Associate Professor
The Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Division
Building C - 2nd Floor
Department of Physics, University of Patras
+30 2610 996080
Hours Availability:
Tuesday 9:00-11:00, Friday 9:00-10:00 and any other time arranged by email.
Short Bio

Academic Career:

  • 2024: Associate Professor, Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics. Department of Physics, University of Patras, (Greece).
  • 2019-2023: Assistant Professor, Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics. Department of Physics, University of Patras (Greece).
  • 2017-2019: Assistant Professor (tenured) of Magnetohydrodynamics, Durham University, Department of Mathematical Sciences (UK).
  • 2015- 2017: Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Leeds (UK).
  • 2012 – 2014: Post-Doctoral Researcher, Department of Physics, McGill University (Canada)
  • 2009-2012: Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Purdue University (USA).


  • 2005-2009: PhD, “Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics”, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, supervised by Prof D. Lynden-Bell.
  • 2004-2005: Part III of the Mathematical Tripos, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge.
  • 2000-2004: BSc in Physics, University of Patras, Greece.

Prizes – Awards – Scholarships

  • Honorary Fellow, Durham University (UK, 2019).
  • Research Visitor, Leeds University, (UK, 2019).
  • 2015: Best Post-Doc Talk Prize, UK MHD meeting, Northumbria University.
  • 2012-2014: Centre for Research in Astrophysics of Québec Fellowship, McGill University.
  • 2005-2009: Isaac Newton Studentship for study in Astronomy and Gravitation, University of Cambridge
  • 2004-2009: Master and PhD Studentship, Cambridge EU Trusts, Vergottis Fund.
  • 2005-2009: PhD Studentship, Science and Technology Funding Council, University of Cambridge.
  • 2007: Marie Curie Innovative Training Network, Fellow, MPA, Garching.
  • 2000-2004: Scholarship awarded by the Foundation of National Scholarships, Greece, Undergraduate Prize Scholarship .
  • 2000: Entry at University, Prize Scholarship awarded by the Foundation of National Scholarships, Greece.

