Course Code ECS03
Semester 1
ECTS Credits 8
Proposed Bibliography

Digital Processing and Image Analysis N. Papamakarios 2010
“Machine Vision Rammesh Jai, R. Kasturi and B. G. Schunck McGraw Hill
Digital Image Processing Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods Addison-Wesley (Sd)
Antoniou “Digital Signal Processing”
Mitra “Digital Signal Processing – A computer based approach”
S.Fotopoulos “Digital Signal Processing –Basic concepts and applications” (in Greek)

Course Description
  1. Introduction – Color – Image Formation – Applications: Color transfer.
  2. Image enhancement – filtering
  3. Edge detection
  4. Image Segmentation
  5. Descriptors: HOG-Harris – SIFT
  6. Video Description
  7. Sampling, Quantization, Digital sequences, Z-transform
  8. Fourier, DFT, FFT, Spectral analysis, Meaning of phase
  9. Filters and Adaptive Filters
  10. Image analysis (Supplement mostly on Shape and Texture)
  11. Image restoration and inverse problems
  12. Superesolution
  13. Thermal Imaging