. Central field approximation. Periodic table. Active potentials.
Fine structure. Spit-orbit interaction. Total (spin and orbital) angular momentum (J).
LS (orbital and spin angular momentum) coupling. JJ coupling. Hyper fine structure.
Influence of external fiels on atoms. Zeeman, Paschen-Back & Stark effects. Examples.
Μolecular Physics:
I. Theory of chemical bond
Αdiabatic (Born-Oppenheimer) approximation. Hellman – Feynman theorem. Virial theorem.
Introduction to the quantum mechanical theory of the chemical bond. Ion of hydrogen molecule (H2+). Hydrogen molecule (H2). Heitler – London (Valence bond) theory and molecular orbital (MO) theory. Homonuclear diatomic molecules. Covalent bonding. Electrons in an axially symmetric field. Description of diatomic molecules with the molecular orbital and the valence bond theories. Symbolism of states of diatomic molecules. Total angular momentum of electrons. Heteronuclear diatomic molecules. Ionic bonding. Polyatomic molecules – Stater determinant. Hybridization of atomic orbitals. Conjugated molecules. Hydrogen bonding. Van der Waals interactions. London dispersion forces.
II. Molecular spectra
Rotation and vibration of diatomic molecules. Rotational spectra. Vibrational spectra. Rotational – vibrational spectra. Vibration modes of polyatomic molecules. Raman spectra. Molecular electronic states. Electronic spectra due to transitions between different electronic states. Franck – Condon principle. Excited state decay with emission of radiation. Ionization energy and electron affinity.