NASA ADS Profile

Google Scholar Profile

Research Activities
  1. A.P. Igoshev, A. Frantsuzova, K.N. Gourgouliatos, S. Tsichli, L. Konstantinou, S.B. Popov, “Initial periods and magnetic fields of neutron stars”, 2022, MNRAS, 514, 4606.
  2. V. Barkov, P. Sharma, K.N. Gourgouliatos, M. Lyutikov, “Relativistic Magnetic Explosions”, 2022, ApJ, 934, 140.
  3. K.N. Gourgouliatos, D. De Grandis, A. Igoshev, “Magnetic Field Evolution in Neutron Star Crusts: Beyond the Hall Effect”, Symmetry, 14, 1, 130, 2022.
  4. G. Chouliaras, K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Application of an Upwind integration method to plane parallel Hall-MHD”, Astronomy and Computing, 100553, 2022.
  5. K.N. Gourgouliatos, S.K. Lander, “Axisymmetric magneto-plastic evolution of neutron-star crusts”, MNRAS, 506, 3, pp.3578-3587, 2021.
  6. V. Karageorgopoulos, K.N. Gourgouliatos, V. Geroyannis, “Polytropic wind solutions via the Complex Plane Strategy”, Astronomy and Computing, Volume 36, article id. 100491, 2021
  7. J. Matsumoto, S.S. Komissarov, K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Magnetic Inhibition of the Recollimation Instability in Relativistic Jets”, MNRAS, 503, 4, pp.4918-4929, 2021
  8. A. Igoshev, K.N. Gourgouliatos, R. Hollerbach, T. Wood, “3D Magnetothermal Simulations of Tangled Crustal Magnetic Field in Central Compact Objects, ApJ”, 909, 2, 101, 9 pp., 2021
  9. H. Abdalla et al., “Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array for probing cosmology and fundamental physics with gamma-ray propagation”, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Issue 02, article id. 048, 2021.
  10. A. Igoshev, R. Hollerbach, T.S. Wood, K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Strong toroidal magnetic fields required by quiescent X-ray emission of magnetars”, Nature Astronomy, 215, 2020.
  11. D. De Grandis, D., R. Turolla, T.S. Wood, S. Zane, R. Taverna, K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Three-dimensional Modeling of the Magnetothermal Evolution of Neutron Stars: Method and Test Cases”, ApJ, 903, 40, 2020.
  12. K.N. Gourgouliatos, R. Hollerbach, & A. Igoshev “Powering central compact objects with a tangled crustal magnetic field”, MNRAS, 495, 1692, 2020.
  13. K.N. Gourgouliatos & Jose Pons “Nonaxisymmetric Hall instability: A key to understanding magnetars”, Physical Review Research, 1, 032049, 2019. 
  14. S. Komissarov, K.N. Gourgouliatos, J. Matsumoto “Magnetic inhibition of the centrifugal instability”, MNRAS, 488, 4061, 2019.
  15. V. Karageorgopoulos, K.N. Gourgouliatos, I. Contopoulos “Current closure through the neutron star crust”, MNRAS, 487, 3333, 2019. 
  16. A. Acharyya et al. “Monte Carlo studies for the optimisation of the Cherenkov Telescope Array layout”, Astroparticle Physics, 111, 35, 2019.
  17. S.K. Lander & K.N. Gourgouliatos “Magnetic-field evolution in a plastically failing neutron star crust”, MNRAS 486, 4130, 2019.
  18. C. Prior & K.N. Gourgouliatos “Observational signatures of magnetic field structure in relativistic AGN jets”, A&A 622, 122, 2019.
  19. K.N. Gourgouliatos & D. Lynden-Bell “Coupled axisymmetric pulsar magnetospheres”, MNRAS 482, 1942, 2019.
  20. K.N. Gourgouliatos, R. Hollerbach, R.F. Archibald “Modelling neutron star magnetic fields” Astronomy and Geophysics, 59, 37, 2018.
  21. K.N. Gourgouliatos & Paolo Esposito “Strongly magnetised pulsars: explosive events and evolution” book chapter “The Physics of Neutron Stars” Springer Astronomy and Astrophysics Library, in press.
  22. K.N. Gourgouliatos & S.S. Komissarov “Relativistic Centrifugal Instability”, MNRAS Letters,  475, 125, 2018.
  23. K.N. Gourgouliatos & S.S. Komissarov “Reconfinement and loss of stability in jets from active galactic nuclei”, Nature Astronomy, 2, 167, 2018.
  24. R.D. Ferdman, R.F. Archibald, K.N. Gourgouliatos, V.M. Kaspi “The Glitches and Rotational History of the Highly Energetic Young Pulsar PSR J0537-6910”, ApJ, 852, 123, 2018.
  25. K.N. Gourgouliatos & R. Hollerbach “Magnetic Axis Drift and Magnetic Spot Formation in Neutron Stars with Toroidal Fields”, ApJ, 562, 12, 2018.
  26. K.N. Gourgouliatos & R. Hollerbach “Resistive Tearing Instability in Electron-MHD: Application to Neutron Star Crusts”, MNRAS, 463, 3381, 2016. 
  27. K.N. Gourgouliatos, T. Wood, R. Hollerbach “Magnetic Field Evolution in Magnetar Crusts through three dimensional simulations”, Proc. of the National Acad. of Science, 113, 3944, 2016.
  28. K.N. Gourgouliatos, T. Kondic, M. Lyutikov, R. Hollerbach “Magnetar Activity via the Density Shearing Instability in Hall-MHD”, MNRAS Letters, 453, 93, 2015. 
  29. K.N. Gourgouliatos & A. Cumming “Hall drift and the braking indices of young pulsars”, MNRAS, 446, 1121, 2015.
  30. K.N. Gourgouliatos & A. Cumming, “Hall Attractor in Axially Symmetric Magnetic Fields”, Physical Review Letters, 112, 171101, 2014.
  31. K.N. Gourgouliatos & A. Cumming, “Hall effect in neutron star crusts: evolution, endpoint and dependence on initial conditions”, MNRAS 438, 1618, 2014. 
  32. K.N. Gourgouliatos, A. Cumming, A. Reisenegger, C. Armaza, M. Lyutikov, J.A. Valdivia, “Hall equilibria with toroidal and poloidal fields: application to neutron stars”, MNRAS, 434, 2480, 2013.
  33. D. Tsang & K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Timing Noise in Pulsars and Magnetars and the Magnetospheric Moment of Inertia”, ApJL, 773, 17, 2013.
  34. R.F. Archibald, V.M. Kaspi, C.Y. Ng, K.N. Gourgouliatos, D. Tsang, P. Scholz, A.P. Beardmore, N. Gehrels, J.A. Kennea, “An anti-glitch in a magnetar”, Nature, 497, 591, 2013.  
  35. B. B. P. Perera, D. Lomiashvili, K. N. Gourgouliatos, M. A. McLaughlin, M. Lyutikov, “PSR J0737−3039B: A probe of radio pulsar emission heights”, ApJ, 750, 130, 2012.
  36. K.N. Gourgouliatos & M. Lyutikov, “Dynamics of rising magnetic cavities and UHECR acceleration in clusters of galaxies”, MNRAS, 420, 505, 2012.
  37. K.N. Gourgouliatos, Ch. Fendt, E. Clausen-Brown, M. Lyutikov, “Magnetic field structure of relativistic jets without current sheets”, MNRAS, 419, 3048, 2012.
  38. M. Lyutikov & K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Coronal mass ejections as expanding force-free structures”, Solar Physics 270, 537, 2011.
  39. K.N. Gourgouliatos & D. Lynden-Bell, “Corotating light cylinders and Alfvén waves”, MNRAS 410, 257, 2011.
  40. K.N. Gourgouliatos, J. Braithwaite & M. Lyutikov, “Structure of magnetic fields in intracluster cavities”, MNRAS, 409, 1660, 2010.
  41. K.N. Gourgouliatos & N. Vlahakis, “Relativistic expansion of a magnetized fluid”, Astrophysical and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, 104, 431, 2010.
  42. K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Relativistic magnetohydrodynamics”, The Observatory, 129, 396, 2009.
  43. K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Relativistically expanding cylindrical electromagnetic fields”, MNRAS, 396, 2399, 2009.
    Erratum: 401, 2816, 2010.
  44. A.A. Christou, F. Lewis, P. Roche, Y. Hashimoto, D. O’Donoghue, H. Worters, D.A.H. Buckley, T. Michalowski, D.J. Asher, A. Bitsaki, A. Psalidas, V. Tsamis, K.N. Gourgouliatos, A. Liakos, M.G. Hidas, T.M. Brown, “Observational detection of eight mutual eclipses and occultations between the satellites of Uranus”, A&A 497, 589, 2009.
  45. K.N. Gourgouliatos, D. Lynden-Bell, “Fields from a relativistic magnetic explosion”, MNRAS, 391, 268, 2008.
  46. K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Self-similar magnetic arcades”, MNRAS, 385, 875, 2008.
  47. K.N. Gourgouliatos & C.S. Jeffery, “On the angular momentum evolution of merged white dwarfs”, MNRAS, 371, 1381, 2006.