Course Code ECS04
Semester 1
ECTS Credits 8
Proposed Bibliography
  1. Fiore M. James, Embedded Controllers: Using C and Arduino, version 2.0, May 2015.
  2. Boxal John, Arduino Workshop: A Hands-on Introduction with 65 Projects, No Starch Press, 2013.
  3. Gertz Emily, Di Justo Patrick, Environmental Monitoring with Arduino, O’Reilly, 2012.
  4. Wheat Dale, Arduino Internals, Apress, 2011.
  5. Banzi Massimo, Getting Started with Arduino, O’Reilly, 2011.
  6. Evans Brian, Beginning Arduino Programming, Apress 2011.
  7. Purdum Jack, Beginning C for Arduino, APress, 2012.
  8. Pajankar Aswin, “Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Programming”, Packt Publishing, May 2015.
Course Description
  • Introduction: Systems of signal receiving and registering, microcontrollers and sensors, embedded systems.
  • Introduction to sensors: General features – limitations, types and arrays of sensors, connection and calibration techniques
  • Architecture of Microcontrollers: Families – categories of microcontrollers, Arduino platform (structure and features)

Structure – capabilities and basic architecture features of Atmega 328, Peripheral units and interrupts.

  • Introduction to Arduino programming: Arduino IDE environment, programming of microcontrollers using C, structure of Sketch, types of data / operators. Development and call of functions, call of functions from libraries, creation of libraries. Bitwise operators and management of registers.
  • Architecture and programming of Atmega328 peripheral units: Management of digital and analog inputs/outputs, management of timers and interrupts. Communication SPI, I2C and Ethernet with serial interface.
  • Systems of receivers, registers and computers: Management tools of signal receiving and registering to computers. Basic Features, Organization and management of information data. LabView and systems of data collection. Applications and systems examples.
  • Introduction: Raspberry Pi 3 and system on chip (SoC) architectures. IoT and monitoring/recognition architectures. Operating systems and Python programming