Title: |
Associate Professor |
Division: |
The Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Division |
Office: |
Building C - 2nd Floor |
Address: |
Department of Physics, University of Patras |
Phone: |
+30 2610 996080 |
Email: |
kngourg@upatras.gr |
Hours Availability: |
Tuesday 9:00-11:00, Friday 9:00-10:00 and any other time arranged by email. |
1st Semester
Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry
6th Semester
Electromagnetism II
8th Semester
Short Bio
Academic Career:
- 2024: Associate Professor, Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics. Department of Physics, University of Patras, (Greece).
- 2019-2023: Assistant Professor, Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics. Department of Physics, University of Patras (Greece).
- 2017-2019: Assistant Professor (tenured) of Magnetohydrodynamics, Durham University, Department of Mathematical Sciences (UK).
- 2015- 2017: Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Leeds (UK).
- 2012 – 2014: Post-Doctoral Researcher, Department of Physics, McGill University (Canada)
- 2009-2012: Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Purdue University (USA).
- 2005-2009: PhD, “Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics”, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, supervised by Prof D. Lynden-Bell.
- 2004-2005: Part III of the Mathematical Tripos, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge.
- 2000-2004: BSc in Physics, University of Patras, Greece.
Prizes – Awards – Scholarships
- Honorary Fellow, Durham University (UK, 2019).
- Research Visitor, Leeds University, (UK, 2019).
- 2015: Best Post-Doc Talk Prize, UK MHD meeting, Northumbria University.
- 2012-2014: Centre for Research in Astrophysics of Québec Fellowship, McGill University.
- 2005-2009: Isaac Newton Studentship for study in Astronomy and Gravitation, University of Cambridge
- 2004-2009: Master and PhD Studentship, Cambridge EU Trusts, Vergottis Fund.
- 2005-2009: PhD Studentship, Science and Technology Funding Council, University of Cambridge.
- 2007: Marie Curie Innovative Training Network, Fellow, MPA, Garching.
- 2000-2004: Scholarship awarded by the Foundation of National Scholarships, Greece, Undergraduate Prize Scholarship .
- 2000: Entry at University, Prize Scholarship awarded by the Foundation of National Scholarships, Greece.
Research Activities
- A.P. Igoshev, A. Frantsuzova, K.N. Gourgouliatos, S. Tsichli, L. Konstantinou, S.B. Popov, “Initial periods and magnetic fields of neutron stars”, 2022, MNRAS, 514, 4606.
- V. Barkov, P. Sharma, K.N. Gourgouliatos, M. Lyutikov, “Relativistic Magnetic Explosions”, 2022, ApJ, 934, 140.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, D. De Grandis, A. Igoshev, “Magnetic Field Evolution in Neutron Star Crusts: Beyond the Hall Effect”, Symmetry, 14, 1, 130, 2022.
- G. Chouliaras, K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Application of an Upwind integration method to plane parallel Hall-MHD”, Astronomy and Computing, 100553, 2022.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, S.K. Lander, “Axisymmetric magneto-plastic evolution of neutron-star crusts”, MNRAS, 506, 3, pp.3578-3587, 2021.
- V. Karageorgopoulos, K.N. Gourgouliatos, V. Geroyannis, “Polytropic wind solutions via the Complex Plane Strategy”, Astronomy and Computing, Volume 36, article id. 100491, 2021
- J. Matsumoto, S.S. Komissarov, K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Magnetic Inhibition of the Recollimation Instability in Relativistic Jets”, MNRAS, 503, 4, pp.4918-4929, 2021
- A. Igoshev, K.N. Gourgouliatos, R. Hollerbach, T. Wood, “3D Magnetothermal Simulations of Tangled Crustal Magnetic Field in Central Compact Objects, ApJ”, 909, 2, 101, 9 pp., 2021
- H. Abdalla et al., “Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array for probing cosmology and fundamental physics with gamma-ray propagation”, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Issue 02, article id. 048, 2021.
- A. Igoshev, R. Hollerbach, T.S. Wood, K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Strong toroidal magnetic fields required by quiescent X-ray emission of magnetars”, Nature Astronomy, 215, 2020.
- D. De Grandis, D., R. Turolla, T.S. Wood, S. Zane, R. Taverna, K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Three-dimensional Modeling of the Magnetothermal Evolution of Neutron Stars: Method and Test Cases”, ApJ, 903, 40, 2020.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, R. Hollerbach, & A. Igoshev “Powering central compact objects with a tangled crustal magnetic field”, MNRAS, 495, 1692, 2020.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & Jose Pons “Nonaxisymmetric Hall instability: A key to understanding magnetars”, Physical Review Research, 1, 032049, 2019.
- S. Komissarov, K.N. Gourgouliatos, J. Matsumoto “Magnetic inhibition of the centrifugal instability”, MNRAS, 488, 4061, 2019.
- V. Karageorgopoulos, K.N. Gourgouliatos, I. Contopoulos “Current closure through the neutron star crust”, MNRAS, 487, 3333, 2019.
- A. Acharyya et al. “Monte Carlo studies for the optimisation of the Cherenkov Telescope Array layout”, Astroparticle Physics, 111, 35, 2019.
