Recommended Reading
1 “Atmospheric Pollution with elements of meteorology, M. Lazaridis, Eds Tziola, 2005 (A textbook in Greek language)
2 “Atmospheric Pollution”. J. Yentekakis, Eds Tziola, 2003 (A textbook in Greek language)
3 “Atmospheric Pollution”, M.Z. Jacobson, Cambridge University Press, 2002
4 “Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: from air pollution to climate change”, J.H. Seinfield, S.N. Pandis, John Wiley & Sons, 2006
Course Description
1.Solar radiation and structure of the atmosphere
Absorption, Scattering, Radiative transfer in the atmosphere, Vertical profiles of atmospheric constituents
2. Chemical compounds of air pollution
Properties, Emission Sources, Primary and secondary pollutants, Photochemical smog
3. Aerosols
Properties, Emission sources, Optical properties, Direct and indirect effect on climate change
4. Measurements of atmospheric pollution
Analysis of samples, differential absorption, Remote sensing, Light detection and ranging
5. Dispersion of air pollutants
Atmospheric dispersion, Turbulence, Elements of fluid mechanics, atmospheric dispersion models, Gauss plume model