- S.K. Lander & K.N. Gourgouliatos “Magnetic-field evolution in a plastically failing neutron star crust”, MNRAS 486, 4130, 2019.
- C. Prior & K.N. Gourgouliatos “Observational signatures of magnetic field structure in relativistic AGN jets”, A&A 622, 122, 2019.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & D. Lynden-Bell “Coupled axisymmetric pulsar magnetospheres”, MNRAS 482, 1942, 2019.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, R. Hollerbach, R.F. Archibald “Modelling neutron star magnetic fields” Astronomy and Geophysics, 59, 37, 2018.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & Paolo Esposito “Strongly magnetised pulsars: explosive events and evolution” book chapter “The Physics of Neutron Stars” Springer Astronomy and Astrophysics Library, in press.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & S.S. Komissarov “Relativistic Centrifugal Instability”, MNRAS Letters, 475, 125, 2018.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & S.S. Komissarov “Reconfinement and loss of stability in jets from active galactic nuclei”, Nature Astronomy, 2, 167, 2018.
- R.D. Ferdman, R.F. Archibald, K.N. Gourgouliatos, V.M. Kaspi “The Glitches and Rotational History of the Highly Energetic Young Pulsar PSR J0537-6910”, ApJ, 852, 123, 2018.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & R. Hollerbach “Magnetic Axis Drift and Magnetic Spot Formation in Neutron Stars with Toroidal Fields”, ApJ, 562, 12, 2018.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & R. Hollerbach “Resistive Tearing Instability in Electron-MHD: Application to Neutron Star Crusts”, MNRAS, 463, 3381, 2016.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, T. Wood, R. Hollerbach “Magnetic Field Evolution in Magnetar Crusts through three dimensional simulations”, Proc. of the National Acad. of Science, 113, 3944, 2016.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, T. Kondic, M. Lyutikov, R. Hollerbach “Magnetar Activity via the Density Shearing Instability in Hall-MHD”, MNRAS Letters, 453, 93, 2015.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & A. Cumming “Hall drift and the braking indices of young pulsars”, MNRAS, 446, 1121, 2015.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & A. Cumming, “Hall Attractor in Axially Symmetric Magnetic Fields”, Physical Review Letters, 112, 171101, 2014.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & A. Cumming, “Hall effect in neutron star crusts: evolution, endpoint and dependence on initial conditions”, MNRAS 438, 1618, 2014.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, A. Cumming, A. Reisenegger, C. Armaza, M. Lyutikov, J.A. Valdivia, “Hall equilibria with toroidal and poloidal fields: application to neutron stars”, MNRAS, 434, 2480, 2013.
- D. Tsang & K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Timing Noise in Pulsars and Magnetars and the Magnetospheric Moment of Inertia”, ApJL, 773, 17, 2013.
- R.F. Archibald, V.M. Kaspi, C.Y. Ng, K.N. Gourgouliatos, D. Tsang, P. Scholz, A.P. Beardmore, N. Gehrels, J.A. Kennea, “An anti-glitch in a magnetar”, Nature, 497, 591, 2013.
- B. B. P. Perera, D. Lomiashvili, K. N. Gourgouliatos, M. A. McLaughlin, M. Lyutikov, “PSR J0737−3039B: A probe of radio pulsar emission heights”, ApJ, 750, 130, 2012.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & M. Lyutikov, “Dynamics of rising magnetic cavities and UHECR acceleration in clusters of galaxies”, MNRAS, 420, 505, 2012.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, Ch. Fendt, E. Clausen-Brown, M. Lyutikov, “Magnetic field structure of relativistic jets without current sheets”, MNRAS, 419, 3048, 2012.
- M. Lyutikov & K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Coronal mass ejections as expanding force-free structures”, Solar Physics 270, 537, 2011.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & D. Lynden-Bell, “Corotating light cylinders and Alfvén waves”, MNRAS 410, 257, 2011.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, J. Braithwaite & M. Lyutikov, “Structure of magnetic fields in intracluster cavities”, MNRAS, 409, 1660, 2010.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & N. Vlahakis, “Relativistic expansion of a magnetized fluid”, Astrophysical and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, 104, 431, 2010.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Relativistic magnetohydrodynamics”, The Observatory, 129, 396, 2009.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Relativistically expanding cylindrical electromagnetic fields”, MNRAS, 396, 2399, 2009.
Erratum: 401, 2816, 2010. - A.A. Christou, F. Lewis, P. Roche, Y. Hashimoto, D. O’Donoghue, H. Worters, D.A.H. Buckley, T. Michalowski, D.J. Asher, A. Bitsaki, A. Psalidas, V. Tsamis, K.N. Gourgouliatos, A. Liakos, M.G. Hidas, T.M. Brown, “Observational detection of eight mutual eclipses and occultations between the satellites of Uranus”, A&A 497, 589, 2009.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, D. Lynden-Bell, “Fields from a relativistic magnetic explosion”, MNRAS, 391, 268, 2008.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos, “Self-similar magnetic arcades”, MNRAS, 385, 875, 2008.
- K.N. Gourgouliatos & C.S. Jeffery, “On the angular momentum evolution of merged white dwarfs”, MNRAS, 371, 1381, 2006.